Friday, March 28, 2008

I spoke too soon

I always seem to be eating my words when I post about things getting better or slowing down on my blog. Not two days after my last post, I pretty much had a meltdown. I had a lot of stuff I wanted to do in Alpharetta, but I ended up having to do a TON of stuff in Covington/Conyers instead, so I never got to Alpharetta until that evening about 10 minutes before Tom got home from work. Also, some of the wedding work I had been doing in Covington ended up going down the tubes, and we had somewhere to be in two hours, so I had basically no time to do what I had come to Alpharetta to do. And there's more, but I won't go into it. It was VERY frustrating to say the least, and Tom was being really sweet and listening to me vent while we carried in some stuff from my car. As I bent to set it down (still talking and looking to my left at Tom), I smacked the bone above my eyeball on the corner of our glass dining room table. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

I lost it. Just sat down and burst into tears. My eye region REALLY hurt, and I was pretty much convinced I was going to get an ugly bruise from it and it would ruin our wedding pictures. I get bruises all the time, and it still hurts to make any expression with my eyes on the right side of my face, so that's a valid fear, but I've been praying to be wrong. I don't want it to finally blossom out all purple and brown two days before the wedding, as sometimes it takes my bruises a week to show up. Anyway, Tom finally got me to feel like things couldn't get worse, so they had to get better, and we had a good night at Robert Lee's junior recital and eating afterwards with Daniel and Jessica.

Then I had to drive back. I got to bed around 3AM, and I got up (overslept, to be honest) and went to my last Precept Bible Study at church since I'm moving after the wedding and can't go next week. Then I did some wedding stuff at home, and then I babysat from 5-10.

Tomorrow, I have to check in on rehearsal dinner and wedding rsvps, have a tanning bed appointment at 9:15 am, then I have the 7-day meeting to attend with mom at the reception site. Then she and I are headed over to the florists to talk with her about the cake and other stuff. Then it's back to Covington, where I need to pack and get gas in my car, renew stuff at the library, fax the church rules on pictures to the photographer, and meet Tom to get our marriage license. Which we probably shouldn't have waited until now to do, but it's hard being long distance and doing all this stuff before 4:30. Which reminds me that I need to get cash so that we can pay for the license.

After that, we will be heading out to Augusta to see my niece in her first ballet recital, with a little party afterwards. Saturday, it's back to Covington to try out the Lancome people for bridal make up.

WHEW. I'm tired just thinking about it. I don't really know why anyone would want to read all I'm's more of a documentation of it so I can look back and remember....this was the week before I got married. hahaha

Bed time.


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