Wednesday, January 31, 2007

P is for Procrastination

Well, I have a Spanish Quiz tomorrow and a Developmental Psych exam on Friday, but I noticed recently that I haven't updated this site in a while, and so here I am. Updating. Actually, my Span quiz was supposed to be yesterday, so I had already studied for it for about 3 hours and will review again tonight and tomorrow, and I studied some for my exam yesterday. (And will do more of that today)

Anyway, what's new with me? Well, I've been at school for several weeks now, but my schedule keeps changing up. Basically, I do 6 hours of Psych research a week (last semester I did 9 per week), and I receive an hour's worth of credit for every 3 hours of work I do. So, with that and my classes, I am in 9 hours credit of class...just under full-time status for my last semester, but still getting HOPE-yay! haha But I am doing 13 hours of class/lab/research combined each week-they just don't give out credit that way. Anyway, I didn't start my psych research until this week since there were some tech problems with the computer program we are using this time around. Now it's all set, and I run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for two hours a day. I'm running my last group of the week right now, actually. The Psych research is a lot better this time around since I get a computer and they get computers-thank goodness! It's a lot less busy work this way.

My classes this semester are few but not easy. I have a Spanish class that focuses entirely on Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and it's cumulative, so that's tough. Also, the teacher for it happens to be the Spanish department advisor. YIKES! And my psych class is GREAT. I love it-it's Developmental Psychology, focusing on how children develop cognitively (and somewhat on how they develop physically) from conception to adulthood. I found my psychology of parenting class very interesting, and this class is just as interesting so far. I have a lab for it that covers controversial issues, and we have to read Taking Sides (this version focused on development) and do lots of writeups and have lots of discussions for it. It's really interesting to hear what my classmates think, but sometimes I wonder if certain people aren't talking just to hear themselves. I mean, some of the stuff that is said makes no sense. But that happens everywhere, so oh well.

Outside of school, I will also be starting some volunteer work at Bear Hollow Wildlife Trail soon. I'm going to be part of their new operant conditioning program, and I am SO excited about it. It will be awesome experience to have for working at Zoo Atlanta, and I can't wait to start. Only, I have to wait because we need a behaviorist to come out to help start the program by training us, and it's been hard to get one of them to make the time. I'll be working with a doe named Ginger, a bobcat, and some otters! I'm soooo excited...more about the otters and bobcat than Ginger, though. Deer just aren't as exciting to me, but I bet we'll start off working with her. Anyway, when that kicks in, I'll be doing that for a few hours 4 or 5 days a week.

I've been spending a lot of my weekends in Covington due to birthdays and wedding showers that have been going on in the last month, and it's been great to get some extra time in with friends and family at home, but I am also really excited about spending some time in Athens and in Atlanta in the next month so I can catch up with friends there. Tom's formal is going to be in South Carolina Feb 9-11, and I am SO excited to go on that trip and to spend time with friends in Theta Xi-I love those guys. And I also have a Great Gatsby themed datenight on February 23rd, and that should be A LOT of fun-dressing up in 1920's attire should be really amusing. Also, I'm going to spend various other weekends in Athens or Atlanta just visiting and chilling out a little bit, so that will give me a chance to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while. =)

Ok, my research is done for the week, and I am ready to get out of the psych building, so I will update later!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Tonight, I got on the facebook, and I saw an advertisement that said:

"The average person has 604,000 thoughts a day. Your natural gas shouldn't be one of them."

I know I'm not the only one who's mind did not immediately jump to heating a home upon reading that.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The last chapter...

I'm heading back to school tomorrow (instead of tonight, thanks to thick fog and heavy downpour) for my LAST semester of college. I can't believe that I am at this point...It's just so surreal. This year I'm facing graduation, finding a job (* prays for position at Zoo Atlanta*), moving back to Covington to save on rent, planning a wedding, figuring out what I need to register for, looking at a home for Tom and myself to buy for our married life, and being in or attending weddings for what feels like half the people I know between 20 and 25.....It's overwhelming. At this point next year, I'll be less than six months from my wedding and probably just as overwhelmed, if not more so. Life has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.

The good thing is that I can trust that life has good things in store for me. Come what may, God knows where my life will be and what I'll be doing. So that's one less thing I have to worry about. It's not always that easy to let go of the worry and realize that God is the only one who can control my life, but when I do, I have a peace that I can't even describe, so I try to remember to trust in him when I go about talking about my "plans" for the future. I know what I would like to do, but I don't know that I won't be flippin' burgers at McDonalds when I graduate, so I just have to trust that God will put me where I should be.

This break was really wonderful-I was so ready to get out of Athens to just breathe free from classes. I needed a chance to spend some time without that constant dread of the next paper, exam, lab report, group project, or homework. I spent a lot of time with my family, friends, and Tom, which was great. I got to sleep late, go shopping, watch tv, see movies, read books, and look at lots of wedding location and reception possibilities online. The last part was not really relaxing so much as it was necessary. I've looked at places from Athens to Atlanta to Lagrange to South Carolina, and let me tell you-planning this stuff isn't as easy as it should be. There is A LOT of stuff to consider, and I am in awe of my friends who can pull together in mere months (Seth and Rachel, Henry and Dana, and now Esther and Ben, to name a few who planned it under 6 months!!). Anyway, I really would rather keep it within an hour or so of Covington so that it's not so difficult to plan or for people to attend. I would LOVE to have it at The Vines Botanical Gardens in Loganville because it would be perfect, or in Athens because there are so many beautiful picture opportunities, but it kind of depends on budget stuff and location size and church availability and a million other factors that make it stressful to figure out. Atlanta isn't out of the picture, but I haven't had a chance to research it as much for places that I would actually enjoy having a reception at that we could also afford. It's just a lot to think about.

Tom and I did get our wedding bands in Atlanta towards the end of the semester (and I love them), and over the break I got my wedding dress. I wasn't thinking I would get a dress until this spring, but I had to go to David's Bridal anyway to pick up a bridesmaid dress for a wedding I'm going to be in this June, so I made an appointment to try on dresses while I was there. I was expecting to go in, try on dresses and veils/headpieces, and to take pictures in them, then to leave and look at the pictures later and continue to just think about what I like. But after trying on about a dozen dresses, I had found one that fit PERFECTLY and that I loved. We were still not sure about buying it that day, but when entered into the computer, the lady found that is was discontinued, meaning there was a slim chance I could get it anywhere if I didn't buy what was available and someone else got it. It also meant that other girls wouldn't be likely to wind up with my dress since it won't be made anymore, and it meant that we were getting a huge discount. All signs pointed to buying the dress, so we got it along with my favorite veil!! =) I am so happy that that is taken care of.

I also got to go to the Georgia Aquarium (FINALLY =) on the 4th of January. It was SO fun. Tom took me-he bought us a pair of annual passes for my Christmas present so that I could go whenever I want, and so that I could have him come with me so I wouldn't be alone. =) I saw some MASSIVE fish there, and I touched some cool stuff. In the touch pools, there were sea anemones, starfish, sea biscuits (or something similar to it in texture but purple and spiky-it might have just been a different version of an anemone), horseshoe crabs (I've touched one before), stingrays (touched and swam with them before), and sharks......I ACTUALLY TOUCHED A SHARK. I know-I'm a freak who loves animals and sea mammals and touches sea anemones and swims with sting rays (that don't have stingers) but am TERRIFIED of sharks and don't like to touch fish (unless feeding them to dolphins or some other creature like that). But I touched it. I think once is enough for me-they don't feel nice. They feel like they look. And they're scary, even if they are only 3-4 ft long.

I also heard from my Costa Rican family today! =) Wilfreddy called to tell me Happy New Years, and to catch up some. Their dog, which had 3 puppies a few weeks before I arrived, has had 5 more puppies since. Someone should spay Pella, but she does make the CUTEST puppies ever. Of course, Freysal is so rough with them that they probably think all little boys are the scariest thing in the world and will grow up emotionally scarred, so maybe they should spay her anyway. They have too many strays in Costa Rica anyway. =)

I better run! I have class at 10:10AM and I have to drive from Covington to Athens beforehand in this yucky weather.
Here goes everything,