Wednesday, September 20, 2006

As of today...

*I got 2/3s of my test grades back from last week and did way better than I thought I had.
*I got gas for $2.29/gallon.
*I saw the people I babysit for for the first time since April.
*I finished the season finale of Grey's Anatomy Season II, meaning I am totally caught up for Thursday.
*I got stuff for Jennifer and Justin's engagement party on Friday-I'm in charge of decorations.
*I have gotten way too little sleep.
*My room is messy, and I need to do laundry. And take out the trash.
*I have been asked about getting engaged every week this semester at some point at least once.
*Jordan (my older brother) is 24!!!! Happy Birthday, Jordan!
*The dawgs have shut-out against teams the last 2 weekends, and I am hoping they do it again against Colorado on Saturday-my final parents weekend with Gamma Phi.
*I had a decent conversation with my Spanish teacher, finally.
*People finally changed stuff up on my facebook page, and I'm not bored to tears with is anymore. .....I have never really cried over the facebook. Just to be clear.

I need sleep. Goodnight.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm done.

Or at least, I feel like I should be. I am so worn out. I've had assignments up the wazoo since school started back, and I had 3 very long and difficult tests this week. It's funny because the one that I had today, I felt the most prepared for and didn't even finish-not because I didn't know what to put down, but because it is on Spanish Lit, causing me to have to write (in Spanish) forever. I had 1.25 hours to take that test, and it wasn't enough time. Therefore, I will earn a grade lower than I should in that class because I couldn't write a good (or complete) essay before it was taken from me. Caca. There's some Spanish for you.

I guess this shouldn't kick in 'til next semester, but I have BAD senioritus. I just want to be done. I mean, not with college life. I like living with friends in a fun town with no job, a free gym, and fun activities provided by my sorority, with my parents paying for everything. That's awesome. It's the classes that follow you home part that's murder. I hate that when I am "done" with classes for the day, I have papers to write, tests to study for, homework to do, participants to run in psych studies for 9 hrs a week, and so on and so on with no sleep and tests that display (what feels like) nothing of my ACTUAL capacity to learn the material taught in class since they are so ambiguous or so long that they are impossible to do well on. That I can do without. At least when you have a job you get paid more to work overtime.

In other news, I am working a little at a time to add to my room in my apartment, and so far I am pretty happy with the results. I bought some frames and hung them in my room. They are all matching frames with some of my favorite pictures from the Costa Rica trip I had this summer on display. I also bought a little lamp for the bookshelf/bedside table/thing next to my bed, and I think it looks really good there. And I replaced my 2yr old shower caddy with suction cups that wouldn't work with a new shower caddy that I assembled the other day and is using tension between the floor and ceiling to stand. I basically was hanging from it to pull down the post far enough to make go in initially, but now that it's in, it's great. I was tired of bending down to pick up everything off the floor where it had fallen. Spare me the jokes about how bad that would be in a co-ed prison. That's gross.

I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday. I will have gotten through another week of classes, Tom will come visit me in Athens, we will go to the UAB game on Saturday, and fun will be had by all. =) At least, that's the plan. Tom and I were trying to go through our calendars and make them mesh a little bit, and we were kind of exhausted by looking at how every weekend is dedicated to one game or group or something, but I know that this won't last forever, and I am really happy that we are able to be packed out with plans for our spare time-we can actually GO to the games and have dances and groups we belong to are having get togethers we can attend, and it's just great to have that many good options. Sometimes, we were saying, you just wanna relax and have nowhere to be. But it's nice to have the problem of too many fun things than nothing ever at all.

Tonight was big sis/lil sis for my sorority, and we brought another girl into my "family" within Gamma Phi. My lil sis(Jessica P)'s lil sis(Sophe) now has a lil sis(Jessica B) of her own. That Means- I am a Great Grand Big Sis. JP is a Grand Big Sis. Sophe is a Big Sis. And Jessica B is a Lil Sis. I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOO Old. Both Jessicas are blonde, and they are the only blondes we have ever had in our family since before I was in college, so that's kind of funny. I told Jessica B that she had to adopt a brunette lil sis next year; can't lose those traditions. We only make exceptions for exceptional blondes! haha =) Anyway, I know that sounds very sorority and very girly, but I do LOVE my "family", and Claire and I had them all over as well as some girls in a different "family" that we decided to mush into one big family, and we had Claire's family there were 11 of us over here. It was so much fun-lasagna, salad, sweet tea, garlic bread, and dessert-YUM!! Plus, Grey's Anatomy was on tonight, and let me say that I blame Claire for this, but I am pretty much hooked on this show. It pretty much is a somewhat medically related soap opera/WB drama-ish type show as far as the morals/lack thereof goes for the storylines, but it's SO fun to watch. Probably because about 9 of the authors for the show are women, so they write what we want to watch. There is no way any of that stuff could go on in a real hospital without people losing their jobs. Anyway, I have the first season dvds done with and want to watch the second season now. The third season starts next Thursday, and Claire drops whatever she is doing and practically drools everytime the commercials for it come on tv. I didn't get it before. Now I am starting to do the same thing.

I must go to bed...have to be in class at 9am. boo.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Welcome to the planet....

My niece, Anna Kate, was born Tuesday at 2:17pm, and she weighed 7lbs, 9oz. She is precious, and although I saw her the day she was born, I am going back to Augusta to see her again on Saturday. This time Tom will be coming with me, and I am really excited. It's so fun to watch Madeline and Tyler react to Anna Kate. Tyler loved looking at her nose, of all things, commenting on how hers is little and his is "big." haha And Madeline was asking to hold her, telling Jonathan to wrap her up, and demanding to have her buddy. ("buddy" is the official Patton name for kids' blankets for those of you who don't get that part. My siblings and I all had one, and Tyler and Maddie have one. Now Anna Kate does too, though it would appear she'll have to be a scrappy fighter if she wants to hold onto it and not let her sister take it away.)
I love her already, and if you want to see pictures from that day, check out my moblog!! (The link is also on the righthand side of this page, for future reference.)
Friday, Tom is coming into Athens for Gamma Phi's field party, my last one(!!!) with my sorority. I LOVE our field parties. They are so much band, big bonfire, food/drinks, dressed out in comfy clothes...which for me will entail a cowboy hat and boots, haha, and sitting on blankets under the stars with your sisters and boyfriend. It's so fun! I can't believe I'm a senior. I feel like I was JUST a freshman. This is weird.