Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mix It Up

Every now and then, I get bored with my blog being the same way, and I change the template and/or the font and colors. I decided to go from green to pink with green accents. I just finished it, and I like it, but it didn't occur to me until I looked at the final product how it's A)Very Lilly Pulitzer-esque in color scheme, and B) the accent colors I am using in my wedding because it will be spring. I also thought about using pink and brown and using blue and brown (on my blog). I really like those color combinations as well.

Today my phone rang, and it was Mara again, the lady who is interested in having me be a part time nanny. I'm really interested in this job because after the new year, I am going to have to devote a lot more time to wedding planning, and this would allow me to do that and still make some money, so that's exciting. I've also thought about getting into HR and considered teaching. I love little kids, but I still don't find the idea of teaching as exciting as working with animals, so I think I need to make that my last option. For a while I got myself pretty excited over it, but I know myself, and I know I've always said I would rather starve than teach, haha. Turns out, I don't want to starve, and I think I would be a pretty good teacher, but I've had too many teachers who were just in the profession because it was a job and not a passion. I think the best teachers have a desire to be in that job, and I don't want to be a mediocre person when it comes to passion for those kids. They deserve the best, so I am going to look around. In the meantime, I don't think being a nanny is such a bad idea. =) And I still want to know if human resources has any appeal to me. Paper pushing is not appealing to me at all, so I really want to talk to someone or shadow someone or do an internship (paid) that lets me see what it's really all about.

Ok, I meant to be asleep by now...gotta go!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nanny Meghan?

Well, God has put something part time in the future for me, at least maybe He has. A doctor in Covington's wife called me the other day to see if I would be interested in a part time job as a nanny to her son starting in January. He is three months old right now, so I'm think it wouldn't be extremely exciting work, but that's just fine with me. She wants to go back to work part time and needs me while she is working. I'm supposed to hear from her to figure out when I can come over and spend a day with them so that they can get to know me and vice versa. After that, I guess I'll know for sure. I'm excited though! It's great to have something in the wings!

ps-I'm thinking about taking a teacher's certification test for the state of Ga. We'll see what happens with that.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Is it really November?

Well, today was a less than spooky Halloween, which I am just fine with. Spooky things aren't at the top of my list, as those of you who have ever tried to get me to watch scary movies know.

I just can't believe we are officially in November. This year has FLOWN by, and it's so funny (funny-interesting, not funny-haha) that I am where I am. God has taught me so much this year about trusting Him, and I'm still learning. I just really never would have guessed that I would be where I am right now, even 6 months ago. I had a plan, and that just seems like the dumbest idea now. It's a fine line you have to need direction, goals, something to strive for, but at the same time, when you put all your sights on your plan, it's wrong. Because you can't count on man-made plans. Only God can lead you down the path that's best for you.

That's not a novel idea. All my life it seems I've heard that if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. I don't really like that phrase because I don't think of God as sitting up in Heaven holding the blueprint of our lives out of reach and laughing at us as we grasp at straws trying to figure out what path to take. I look at it more as us walking with a lantern through a maze at night. We can only see just right ahead of us, so we have to trust God-the one who created the maze, and no one else, even ourselves, to help us follow it correctly. All too often, I find myself forgetting to ask Him which way to go and just continually running into the dead end, head first.

I'm still job searching, and I think that has been one of the hardest things He could ask me to do right now. It's very humbling to have been out of school for this length of time and not have a steady source of income. I guess technically, I could get a job at a restaurant or retail store, but I'd like to do a job that I couldn't have done while in high school since I worked so hard to get a B.S. I'm not too embarrassed that I didn't get a job right away since I was working at the zoo, and that was to get my foot in the door. Problem with that is that when I did finally get my foot in the door, I realized it was the wrong door for me, and now I'm in the same place I was then.

I've applied to a little after school teaching position that opened in Conyers, but I haven't heard from them yet, so I am going to look around some more this week/weekend/coming week. I'm interested in working with animals still, and with kids, so we'll see where that takes me. As of now, I'm just praying that God will help me to know what He wants me to do and to open that door to me. I'm also very blessed that He has provided me with everything that I need. Because I'm living at home right now, I have no rent, food, bills, etc. to pay. After December, I will have to pay for insurance, which might wipe me out, so I'm hoping God will see fit to give me job before then. But I have been able to babysit at least once a week, which helps a little bit with things that come up every now and then.

If anyone is reading this, I could use some prayer. The time is flying by, and I have still got more wedding planning to do as well as the job search. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, but I'm really hoping and praying I can be less stressed out by securing some financial status by then.

Much love,

ps-Tom and I went to Halloween party the other day. Pictures are up on my moblog.