Wednesday, June 29, 2005

RIP Geiko Gecko

Yeah I have to blog, just so that every time my page opens I don't jump back from the screen and shudder. I don't even like looking at the picture of that lizard. Doesn't he look like the Geiko Gecko? Well...I suppose he died. I mean,...I flushed him down the toilet today. Mom wouldn't come upstairs and catch him. In fact she wouldn't even come look at him. She wouldn't even look at a picture of him. That didn't stop her from getting on to ME for not wanting to touch him."You want to work with animals" and all that. NOT THOSE ANIMALS. And especially not in my toilet. And now Ben and Will have gotten onto me nonstop for flushing Geiko down the drain. Then Dad was at work, and Mom told me to flush him. She said he wouldn't come back because he must have come in through the attic and somehow found his way to my toilet to hang out. Maybe it reminded him of a rock? I don't know. But she didn't think lizards liked water and that they wouldn't come through the pipes, so I should flush him. So around 1:30 pm today, I flushed the toilet....twice. He didn't go down the first time. There is still plastic wrap on my toilet and I flush it everytime I go by just because it makes me feel much better. I do not enjoy creepy crawley things.

That brings me to my next topic. Tonight, at Tom and Ben's house, we (Tom, Ben, Henry, Will, Travis, Josh, and I) were all sitting in the basement after Man-Thing(do not even get me started on this movie; I came in halfway through it and laughed the whole time). We were all hanging out when all in a sudden I see the MOST HUMONGOUS (sp?) scorpion (at first I thought it was a baby mouse) walking in the hall. I couldn't even talk because it scared me so much; I grabbed Tom's arms, my eyes about popped out of my head, and I pointed at it. He said "Geez, Meghan, what??" And then they all looked at where I was pointing and got excited and ran over to it. Ben started to hit it with his shoe, and Travis had a clothes pin in his hand and he threw it at me and said "Oh no, Meghan, it's still alive!" Now, I screamed bloody murder and started to cry. It sort of shocked me that it made me cry, and poor Travis, he hugged me and said he was sorry. I think he felt pretty bad, and I tried to quit crying so I wouldn't make him feel bad, but it really freaked me out. I didn't mean to make Travis feel bad though, because it was actually a pretty funny joke. I think that it just was so painful and all when I was stung that I didn't want to get stung by something that huge again, and then with all the frayed nerves I have from the lizard making me jumpy lately, I guess having what I thought was a huge bug thrown at me just made me unravel a bit. Tom asked me a few minutes later...."why did that make you cry?" All I could say was, "You haven't been stung by a scorpion." It is literally like having a needle jabbed into your skin, and then having poison make you sting and throb and hurt constantly in that area for the next two days at least. And right when I first got stung, it made me dizzy too. So I guess it shouldn't be so surprising to me that I cried, but it sort of was over the top for me. Turns out that the bug was just some huge ...what was it? An Egyptian Cricket or something weird like that. I don't remember, and I didn't see it close up after all. Ben, standing across the room, picked it up by its antenna, and the antenna was about 3 and a half to 4 inches long. That should clue you in to its size. YUCK.

By the way, Dana, if you read this......there is a scene in that movie that I wouldn't prefer, but Henry and Tom both covered their eyes or looked away for it, so you should be proud of that. The mark of real men- self control and consideration for how it makes other people (that being us) feel. *wink*

Ok, I need to go check on some clothes in the dryer. Goodnight!
Me-Han Sebastion (according to Ben)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Umm...This is a problem.

OH MY GOSH. I have goosebumps from head to toe, and I just talked myself out of hyperventilating. I finished looking around on the internet...and I already blogged tonight, but seeing as it is 2:12, no one is awake to call, and I figured I would be blogging about this incident anyway, and I am so jittery now that I will be up paranoid for at least another hour...

Ok so I decided to get into bed, and I needed to wash my face, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, and use the bathroom. I really had to go, since I had been drinking water and just holding it while at my computer. So I go to the bathroom and see something in my toilet that I NEVER wanted to see there. A LIZARD. Yes. IN MY TOILET. Ok, yeah lizard's aren't the scariest of creatures- it could have been a snake or something, but trust me, anything that has found it's way into your toilet bowl without you putting it there is INCREDIBLY UNWELCOME. It looks like the friggin Geiko Gecko. well..he might be dead in the morning. After shrieking and jumping back into my bathroom counter, I ran downstairs, and tried not to cry. I do NOT like creepy crawly critters. Especially because I have this fear that a snake or something will come up and bite my rear end some day thanks to this true story I watched on tv of a rattle snake that came up through the pipes into someone's toilet. Just ask my lil sis, Jessica- she saw it too, and that was before we even knew each other. So yay- my fears were confirmed that things do indeed crawl up our pipes. And here is what really gets to me. Snakes eat things like frogs and lizards, so what if they go in out pipes after it!? AAAAUGH. So I went downstairs to use the bathroom (tentatively and after checking out the toilet bowl thoroughly).

Ok, so what's a girl to do? I decided to make use of a trick that my next door neighbors, and friends, at school failed miserably trying to pull on me- the plastic wrap over the toilet bowl trick. I grabbed what was left of our clear plastic wrap and put it over the bowl. Ok, first I had to lift the seat, and I did that with my foot, and I did it too hard, so it came crashing back down and the lizard ran to the other side of the bowl- the one nearest me. I freaked out and started to hyperventilate, almost cry, and quote "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" over and over. Then I thought about this blog and how I was going to write about it and how every one of my friends that reads this is going to make fun of me. (This is a big lizard. I mean he looks at least 7 inches long.) So I pulled it together, lifted the seat slowly, and captured his butt in the bowl. Every time he moved I shuddered. UGH. I wanted to call Tom, but realized he wasn't about to drive over here to do it for me and would just not find this funny at 2 am after he was trying to sleep. So I tried to be brave. But then I thought...what if the gecko-thingy gets to where he can't breathe and he tries to crawl OUT of the bowl anyway under the plastic? So then I grabbed tape and tried to secure it at various points throughout the whole thing and across it. Then I took pictures of this dude. Wanna see? I will do my best to post them. Just try to remember that when I walk Lucy I see lizards all the time and have no reaction, but when you are a girl, and every time you have to use the bathroom, you sit down, you DO NOT wanna see something gazing back at you from the toilet. Tomorrow morning, first thing, I am getting my mom up here to find someone to take care of the intruder.

Oh gosh..I still have goosebumps and I discovered him around 2:00am. UUUUUGGGGGH! Gross. it's awful.
I hope he doesn't have friends in my room somewhere. AAAUUUGH. I can't think that way. anything that moves at all has me freaked out now.
Goodnight for real this time.
ps- can't read this and not think of that one time....Our lil secret. lol G^2 forever, girl! lol

iHola Chicos y Chicas!

Today, mom and I went to Cafe Milano to have lunch (in Conyers) because the Thai place she was going to take me to was closed. I really wanted to try Thai food, and the lady who owns it closed it for a while because she is on vaction to Thailand. Geez. She can't get enough I guess. Anyway, we ran errands, but the most exciting news I have is that I FINALLY got a scrapbook organizer for all of my stuff-I went to different places, including Michaels, to look for one, but ended up getting the most expensive one I saw because it was the best quality, and I figured that it was better to pay for quality once than to compromise for cheaper stuff and have a lousy product and need a new one later. So the down-side? The outside is completely bright pink and says "Butterfly" on it and has a butterfly next to the word. Mom got one too, and as we went outside to the car from Scrappin' Sisters with our organizers we felt so ridiculous; we couldn't stop laughing. I told her they must have made them so noticeable so that people would see that and ask about why people our ages would have something that looks like Hello Kitty luggage, then we can explain that it is actually a scrapbook organizer. Now if you were a scrapbooker looking for a good organizer and saw this nice big organizer on wheels, you are bound to remember it when you go looking for it at the store if it is bright pink with "Butterfly" on it. LOL- that theory was the best I could come up with, and mom and I agreed that was the best we could think of, besides that each style has a different name (ex: there was a small, purple version that had "Dragonfly" on it) like Vera Bradley, except they just go ahead and put the style name right on the bag so people will know which one it is. Either way, we look ridiculous, but we love out organizers. It's huge and heavy, and holds everything and worth every penny. And it was a lot of pennies, lemme tell ya.

Then tonight, Mom, Dad, Jordan, Tom, and I had supper at Pacho's. Yummy. I had a Virgin Strawberry Daq. with my meal, and it was excellent. El Charros and Frontera are still my favorite Mexican places though.=-) Then Tom and I came back to watch a movie with Jordan, but Jordan went in his room to talk to Sarah, and didn't come back out much. I found "She Gets What She Wants" which was a tv movie that was on Jordan's Tivo. I had been wanting to see it , so I played it, and Tom fell asleep. It was actually a really funny movie, and Jordan is gonna watch it later- it has the main girl from Coyote Ugly in it. Anyway, so during that movie I took all of my scrapbooking supplies and put them into my organizer. Tom left around 10:30 bc he was so tired, and I was so tired when I got done with my movie that I almost slept on the couch in the basement, but eventually forced myself upstairs. I was so glad I did because coming up to my computer allowed me to check around the usual sites I visit online and I had messages from some friends! Woohoo! I am so excited! Esther and Alejandra both did study abroad and what with being at different schools anyway, I don't ever see them as much as I like. Alejandra is still in France, but Esther is back from Italy, so bring on the roadtrip! I am calling her tomorrow to try to work out dates that I can go down to see her and the boys can go to Panacea for a Boy's Weekend in the condo. Well, I think Dana is going too, so it will be Boy's Weekend plus Dana I guess, but that's cool. Whatever they wanna do. =) I just Can't Wait to hang out with her, catch some sun, see Tallahasse and her apartment, swap stories, and just visit with her! Oh the joys of spending time with your best friends! Now if April would just get home from her world-wide travels, Beth would return from London, and Natalie would come back from the other side of the USA....*wink* I don't even ever see Claire because she is in Athens all summer. I miss all my girlfriends who have been gone a long time. Thank goodness for the other girlfriends that I love who ARE home this summer! =) Plus, there are always the awesome guys. I love hanging out with them, and that is a good thing, because, generally, they are the ones who you can always count on to hang out with no matter what is going on. Seems like I am always with the boys. It's ok though, I love that too! =) I am just full of love tonight. hehehe

This weekend should prove fun- I will be going with friends to South Carolina Friday, probably anyway, to get some fireworks, and then returning in the same day. Hopefully we can make a pit stop in Augusta to see Jonathan, Lisa, Tyler, and Madeline. Then on Saturday, Tom invited me to go with him and his family (or parents or whoever is going with him) to Atlanta to see his house. Then we are going to do some furniture shopping most likely. Fine by me; I need to get ideas for when I redo my bedroom at home. =)

Ok, that about does it for now. I am pooped and ready to hit the hay.
Sweet dreams!
ps- Listen to Brad Paisley's Alcohol. I LOVE that song. It's been out forever, but it makes me laugh everytime I hear it. So if you don't listen to country radio like I do, go find it somewhere, because it's awesome and I should have told you about it when I first heard it a long while ago. Sorry. *wink* =)

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I have met my quota of "scary" movies for a while. Lately we watched The Curse...which is more funny than scary, but still required a phone call to Tom while I drove home to calm my nerves. It's got Joshua Jackson, Christina Ricci, and Shannon Elizabeth in it, and it's about werewolves. My favorite character was the guy who played Christina Ricci's younger brother. We also watched White Noise tonight. Umm...I told Tom that if he ever died before me for some reason to please not try to contact me. I don't even believe in that stuff. But that didn't keep me from screaming like a pansy the ENTIRE movie. I officially apologize to everyone who watched it with me, and a special shout-out goes to Tom for letting me sqeeze the mess out of his hand for an hour.

Ok, here is my opinion on that stuff. When you die, your soul goes to Heaven or Hell. There is no exception, no unfinished business, no paradise, no in-between, no roaming the earth or wasting time in a house somewhere scaring people who come near you. That much is clear in the Bible. And as nice as it is to think that people are watching out for you from above, I don't believe that they are. I firmly believe that when you go to Heaven, you don't have the same feelings for someone as you would on earth. When you are there, you don't look at someone and say- there goes my husband, my son-in-law, my old boss, my first grade teacher, etc. I mean, you know who they are, but you don't have that connection or those feelings. You love them only as a brother or sister in Christ. Think about this- how hard is it for us when someone on earth dies? I mean, we grieve, we cry, we visit their graves, etc. Now, we do that because we still think of them as how they were related to us on earth. But, in Heaven, if you still felt that way about people, there would be grieving there too- the person who died would miss the people on earth. But that can't happen because there is no sadness or crying in heaven- no pain or suffering. You put earthly thinking behind and spend your time worshiping God. The only times in the Bible that I know of where dead people (that were long dead, we aren't talking Lazarus being raised from the dead) come back to earth, it is not in bodily form, but in spirit, and these are the times that come to mind:
1. When King Saul was going to war with the Philistines, God would not speak to him so he went to a witch to conjure up the spirit of Samuel, who had been dead a long time and a follower of the Lord. God sent the spirit of Samuel to speak to Saul, and this scared the witch away screaming because she never actually could conjure up souls; she just pretended she could. Then the spirit of Samuel told Saul that because he had sinned against God that Saul would die in battle, and then that came to pass, and David became the king of Israel. Saul actually committed suicide after being wounded in the battle. (1 Samuel 28)
3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land. 4 And the Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they pitched in Gilboa. 5 And when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled. 6 And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. 7 Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor. 8 And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee. 9 And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die? 10 And Saul sware to her by the LORD, saying, As the LORD liveth, there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing. 11 Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel. 12 And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul. 13 And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth. 14 And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself. 15 And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do. 16 Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy? 17 And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David: 18 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day. 19 Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines. 20

2.The second time is when Christ went up onto a mountain with some of his closest disciples and spoke with the spirits of Moses and Elias.
Matthew 17:1-5 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

Mark 9:2-4 And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

Luke 9:28-30 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.

Anyway, so that sort of seals the deal for me. I do NOT believe in "ghosts". I do believe in demons, angels, spirits, etc, and that is why I think a demon-possession movie is freakier than a "ghost" or vampire or monster movie. I even find the murder movies scary, because I know true psycho murdering people exist and want to do harm to others. But I still am jumpy after movies like White Noise, even if I don't believe in that stuff.

Now for all of you Star Wars fans, I don't know if you paid attention, but the city that Saul found the witch in was called Endor. Recognize that? This was the place where those adorable ewoks lived. Here's a refresher from a Star Wars site (

Secluded in a remote corner of the Outer Rim Territories, the gas giant Endor and its verdant moon of the same name would easily have been overlooked by a busy galaxy were it not for the decisive battle that occurred there. Endor serves as the gravesite of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. It was here that the Rebel Alliance began the path of victory over the Galactic Empire.

Endor was the secret construction site for the second Death Star. Code-named the Sanctuary Moon, Endor was a green jewel that stood out against the dark reaches of space. Rivers wind through the thick canopy of ancient trees, and the forests extend high over the dark floors and the low mountains of the world.

Built in a clearing on the moon was an Imperial installation protected by an entire legion of Imperial troops. A massive shield generator projected a deflector shield around the half-completed Death Star. A daring Rebel strike team, under the command of General Han Solo, was assigned to destroy the generator. With the assistance of the native Ewoks, the Rebels defeated the Imperial troops, paving the way for a victorious space battle. This historic engagement is known as the Battle of Endor.

Ok, well that is about it for tonight. Oh yeah, we played volleyball tonight too, and it was a lot of fun. And tomorrow I am going to church with Tom because his family reunion is tomorrow. =) That should be fun, and tiring. I am excited because we are having chili cheese dogs at my house tomorrow night, and that just is awesome. I love ccds. =) *smile*


Saturday, June 25, 2005


Ok, in a minute yall will understand that I just made a really lame joke with that title. Tonight, Tom and Will came over to watch a movie, and, while here, Will and I tested out a bet we had going. The other day when making scrambled eggs, mom told me that even if you squeeze an egg as hard as you can, if it is in the center of your hand, you can't break it. Of course, I didn't believe her, so I immediately held the egg over the sink and squeezed the mess out of the egg...and nothing happened. So, I thought I would tell Ben, Tom, and Will about it at lunch, and Will and I had a $5 bet that he couldn't do it either. Tonight...I lost five dollars. But it was the best way to lose it- it was SO FUNNY. Will was standing next to the sink with the egg in his hand, and he sqeezed it really hard. I mean REALLY HARD. And after about 5 seconds, the egg exploded (I am NOT exaggerating) shot out into the kitchen- in my hair, on my face and shirt, in Tom's eye, on the cabinets ABOVE the refrigerator, EVERYWHERE! And Will only got it on his hand. hahaha. I had to wipe down, change shirts, and dish out some cash, but it was hilarious. Even my mom thought so, and she had egg all over her kitchen.

Anyway, tonight we watched Sideways. I won't go into detail, because you might want to see it, but I will say this: it was extremely overrated. It was uncomfortable, vulgar, and sad, awkward, and infuriating. I know people like the characters in that movie, and I usually choose not to hang out with them. Enough said.

Oh, and the total babysitting hours for Thursday and Friday? Roughly ten hours. Three girls, one boy, and two infants (also boys) later, I am pooped. Granted, I had the Armstrongs (two girls+ a baby) on Thursday, and the Suggs (a boy+ a girl+ a baby) today, but they wore me out. At times like this I look at my day and think..."And I want FOUR of these one day??" But, ya never know. *wink*

I am off to bed. Tomorrow is going to be awesome because I am going to play volleyball with everyone and hang out afterwards too. YAY! I need my "bootey-nap" as Anne Marie would say...
ps- I am super excited because after I get my room and closet all cleaned out and organized, mom and I are probably going to paint it a different color and redecorate it! Yay! It will no longer be stuck in the tenth/eleventh grade. =)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Row, Row, Row Your Boat....

So, I finally got a chance to volunteer at Noah's Ark today. *smile* It was a learning experience. Originally I was supposed to be working in the "adoption center" for cats and dogs that was to open up mid-June, but the construction is being done by volunteers, so they can only do it in their free time. That means that now it won't be up until about mid-August....and by that point I will be back at school helping newbies go through rush as a Rho-Chi. Oh well...Since I couldn't start off working with the wild cats like I wanted to and the adoption center is closed, I was stuck with three younger volunteer girls in the habitat....unfortunately the section we were in was for these type of animals- turkeys, hens, roosters, rabbits/bunnies(baby rabbits), three goats, and one duck and her two ducklings. Whew. Smells bad, and is basically nothing I can't get around in Covington...or UGA for that matter, if I really wanted to be around that. So I spent from 12 to 4 chasing bunnies and ducklings to hold for little kids to pet, telling kids that "no, you can't climb over the fence; I am allowed to because I work here," and answering questions that I don't know the answers to because I had never hung out at Noah's Ark before. "Can we adopt this rabbit?" "Do the turkeys chase you?" "Are the goats mean? Do they butt you?" And then there were the commands. Nothing like having a group of 2-4 year olds screaming "CATCH THAT BUNNY!" and 182 cub scouts begging "lemme hold it!!!" And of course, it was nice to spend the time climbing back and forth over the fence and chasing animals in 80+ degree weather. *ahem...sarcasm* But despite all of that, I am looking forward to going back next time. I will bring a cooler with a sandwich and snacks though next time! I am hoping that sometime I will be given more responsibility and a wider range of animals to work with. I wouldn't even mind being a tour girl, but that would require I actually learn the names of the animals and what all the different types are first. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many types of monkeys there are. OOOh- and I pet a deer today. It was a doe. There is a three-legged deer there too, but I didn't see it today.

Ok, so all that aside, I am going to be spending the night in Athens tomorrow night after I babysit a 5:00 for the Armstrongs, and then I will return to C-town in order to babysit some more on Friday at 1:00 for the Suggs. Saturday I am supposedly going to watch White Noise with the gang, but scary movies make me so dang paranoid, and I don't wanna be afraid of everything from static on TV to fuzzy channels on the radio. I don't have much choice this time around....

Oh, and I lost my credit card for the first time the other day, and that really stinks. We all had to cancel our VISA account and then order new cards from them, which should get to Dad on Monday. (mom will be in St. Louis helping Kristen and James move in.) SO, I hate that feeling of not having the security of pulling into a gas station or a grocery store and being able to buy what you need, but it's my own stupid fault. Oh well...

It's late so I am getting into bed. Later! (apparently Tom is upset with me for saying "hoes" because he feels like I use it too much, so I am trying to cut back.)


Monday, June 20, 2005

Fun Times

So are you excited? It's been....75 hours or so since my last post. For those of you who actually read this, yes I do get made fun of for posting so often.

Update: All weekend I babysat, which was fine, and I made money...some of which is already spent on a Vera Bradley purse I owe mom for, but I still made some money. And today I ran errands, had lunch with Tom, then we both went to my sister- in-law (Lisa)'s sister's (Amy) pool to swim with Lisa, Amy, and their kids. Only two of Amy's four were there, but it was sooooo fun. Ethan, who is four years old, and is Amy's third child, called me "Aunt Meghan" all day, and it cracked us all up. It was really cute though, so we didn't tell him that I am not really his aunt. I am at home now to have supper, and help mom get supper ready. After that, I am taking off again to watch a scary movie at Will's Grandma's house with the usual gang. I am gonna be so paranoid when I am alone or at dark for the next month. Scary movies freak me out. I don't even like the Twilight Zone on tv. But I don't know...I can sit through it if I am not alone, but I get so nervous later. I like the rush it gives, but it's almost not worth the fear it gives me later.

Ok, I am starving so I have to run help with supper. Later hoes!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Drew Barrymore is ugly.

And I was likened to her. I don't know what it is, but I just don't like her face. I mean, she does have a sweet smile, and really- her body isn't bad. (no I am not starting to swing both ways. I just am a girl, and we always notice.) But I took a test online for fun and this was the outcome:

"Meghan, your celebrity smile style is Innocent Like Drew

While we'd never believe she's Never Been Kissed, Drew is sweet and innocent smile is what makes so many women want to be her, and so many men want to be with her. Like Drew, you have a sparkling personality that can light up a room (or a movie set) the moment you walk into it. Accompanied by an easy-going manner, your charming nature tells people that you are trustworthy and ready for a good time.

You love to laugh about anything — jokes, pranks, yourself — and you prefer to maintain a childlike sense of wonder and amusement about the world. Even when things don't go your way, your positive attitude always helps you find the bright side of things. Keep on smiling!"

Well, I guess that isn't the worst that could happen. I am off- I have to babysit tonight and tomorrow night too. Most of my friends get done working Friday at 5. That is when I start working.
later on!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Enter Sandman

Whew, I am sleepy, and I smell great. Hmmm....ok that makes no sense to yall. I went swimming at Tom's house, so I am now sleepy, but I got a shower when I got out of the pool, and I used Herbal Essences conditioner, then I used Bath & Body Works deoderant, and I smell delicious. =)

Anyway, today was fun. I ate at Applebees for lunch with Tom and Ben. (Ben, Tom's awesome friend is ME, and you can only have one. muahaha.) Anyway, after lunch, I went to the grocery store and the bank and the gas station, then headed home to make two batches of choc. chip cookies. I took some next door to my neighbors, the Stricklands, and their daughter, Jennie Armstrong, her husband, Scot, and their kids, Mary Caroline, Anne Marie, and Jack. I babysit those kids regularly, and I adore them! Tomorrow (today actually since it's 12:27 am right this minute) Mary Caroline is getting her tonsils out, and Jack is getting tubes put in his ears. (Anne has already had her tonsils out.) Anyway, I thought I would bring them cookies since they were all over there, and especially in that situation. I'll be babysitting them in Athens on Saturday night.

The rest of the cookies were split up between my house, Tom's house, the guys that helped Kristen and James load furniture in their Uhaul, and....well, that's all. There were about 130 cookies in all. That is a lot of cookies.

Around 9 I arrived at Tom and Ben's house, and Mr. Tommy (aka Daddy T) and Mrs. Patti gave me my birthday present- the dvd The Phantom of the Opera (YESSS! I know what I am doing for a couple hours tomorrow!) and a really cute G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised In The South) shirt that is baseball-t style. Super Cute!! I am so excited!*smile*

After I opened my presents, I swam with Tom, Ben, Will, Travis, and Josh in the beetle infested pool. EWW. A beetle was in my hair, and I about went into spasms- thank goodness Tom helped assure me I got it out. UGGGGGHHHH. I HATE BUGS! Seriously. HATE them. UGH. Hence the shower my skin was all itchy from the chlorine. Then I came home not much later, and here I am now! =-)>

Ok, I am gonna jump into bed and read some before drifting off to sleep.
G'night my hoes,

P.S. Since I finished my "multi-media storage rack" ( I just like saying that! haha), I can add The Phantom of the Opera to it! Yay! Today I organized all of my cd cases that I could find on the rack as well as all the dvds and vhs movies I could find that I own. Fun times!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Get a life.

Tonight, Henry said, "So you post in your blog every day don't you?" And I said, "yeah, pretty much.".....which led me back to a line of thinking that started in my head weeks ago. Does this look I have no life, and therefore spend all my time sitting at my computer? Or does this show that I have a desire to remember details of my life and want to document it? Honestly, it doesn't matter because I am going to post whenever I want to, but I just wondered if I was coming off as some sort of geek who spends all their time in front of a computer screen alienated from the world outside their chatrooms and rpgs......and I just don't wanna come off as a yellow jacket like that. muahahahahaha *wink* ;)>

Ok, really though, today is DEFINATELY worth writing about. I got up at 9 am and got a shower and got dressed in a sundress and flip-flops, did my hair and make-up, did the dishes, and waited on Mom and Kristen and James to get home from running errands, all while I blasted music in my room. There might have been some singing and dancing in front of the mirror, but we won't go into that. Since I needed my car to get new tires at Bulldog Tires, and James and Kristen needed a car to use, they did their errands, dropped off my car, and mom picked them up after she finished her errands. None of that really matters, but it explains where they were. Anyway, when they got back, I switched out with James in the car. Mom, Kristen, and I all went to the Chateau Elan. We ate the gourmet buffet there, then we headed to the spa to change into bathrobes and go to the massage waiting room. All of us got 50 minute massages, and then I got a facial as well (25 min). It was HEAVEN. After the facial was over, I changed into my swimming suit and met Mom and Kristen outside to lay out in the sun- they were already there because they had changed while I got a facial. Anyway, we sunned and swam in an indoor pool. The pool was wonderful- it was heated to just the right temperature to be comfortable but not hot, and it was a salt-water pool, which was a bit unusual but nice. And then I walked down to a gazebo on the water, but it wasn't as impressive once I got down there, and the misquitoes were biting, so I headed back up. We all went and had complementary tea and snacks (pineapple, strawberries, pasta, and biscotti), then we went back to the locker room, showered, dressed, blow-dried, and checked out. We got home around 6, and I changed into jeans and a t-shirt.

At 7:30, Henry, Dana, Tom, Ben, Will, and Suzanne all came over, and we had pizza, salad, fruit (thanks Dana!), cake, and ice-cream for my birthday. We were watching batman on TV, but then we decided to play Hoopla instead. That was a lot of fun, and we all did really well. Kristen got her wedding pictures today too, so I looked through half of them with Tom, and then he had too look through the rest himself because Ben was attacking me. (I wanted to erase a horrible picture of me off of his phone, and he didn't want me too. I won- as always. *wink*) Everyone left around eleven. I got some great cards- some sweet and some just really funny, and I got a cute present from Will and Suze that says "You make my heart smile." AWWW! And Henry got me JUST what I asked for- bubble wrap. Fun times until the bubbles run out! And then Ben got me the gift that you never grow out of- mooooolah! And I already wrote that Tom's gift takes place in August- WOOOHOOO!! =) I guess I shouldn't write what everyone gives me, but I wanna be able to look back to this one day and say "HAHAHAHA!- Bubble wrap??!!" or whatever I will say when I look back. *smile* =) Anyway, I loved spending time with all of them, and it was the perfect end to the perfect day.

Now I am going to work on my "multi-media storage rack" so that I have something to put all my dvd cases and stuff on. Goodnight!

Monday, June 13, 2005

My Original Crew

There is this song by OAR called I Feel Home that Tom let me hear last year, because it so perfectly describes how it is to hang out with our friends from Covington, and I just thought I would post part of it...because I love yall, and just knowing that I have yall to look forward to hanging out with makes me feel so happy. I can have an awful day, and the minute yall enter the picture, it makes me feel better, even if it's just because I know yall care how that day made me feel. =) ~Megs

“Well in the end, we can all call a friend,
Well that's something that I know as true
In a thousand years, and a thousand tears,
I'll come finding my original crew
Cause to me throughout eternity
There is somewhere we are welcome to go
I said it's something free that means a lot to me,
When I'm with my friends I feel home…”

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I don't even know

what it is about me that makes it happen. But every time I am home for an extended amount of time, there is a blow-out between me and my parents. And all I wanna do is leave again. And the funny thing is that I spent all of high school wishing for college so I would have some other place to go, and now I am half-way through college, and I still feel that way. More ironic than funny, actually.

Oh well.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Summer is sweet.

I heart summer. Or maybe I just heart the way summer allows me to spend time with ppl I love. But anyhoo- Today was wonderful. I went to VBS, ate at Nana's (Arby's=YUM), went to AE and got some new clothes because some stuff I wanted was on sale (I MUST brag about this- I bought an entire swimming suit- top and bottoms- for the total price of under $14! And it's cute and it's even got lining in the top, which AE never does! Woo hoo), then I went home and chilled for a while and changed, then I went back to Bethany to the closing VBS ceremony. Tom and I left early from that to go out to eat- a birthday treat from Tom =), at Up The Creek. It was delicious; thanks hoe. And then we went to Publix so I could get some ice cream...which I ended up not even opening tonight.

And then we went to his house and owned Will and Ben in some Mario Kart. But we had a Hallmark moment there for a second. I asked them if they ever wished that I didn't always hang out with them because they would rather have time to be with only guys (because I was thinking about that the other day- I seriously hang out with all boys all summer unless one of our girlfriends comes home or finally comes to hang out), and they were so sweet!
-Tom: No, I don't feel that way. I want you to hang out!
-Will: No, you are awesome to hang out with...
-Me: Awwww! Guys that's so sweet!
-Ben: I don't like you. I wish you would quit hanging out with us.
......yeah that pretty much returned us to normal right there. hahaha *grin* That is what he says, but when I fell asleep later and woke up, Ben gave me an awesome foot massage. He can talk all the smack he wants as long as he keeps doing great foot massages. ;)> *wink* =)

Ok, well, my nap was good because I was not falling asleep on the way home, and I am tired, but I think I have enough energy to read a little bit of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe before I fall asleep. I love The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy series!! =)


P.S. I am going to be a volunteer worker at Fun in the Son- so that means I will spend a week setting up and breaking down volleyball nets, band equipment, stage stuff, etc. But the best part is that Kristen B. (Davey's Kristen) is going to come too! (Yeah you are KB, bc it's FREE. You can donate as much as you want to offset the fee of food, but you are not required to pay anything, just fill out an application, which I happen to have a copy of for you.) And she also updated her blog, and that just makes me happy. =)> I heart KB!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to ME.

Yeah- it really has been. I have really felt blessed today. God has seriously decided that I should have a wonderful Double Decade Day. =) (ya like that alliteration, don't ya?) Seriously- today I slept late, had lunch with friends at Tom's Nana's house, ate some cake that Nana (Cowan) got me, got a Vera Bradley duffel bag from Mom and Dad (Dad doesn't know what VB is in all honesty- but mom does. haha), got a VB purse (which I am going to pay them back for), ate Outback at home with Mom and Dad and Jordan and Tom and Sarah, and watched In Good Company with all of them also. Now here I am. I am about to fall out of my chair bc I am so excited about Tom's present for me!!! He got us both tickets to Warped Tour! YEAH BABY! Finally I can go to that! I am SO excited, words cannot even explain it!! Also, I am stoked because next week Mom, Kristen, and I are going to the Chateau Elan in Atlanta to get pampered. Since that is what I asked for from Mom and Dad for my birthday, I am getting a facial and a massage. I simply adore that stuff. I mean, it just gets better and better right? =) Via the phone and the internet and seeing ppl in person, I have recieved birthday well wishes from about forty-five people, and that just makes me get a big stupid grin on my face, but I can't help it. Ya know when you just feel loved because people took the time to say that they care that your day goes well- and a bunch of people do it at once? That has been me- ALL DAY. And I really truly feel blessed by God. So I guess I just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys, and thanks to God for you! Yall are the reason the last 20 years have been great, and you all have a part in making me who I am today (is that scary or what?)!

Lots of love,

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

No longer MIA

Hello all!
I am back from Savannah, and lemme tell ya- it was wonderful! It rained more than it ever does at the beach, but the weather was perfect for Kristen's wedding pictures, and she was absolutely RADIENT as a bride. She has never been more beautiful! And everyone looked so great in the black dresses and tuxes! The church was huge and gorgeous, the fountain at Forsyth Park was beautiful, and it was just fun all around. I didn't even cry once! I smiled and laughed through the whole wedding- funny faces were made at me by Jordan and Tom, and then Tyler was squishing Jonathan's face, and the pipe organist was playing forever! It made me crack up!! =) *smile*

Ok, so I got a little sun, but I plan on getting loads more this summer- at the pool, and at Fun in the Son, and in Fla with Tom's family! I love all these plans! I love summer! It's always been my favorite season, and I doubt that will ever change. So, I am back home for now, and it's back to hanging with friends and family, playing volleyball, watching movies, swimming, and babysitting.

Alrighty I have to go clean my room now! Shout outs to Davey for telling me he reads my site from France to keep up on my latest news! I feel so special! =)
