Monday, March 26, 2007


I just did the personality type test, and this is the link to my results, in case you are interested...and I guess if you don't know me.... since those of you who do know me know my personality:

I'm: Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Peace that passes all understanding....

So, I was flipping through my calendar trying to see when I can fit in extra volunteer time, when my next test is, when I can do my psych project, when I have formal, when I have philanthropies, when I have my last day of class, when I will graduate, when I can finish my resume...and wondering how I will do it all and more and if I will even have a job or internship for this summer....when I saw the verse that is painted as decoration for the month of May, the month I graduate. It says this:

You have made known to me the path of life, you fill me with joy in your presence.
~Psalm 16:11

Can you imagine the weight that lifted off of me upon reading that?? I just read it over and over, smiling because I knew that God wanted me to think about that, especially for that month, when I will forever cease to be the thing I have been since I was 4 years old-a student. It just puts my life into perspective to remember that it's in His hands. What a relief.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sunny with a high of 75

79, actually. It's 78 degrees right now, and I am LOVING this weather. It makes me so happy when I can put on a tanktop, flip-flops, and a skirt and remain comfortable all day. LOVE IT.

The cruise was a lot of fun...God definately looked out for me. I think my ipod is being silly but that there is no permanent damage yet. It's still frustrating and not working correctly, but I think it might be fixable....? I hope so anyway. There was beautiful, sunny weather during the cruise, and we all managed to "get a bit of color" as my nana would say. I was pretty sick the first day or two, and I went on some strong anitbiotics to fix it...which made me sensative to the sun. I found that out after laying in the sun all day and itching all evening and night. Other than being itchy and sun-sensative, the sickness went away quickly, and the trip was fun. We went to Key West, Cozumel, and Belize City, and of the three, I had only been to Cozumel before. I had a great time. And while I was gone, Theta Xi won first place in Greeksing for the second year in a row, receiving the second ever standing ovation of Greeksing (having receieved the first one last year), as I knew they would. (See previous post) I am still really proud of them, and especially of Tom, who had about a million other things going on that week with almost no sleep, and he still gave 200% effort.

Now I'm back at school (boooo) and have lots on my plate. My room is still massively messy after returning from SB, and I have a midterm in Spanish on Thursday, a one on one cumulative oral exam with the professor or TA, and that is nerve-racking. At least it's not in front of the whole class like other oral exams have been in classes I've taken in the past. Anyway, I also have to meet with my professor tomorrow because he is the Spanish advisor, and he has to clear me to get my minor in Spanish. So far I have an A or A- in his class, but today he asked me if this was the only Spanish class I am taking, and I don't really know what he was thinking when I said yes or when he asked me in the first place. Hopefully he doesn't think I'm slacking off, it's just that I can't handle more than one Spanish class at a time...well, I did this summer, but it was very difficult to juggle all the work plus living with a family in Costa Rica.

I'm also going to be working on my resume and cover letter and application....all of which I plan to mail to Zoo Atlanta for an internship I want this summer. I am hoping to get a position training how to be a large mammal keeper, but we'll see what happens. In the mean time, I've taken all of that stuff to the Career Center on campus, and Kenneth Linsley, who helps psych students at UGA with their career info, helped me sort through it all and gave me some tips on how to edit my resume. Now, I'm just trying to get back into working at Bear Hollow and doing classes and homework until I have time to send off my resume.

In addition to that stuff, I have to do a project and several papers and 2 exams for my Developmental Psych class before it ends, as well as another project or two for Spanish and the final in there come May. I also need to get invitations for my graduation, and this weekend, Tom and I are going to look at some possible wedding sites and a reception site.

I can't believe I graduate on May 12th!!!! It's wild to think that this could really be the end of formal education for me....forever! I'm really torn because I feel like I need to keep taking Spanish classes on the side to keep up with it, but I don't want to. Mainly, I just hate Spanish classes, I hate the pressure and grades....but I want to keep my Spanish growing....what I really want is to be able to have a Spanish-speaking community that I can hang out with regularly and improve my Spanish with but without getting graded. I don't know what to do...there just isn't anything I can think of like that in Covington.

Also, to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of embarrassed....I almost don't want to have anyone attend my graduation...most of all, not my family. It's just...humiliating because I won't be graduating with honors. I mean, my GPA isn't bad, in fact, it's above 3.0 and all that, but I just feel so dumb compared to the rest of my family. All my siblings graduated with honors, as far as I know my parents did too. And I won't. And no one thinks that UGA is a tough school unless they've been here in the last few years, so I know I'm going to look like a moron being the only one who graduates in my family without honors. No one can say, "yeah but it's _____" fill in the blank with Tech, or UVA, or Harvard for crying out loud. I mean, I chose UGA. I only wanted to come here, I applied, I got in early decision, and that was all there was to it-I didn't even apply to those other schools they went to because I didn't want to be anywhere but here. But I still can't shake this feeling. It's almost stupid...I am so happy to graduate, I want to be done, and yet, I dread it. I feel so dumb, I don't want them to look at me with my plain robes and nothing on them. I never thought I would graduate with more distinction from high school than I would from college. And I don't want to think about they all will say that graduating from college is a huge feat in itself, especially in four years these days, because all of them did it, Kristen did it in 3 years, and all of them had honors doing it. It's been on my mind for the entire school year. I feel like a jerk even typing this because I don't look at other people who don't graduate with honors and think they're stupid. I don't look at my friends who decided that college wasn't for them and think they're stupid. I know that different things are different ways for different people. I just wish that I wasn't always the one in our family who was at the bottom of everything when it came to booksmarts...every single time. I'm not stupid, but I don't fit in with them completely, and I never have. I just don't want to hit graduation and be ashamed instead of happy. But whatever. I'll graduate and get it over with and hope I never have to think about it again. I just need to keep repeating 1 Peter 5:7 to myself: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

But at least it's a beautiful day, and this entire week is supposed to follow suit. I can enjoy the weather, even if the thought of graduation is a mixture of excitement and fear and embarrassment. So I'm gonna go do that. Latah!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Driftin' away again....

Hey yall,
I am supposed to get up in about 4 hours to get ready to go to the airport...and yet, here I am, awake...but about to get in bed. I have all my bags packed up and ready to go. I've been looking forward to this cruise all semester....and now, my Ipod won't work, and the weather channel says that it's going to rain in every place we are going this week. It's hard not to get frustrated at times like this because I feel like after all this excitement and preparation...I have to pack an umbrella and not have any music at all for a week...a week that was supposed to include laying out in the sun????? I'm also leaving my engagement ring in Georgia since I don't want to risk having someone force me to give it to them during Spring Break. I know that's the best idea, but I just don't want to take it off...and I can't talk to Tom all week.
The sermon at church today asked if you get frustrated with yourself or your situation sometimes. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't get frustrated with their situations at times. Even though I get to go on a cruise and spend a week with my sister and mom, it's hard for me to think that it will be half as much fun without sunshine and music. Two of my favorite things. I knew I would miss Tom, but I was expecting that, even if I don't like it. Not the other two so much. But I want to have a good attitude, so I am hoping that God will help me to bring sunshine with me whether or not the weather provides any. I know that was really cheesy, but it's true! My lil sis has always like the quote that says "No matter where you go or what the weather, bring your own sunshine." or something like that...and that is the kind of person I think God wants me to be, and that is the kind of person that people enjoy, so that is the kind of person I am going to try to be, even if it's raining and my ipod stays home in Georgia with my ring and fiance and ....I'm getting to Debby Downer mode again, so I am going to end that list.

Anyway. I had an AWESOME weekend to start off my Spring Break! I went to Atlanta on Friday and met up with Tom, and we went to Ikea. We were intending to register, but they don't allow you to do that there, so we just walked all over the store and got ideas of different things each other does/doesn't like in a house. And Tom was being really goofy and cracking me up to the point that I was doubled over laughing and couldn't walk for a minute, so that made it that much more fun. Then we went back to his apartment to eat with Robert Lee, and Heather, a friend we met through Bob Lee. That was fun, and then we went to Atlantic Station with them, Jose, Alejandra, Justin, Jennifer, Blake Wood, Devin and Dustin Hipp, Michael Schneider, and some more guys I don't know to watch the movie 300. AMAZING. AMAZING. That movie just makes you want to be awesome. You just want to be beautiful and tough and witty and capable of stabbing a person in a really cool way all at once. It was pretty much what I've been waiting to see in movies about historic figures in wars from that culture and time period. SO excited.
Ok, moving on, the next day I got up and walked to the CRC...kind of got lost part way there, but I made it, and I got to watch Tom and some other Theta Xis practicing for Greek Sing, which will be on Tuesday, and I am missing it. SAD! But they are going to win first place (again), because they are so awesome. And I really mean it, when I watch 20 guys able to dance in sync, sing, stunt, and act without losing their manliness, I am so impressed. Anyway, they should win first place, and I know they will, and I have to wait until Saturday to hear all about it and watch the video online!! Afterwards, Tom and I went to our cars and drove to Stonecrest, where Dana happened to be shopping, so the three of us met up for some yummy ChicFilA lunch and visited, which was fun. Then Tom and I registered at Target, Linens 'n Things, and Bed Bath & Beyond. You have to be careful about that Beyond part. Don't buy any remote controls there. (yes, that was a cheesy joke based on a movie. Moving right along....) I had a really good time picking stuff out with Tom. We were both really tired from our long weeks at school, so by the time we were done, we were about to fall asleep in the store. haha We drove back to Covington, and I stayed with his family that night since Mom and Dad were out of town, and it's creepy to stay in houses alone at night. Especially now that our house has started making noises that even mom and dad say sounds like a person is moving stuff around. It's SO scary, so I skipped the personal freak out session and went to the McFarlin abode, since they were sweet enough to let me stay.
Will, Henry, and Dana came over, and we all watched Borat. It was pretty hilarious, but it was so crude, so I was laughing about stuff today, and then I didn't want to tell mom and dad what it was because it would just be awkward. I tried to explain some of it to them, but it was hard to make someone understand how funny it was without getting into the "bad" stuff. Anyway, Borat was funny. And I went to church at Bethany this morning, then lunch at Tom's Nana's house, which is always fun since I get to see so much of Tom's family there. =)
Tom tried to fix my Ipod when we got back to the McFarlin house, and he did, (restored it and all that), but then I got home, and plugged it into my computer, and it didn't work again. I tried to restore it, and halfway through, it told me it couldn't be restored. Which is annoying since I get up to leave in less than 4 hours now. AUGH. I am so TIRED. I am SO TIRED. I have got to get in bed. I could sleep for days, and I've been sleepy for weeks. I am going to regret being awake right now when I get up in the morning. yeesh.
Anyway, yall, if you think about it, pray that Tom does really well on Tuesday, and if you think about it, please pray that I get a sunny and safe cruise and that we all 3 (me, Mom, and Kristen) get along the whole week, and that my Ipod isn't permanently damaged.
Have a good week!

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I have a HUGE quiz tomorrow in counts for two quizzes, and it's going to be HORRIBLE. I met with a group tonight, and we spent 5+ hours just going over our notes to try to make sense of it all. I AM TERRIFIED and tired. I can hardly wait for Spring Break. And what's more, when I get back from Spring break, I have my stupid CUMULATIVE Spanish midterm-AN ORAL EXAM (ONE ON ONE WITH THE PROFESSOR OR TA)- that Thursday. And they can ask us about anything from the last semester, focusing on things we got wrong on our previous quizzes. Super.