Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Things in my life:
1. Beta Choral Cup was tonight, meaning I no longer have to dedicate outrageous amounts of my life to it. IT IS OVER. YAY!
2. Study abroad is testing me right is my lack of control over registration for the fall. I REALLY hate not having control over my life, and I guess God is telling me to get over it.
3. Exams are coming. FAST.
4. Mandy is going to have a birth by this time next week. YAY!
5. I turned in my paper and did my Spanish Oral Presentation on Monday, and now must do extra credit and study for a test in Psychology Research and Analysis (statistics applied through psychology) booooooo.
6. I'm still tired all the time. I want to go to sleep RIGHT NOW, but I have hw to do. Last night, I fell asleep at Claire's apartment and had to wake up long enough to drive to my own apartment and go back to sleep.
7. I can't find Esther's address, so I never mailed her the birthday card I got her. And I was late mailing James's birthday card.
8. It needs to stay nice and warm/hot outside. I love it.
9. I no longer have to go to Rho Chi meetings....until August anyway. YAY! Remind me to take my sorority letters off of my car by May 1st and to make myself invisible on the Facebook to ppl I don't know by May 1st too.
10. I have to dress up for class tomorrow to get extra credit for my careers in psychology class, but I don't want to because I have to get up even earlier to do that, and I have class from 9-4:30 tomorrow. I don't even want to go to class(but I must-boo).
11. I bought Transporter 2 but haven't had a chance to see it yet. Hopefully it'll be as good as the first one.
12. I have a problem being on the internet when I should be doing other things. Like homework. Like right now.
Peace-Out playas.


Kristen said...

So what DO you do all day? (ha, ha ha!)

Megs said...

Oh ya know....classes, babysitting, practices, errands, homework, driving everywhere I have to be, eat every now and then, sleep when I can, stuff like that. haha