Wednesday, December 28, 2005
April: "If your dad could get me a job at the CDC, do you know how awesome that would be?"
Me: "Yeah, that would be awesome."
April: "That's why I've been friends with you all this time, so I could get at job from your dad."
And I totally thought Ape was one of my very best friends for other reasons. DANG IT. hahaha Seriously, it was really good to get to see her tonight-I don't see her that often since she is hellbent in traveling the world, working a million jobs and in internships everywhere, doing multiple college sports, and going everywhere the road takes her in the US besides home. I miss her! Who knows when I will see her again? But it was a lot of fun-always is when she is around. =)
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!! And now for some of my favorite parts...
29 But when she saw him,[d] she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. 32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. 33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”
34 Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
35 And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”
38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
39 Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah, 40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. 45 Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
46 And Mary said:
“ My soul magnifies the Lord,
47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
48 For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His name.
50 And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
51 He has shown strength with His arm;
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
54 He has helped His servant Israel,
In remembrance of His mercy,
55 As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and to his seed forever.”
56 And Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house.
~Luke 1:26-56
1 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.
4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife,[a] who was with child. 6 So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold,[b] an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
14 “ Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”[c]
15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. 17 Now when they had seen Him, they made widely[d] known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. 18 And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.
~Luke 2:1-19
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
This One's For The Girls...
I went to Emory the other night to visit with Alejandra before she went back to Texas for the break, and while we were hanging out with her roommates, the conversation turned to boyfriends, engagements, rings, etc. Then today, she posted this link for me to see that she had found online after I left last night. I just thought, "It's too cute to pass up" so I thought yall should get to see it too. (Being in a sorority, I get to hear LOTS of sweet engagement stories, so especially for those of you who enjoy them but don't hear them often-you will love this site!)
ps-I saw The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe tonight, and I had a great time watching it. Growing up with the other version of those movies and with the books, I kept making comparisons, but this movie was more true to the book and very well done. I wasn't disappointed. I think I want to read the books again though... =)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
The view from here...
I actually ended up with a B in Marine Science...which isn't phenomenal, but it could have been worse. I just wasn't super motivated for that class...not so much my thing. But I still don't know my other grades (Spanish and Biology). I'll probably get a B in Spanish (that used to be my guaranteed A and now it's a LOT harder. Darn it.) and a C+ in Bio-DEFINATELY not my type of class. I think I am done updating on that for now though. It's SO NICE to have that behind me. And I am now enjoying thinking about seeing lots of movies I haven't had time to see, celebrating Tom and Madeline's birthdays, baking yummy cookies, seeing everyone who I don't see as much in the school year, Christmas shopping and wrapping presents, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, the Talent/No Talent Show at Trinity, and the list goes on. I've been listening to Christmas music tonight, and I love the feeling it gives me. I put away all the stuff I brought home from school for the break while I listened/sang along to the music. And I'm even excited about going to Dad's office tomorrow to get checked out since I can't get rid of this awful cold. I mean, yay- I actually have time to take care of myself. haha And the animals-I have to take every cat (that means 3 trips, as we only have one carrier) to the vet's office to get shots. (FYI-Lucy is fine now-the Vet gave her a shot and some arthritus meds; she's not limping now!=)
Ok, so I don't know if I mentioned this earlier in a post, so I will do it now...I got picked to be a Rho Chi again for the 2006-2007 UGA Fall (sorority) Recruitment (aka Rush). YAY! I am so happy because, to be honest, on my list of things to do, Rush is right up there with cleaning public bathrooms, getting splinters under my fingernails, having a fever, taking a test after pulling an all-nighter for a different get the idea. And lemme make myself clear-I love my sorority. There are girls that are no longer in it that will forever be my sisters because of the friendships that I have formed there. One of Tom's fraternity brothers put it well when he said that if he bought those friendships, then thank the Lord that he had the money because it was well spent. I may not be best friends with every girl...there are almost 200 of us...but I am best friends with some, friends with most, and am really impressed by the group as a whole. Those girls are smart, talented, and pretty...basically the total package. Rush does provide the chance to get to know sisters you might not have known as well before better, and it strengthens ties that you already had. That being said, I still detest rush because of a few reasons. One is that it can bring out the worst in people-you are tired, stressed, and forced to act cheerful all day then go cut girls from your list of's not the best time to get to see peoples' opinions of why some girls should be cut or carried to the next round. Another reason is that you have to look perfect and happy while COMPLETELY depleted of energy...I mean...I was in the skit, the singing group, and the regular part of rush. That meant I had to be at the house at 6:45AM looking perfect, rush girls all day, practice until 1AM, go get a shower and sleep, then get up at 6AM to start the next day. And rush for sororities is not the same as for the girls going through rush because they have to arrive a week early to PRACTICE rushing girls. That's right. Another thing was that all of that made me sick-so sick that I couldn't talk in my normal voice for a month or so after rush ended. And one of the main reasons that I dislike rush is the voting process...I just don't like spending 4 hours deciding whether or not girls would fit in well in my's tough. I would much rather be the comforter and advisor to a girl going through rush than the decider of that girl's fate, at least her fate in the Greek life. So you can see why, even though being a Rho Chi was just as tough on the hours if not worse, it was more my type of thing. I just LOVED you can see if you go back to my earlier post on what I did throughout rush. Every bit of work I put into it was worth it-even talking to girls' moms at 5:30 in the morning when they called me about what to do with a sick girl or wearing what looked like Wal-Mart vests all over campus for a week and half or living in a hotel and not having any contact with our sorority sisters what-so-ever. (that was the hardest part-when I got back to Gamma Phi on bid day, I got a movie-like entrance with Claire Peters running down the lawn, arms wide open, and we sounded like football players when we hugged because the impact from us both running was so hard. Then Melissa, Jess, Jennifer, Lauren Fortner...everyone asking how my week was and saying that "rush wasn't the same without you" and Lauren made me start bawling...that was really a great feeling, because, forgive me-everyone could do with the feeling that their total and complete absence-no phone calls, text messaging, even having to pretend not to know each other if in accidental contact in public-made an impact on their friends. You might say it just fed my ego, but really, it just made me appreciate those friendships even more and feel really loved. =) It was also great being a Rho Chi because I got to meet so many girls in other sororities and be friends with them. So, I decided that being a Rho Chi was by far the best side of rush I had experienced. I went through the interview process again, and made it! YAY! AND GET THIS- NINE Gamma Phis were chosen to be Rho Chis this time around. WHATWHAT?? That is some great representation! One of them, Beth, is going to be an Orientation Leader too-and that is REALLY tough to get. I think they only take like..11 or 12 ppl to be OLs, and they are in charge of the ENTIRE incoming freshman class. She is not the first Gamma Phi to be an OL, but I am proud of her for making both positions.
Ok, that is enough about that for now. I need to get back to a normal sleeping pattern-Last night I was up till 4AM and slept till 1pm. Now it's 3:15AM, and I am going to force myself to get up at 10:10AM so I can work on getting back to being a normal human who gets up at normal times on their time off. I am going to have to get over sleeping late if I want to enjoy half my day, and I have to get over it anyway since Tyler and Maddie get up and run around early in the morning and are here for December with Jonathan and Lisa. But I wouldn't want them to be anywhere else! =)
Goodnight! Be safe going home or visiting places!
Friday, December 16, 2005
So grades so far....97 overall for Psych of Parenting
94.5 overall for Psych research design
90.5 overall for Biology lab
...and nothing else has come in yet, but I don't know if I will post grades for them. They are not as likely to be good, so I don't think you will get to see my grades below A's for the semester. But YAY for A's in my major! =)
Yay for being done with exams!
YAY FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! I'll be going home tomorrow! YAYA!!!!
Lovin' it!!!! Awesomeness.....
ps...happy birthday to my Tom, who turned 21 on the 15th (yesterday by a few hours) and who discovered he likes Smirnoff Ice when he went out to eat. lol =)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
It's been forever, and I am now in the midst of finals... I have taken Psych of Parenting, Marine Science, and Psych Research Design. Still left to take: Biology and Spanish (my two hardest ones). I've been reallllly busy and tired lately, which why I've been MIA again on the blogging scene...
Since we last talked, UGA beat GT in football, then we beat LSU for the SEC Championship. Now the junkyard dawgs are facing the Sugar Bowl, and you know what they say-Can't Spell Sugar without UGA!!! =) So, here's to hoping they win! It was a lot of fun watching the game at GT with Tom, Ben, and Eli! My favorite part? In the last quarter when UGA finally broke the tie by putting 7 more points on the board, GT had the ball and was fighting to get some points in the last minute and a half or so. UGA intercepted the ball, pretty much sealing the deal that we would win the game! It was so exciting! We were all on our feet screaming, and then above me I hear the familiar chant, "It's Great To Be a Georgia Bulldog!" I turn to see some of the few other Georgia folks in that section holding up a huge flag with a Georgia "G" on it, which made me grin, then I joined in the cheer. When the rest of the Georgia fans around me heard me yelling along, they joined in too, much to the chagrin of the Techies that surrounded us. I couldn't rub it into Tom's face too much because he looked REALLY upset that they lost, though I KNOW that he and Ben and Eli would have given me a REALLY hard time had we lost. But we didn't. hahaha
Then Ben, Henry, Tom, Dana, and I were all at the McFarlin home to watch the SEC game and the ACC game. Ben, Henry, and I were both pretty happy with the turnout since UGA won the SEC and FSU won the ACC!!! =) school load was not lessened over the last few weeks. I had hoped that maybe with the end of the semester approaching it would be lessened a bit, but-following the usual pattern- teachers and TAs felt the need to push in all the end of the semester stuff they could before exams started. Finishing my last two labs of the semester was a WONDERFUL feeling though, and I can't WAIT to be done studying for a few weeks! =)
In other random Meghan news, my toilet-for absolutely no reason-quit working the other day. I mean...I had to use Melissa's toilet because mine wouldn't flush. It wasn't clogged or anything. It just wouldn't flush. So that was a pain for a while-I've never appreciated public restrooms more-I made a point to use one before heading back to my apartment each time so that I wouldn't have to keep asking my roommates to let me in to their bathrooms! On Friday night, I dreamed that my toilet was working again, and woke up disappointed to find out that it was a dream. Then when I came back here Sunday night, it worked again! YAY! Praise the Lord because I had actually been praying for that all week! (I wasn't ever around to be there when maintenance could come by, so I didn't call. I didn't want them to do anything without me here, because I tried to fix it myself before and flooded it and had to clean up the bathroom, and it was not something I was eager to do again.) Praise the Lord for my toilet! yay! Yall know how I have to go alllllll the time! haha
Also, lately my camera hasn't been able to work with my computer, which is why I haven't put any pics up for this blog or previous ones...For some reason the computer hasn't been able to work with the camera's USB cord lately. I dunno why. So, Tom is going to try to help me once finals are over by hunkering down with the cd that came with the camera and figuring out how to make it work. =) Hopefully I will be able to get those pics on the computer soon! =)
Kristen's birthday was on December 1st. Claire (Park) and Melissa both turned 21 last weekend, and Tom will be 21 on the 15th (and Davey will be on the 27th)! Maddie Fae will be one year old on Saturday, too. =) SO many December birthdays! =)
I finally got to reading the Harry Potter books right around Thanksgiving, and I finished the sixth one last Friday. They were AMAZING!! I loved the movies, but I movie can compete with those books! I also got Tom to start watching the movies, and now he is excited to see the fourth one- we watched the first with Claire (Peters) and Phillip, and the second and third last weekend. Maybe Friday night we can go with Esther to see the fourth one. I've already seen it, but I wanna see it again, and neither of them have seen it yet but both want to. Yay! I am also really excited about going to see The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe with friends and family when we all get home for the break! =) We grew up watching those movies and reading the books, so this is super big for us! It looks awesome.
Last Friday, I went to Atl to play broomball with Theta Xi! It was so fun!! I actually didn't fall down while playing this time! I did, however, get tackled by Jenn (one of my sorority sisters and another huge TX fan-her boyfriend is in it) and by Beth (another UGA girl-she is really a Pi Phi, but that night, she was an honorary GPB! haha). I thought they were just going to hug me, but I should have known better since they were running at me as quickly as they could for being on the ice in tennis shoes! haha Jenn and I tackled Tom too, and Davey caught a pic of it with his phone then forwarded it to me-it' s on my moblog! Check it out! =) Broomball is so fun, and I can tell that Tom liked it even more this year since he was a brother and knew everyone! It was nice for me to know some of the girls there too. I saw Sarah there too-she went to the MXPX and Relient K concert with us and Tyler and Kyle-but we didn't get to talk really. I tried to get her attention, but she couldn't here me yelling her name because it was so loud. That's ok though-I'll be around again. =)
Sad news...Lucy was limping around all weekend, and she has major swelling on one paw...I am worried that it is broken or badly infected. She was just limping every now and then...she wouldn't get up if she could avoid it, and when she did, she stood with her paw completely off the ground. It just breaks my heart to see animals in pain, but when it's my dog, it just kills me. Hopefully, our vet will be able to get rid of the problem and her pain soon. Little Max is definately aging too. Poor kitty...he looks sooo rough these days, and he is always inside. He's so skinny and his eyes are all closed up a lot of the time. He can't jump very high at all anymore, and he is going deaf too. What is the cat comparison to human years? I know that it's 7 dog yrs/1 human yr, but how old is an 18 year old cat in cat years?
Ok...I can't spend anymore time on the blog right now! Pray for me to do well on my last two finals Thursday! I need it! Good luck to the rest of yall with your finals, and be safe traveling! =)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wedding Bells!
Well, it's 10:14pm on Sunday, and I am still at home (Covington home, not Athens home)-I was so tired that I fell asleep after eating (around 7:30) sitting at the counter. And I mean...face down on the counter and totally out. So, I agreed with Dad that it was better to head back to school in the morning than to try to stay awake in the dark and in the rain by myself on the road tonight. Why was I so tired? Well....
Last week, like the five before it, was packed with tests, papers, etc. Last week alone, I had three quizzes, three papers, a test, an oral exam in Spanish, typed Q&A stuff for a psych debate, and my regular classes and homework. Saturday was Henry and Dana's wedding, which Tom was in, but Friday was also Tom's initiation into Theta he had to be in Atl for the initiation and in Augusta for the rehearsal...
On Friday, I packed up my stuff, went to classes, then drove to my parent's house. Tom was already on his way to Augusta by the time that I got there. Mom and Dad left for the rehearsal dinner, which I couldn't make it to since I was riding with Tom to make sure he stayed awake, and Tom picked me up around 7:40 or so (he had to miss the dinner also for the initiation), and we took off for Atlanta. When we got there, he and Davey headed to Theta Xi for his intitiation, while I went to Harry Potter with Robert Lee, Hetty, and their friends Kat and Kyle. That was a lot of fun-the movie is awesome. I usually see Harry Potter movies with Esther, but I thought that all the girls were gonna go see it in Augusta after the rehearsal dinner. Turns out they didn't, so I kinda feel bad, but I still had a great time with the ppl I went with! I'm just gonna go again with Esther-It's so good!! We came back, and Tom arrived not too long after..around 2:30 or 3AM. Then he and I left for Augusta. We stopped in Covington to get gas and coffee for him and some coughdrops for me, and we were both like zombies when we finally got to the hotel around 6:30am. But Tom stayed awake, so mission accomplished! =) I got in bed around 6:40, and I guess Tom did around then too. I got up around 10 the next day bc stupid check out was at 11, so Dad called and told me to wake up. That was awful. Tom had gotten up around then bc pics were at 11 for the wedding party, so he had no more sleep than me, and even less since he had not slept but about 3 hours Thursday night...gotta love fraternity hell weeks huh?
I went to see Jonathan, Lisa, Tyler, and Maddie with mom and dad, and AUUUGH! Those kids are too cute! I love 'em! =p Then we all got ready for the wedding, and headed to the church. WOW...I was sort of weirded out when Seth and Rachel got married bc he was even younger than Henry, but for some reason it was even stranger watching Henry and Dana say their vows. Henry looked very nice, and was just breath-taking-Absolutley gorgeous! Her dress was really pretty, and she had this super long train that went all the way to the floor, which you never see anymore, and I really loved it. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen looked great in the outfits picked for them. Esther looked like a friggin model! Seriously, I wish I knew how to make myself look like I just stepped out of a magazine anytime I wanted. I told Lisa that I thought she looked pretty, and she said, "Yeah, Esther always just has a glamorous look, doesn't she?" No one can deny that. lol
After the wedding, we danced until night at the recepetion, which was a lot of fun! =) It was awesome because Suzanne got Ben to dance, and Mr. Tommy and Mrs. Patti even got out there and danced. One lady that I haven't ever met kept wanting me and Tom to go dance if we ever quit for a break, and then told me I should teach Claire to dance since she wouldn't. It was kinda weird, but more funny than anything. Oh yeah, I also caught the bouquet. LOL I don't know if that was on purpose by Dana or not, but the look on Tom's face was priceless. hahaha Henry basically threw the garter at Tom, but some kid who looked about 12 jumped out and grabbed right before Tom caught it, but I don't think that upset Tom any! haha We got enough jokes from me catching the bouquet! *wink* ;)
Today, I sang in our church choir for the first time, and I woke up with half my voice, so I didn't help too much. They didn't seem to mind, so it's all good I guess. Tom came with me to get Lucy from the kennel, and it was so funny because she ran out and saw us both and ran at me then at the last second ran up to Tom then ran back towards me. Tom liked to rub in my face that she betrayed me for him, but whatever-he was a detour on the way to see her mama! =) I love my doggy! I bought her this $4 basted pig bone, and she loves it. =) I also got pics today from semiformal, so I will scan and post them and some wedding pics soon.
Alrighty, I am going to head off now. I have written yall enough to last a while. lol
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Still breathing...

No, I didn't die, though it does seem I fell off the face of the earth for a while! ha. It has been a CRAZY couple of weeks here-tons of tests, papers, in-class foreign language compositions, quizzes, and the like. SO-it's nice to have time to post on here! =) I guess it's not fair to say I haven't had time at all, because technically I have spent some free time with Tom, but that is time better spent on him than on typing. haha.
Let's see.... I didn't post pictures of the Armstrong girls when I babysat last did I? They were so funny! They wanted to do facepainting, but I wouldn't let them use the acrylic paints they had, so I let them use my makeup instead. (Jack was already in bed, no facepainting for him.) Mary Caroline was a cat, and Anne Marie was a bunny rabbit, and they both dressed up beforehand in princess and fairy outfits! lol So, I'll post them now! =)
Alright, the last couple of weeks were torturous, and I still have a lot ahead of me-making me count down the days until Thanksgiving Break, but at least I have those first two weeks of November down! Only nine or so days to go before my break! And two more tests and two or three more papers and a prelab and two or three quizzes and two babysitting jobs........
My semiformal was this past Friday night, and Tom's was the week before. Both were SO much fun! =) I also gave in and watched "Saw" with Tom, Robert Lee, Daniel, and Jessica after the Theta Xi semiformal...WOW-SCARY!!! It's so twisted, and in some parts I almost cried. I DO NOT want to watch Saw II-Tom can watch that with his other friends. lol. For my semiformal, Tom and I went out to eat with Claire and Phillip at Last Resort-YUMMY!- and then we went over to the dance. My family looked so gorgeous! Alicia and Jessica and Sophe looked like professionals had picked out their outfits and done their makeup and hair-they were just stunning!!
I'm so excited because Henry and Dana are getting married at the end of the week. Tom will also be done with his associateship and be an official brother of Theta Xi by Saturday! YAY!! Wonderful things are happening! =) Alright, I am tired, so I want to get to bed now! Have a good week!
ps-I don't know how I forgot to mention this....Saturday night, Tom, Phillip, Claire and I went to the Auburn game together then out to eat at IHOP. And UGA lost...My opinion on the game is this: our defensive coaching needs to step it up a lot if they even want to think about winning the SEC title against LSU-a team known for putting a victory on the scoreboard when they play us. I couldn't believe a few things that happened right before my eyes- the refs were almost always reviewing plays in defense of Auburn bc our coaches didn't fight hard enough to have them review other plays that should have helped us out, Refs called pass interference on us when our guy did nothing wrong and the guys from Auburn should have had the penalty (then they didn't review it!), we didn't go for the two point conversion bc of screwing up and had to do a kick-poor coaching on Mark Richt's part (although I still like the guy a lot), not rushing the quarterback for Auburn even though he is a young'n, and no coverage over Auburn's offense-Case in point: Fourth quarter, AU's fourth down, and there is a guy WIDE OPEN in the MIDDLE OF THE FIELD who catches the ball and runs for a td, accidentally fumbles, but they got close enough to run down the time then kick a field goal and win by ONE POINT. If you need more evidence, consider that almost every time that AU was on 3rd down, they ended up getting to 1st down again. RGH.
Still, it was a very exciting and for the most part, fun, game to attend in person. Claire and I had the hardest time standing up in the stands the whole time because everyone kept jumping and the stands felt like a trampoline-it was so hard to keep your balance! lol. It was really fun though to go, and when I get pics from semiformal and the game, I will try to remember to post them!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
SLC Break
I had a "Big Joe" size Turtle Mocha (dark chocolate, caramel, espresso, milk) from Jittery Joe's here at the grand ole SLC (Student Learning Center for those of you not fortunate enough to attend the oldest chartered university in the USA aka UGA whoop whoop!!). Chances are, I'll be up LATE tonight. Let's hope so, because I need to be up till at least 4AM to study for my Biology exam tomorrow and my biology lab quiz (earlier than the lecture exam) tomorrow. This week is CRAZY yo. Lots of papers and tests and quizzes and babysitting twice in one week and stuff like that. And a semiformal friday in the ATL. YAY!!! =) I have had too much caffeine- I decided I needed it when I was tired at 10:00pm after finishing a lab report complete with graphs. I CAN'T WAIT for Henry and Dana's wedding then Thanksgiving Break. And I propose that we skip right to Christmas break when turkey day is over. Oh yeah-bring on the breaks baby! And we get our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving break! FUN TIMES!!! I can't wait to have the smell of a big ole Christmas tree filling the basement. When I was home for fall break, mom and I shopped for Christmas presents for my nephew and niece, and I wrapped some presents for mom, and I am just all in the mood for it ya know? And I still have to get a present for Tom for his birthday and for my other millions of friends who are born in December. And then Christmas too. And everyone is turning 21 before me. That's so uncool. I mean...dang. Alright, well I need to study. Know what? I miss Lucy. I really love my dog. And Max is getting really old, and he gets to come in a lot, which is fun, but kinda stinks because I am allergic to cats, and last time I was home I had a bigger reaction than usual because I immediately got all clogged up and breathed worse and got a cold type of thing that wasn't so bad when I went back to school away from the kitties that I love at home. Did I mention that I don't like biology? After this semester I will never have to take a physical science again. Or a lab for it. YAY. I am piling them all into last semester and this one. OH YEAH-I am so glad to be rid of them and their stupid labs too. Guess what? I had a psych test today. And I have a paper done for the lab for that class on friday that i have not started yet. And I babysit tomorrow. But it's A-OK because I will get it done. I am a bad procrastinator (meaning I do it a lot) but my work under pressure is quite dandy. However it does make me tired, and Smallville is tomorrow and Everwood, so I hate to miss them. But I don't have a choice, so Tom is DVRing it for me, which is pretty sweet huh? YAY! Ok, well I really better study. I think I might have had to much caffeine. My hands are shaking. And my eyes are bloodshot (but don't worry because they were like that before the Turtle Mocha). Let's hope I don't get another kidney infection. Hate those.
In the words of Tom: "kbye."
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Get this-today I was leaving Greek Life around 3:30 pm, and I missed the last two steps inside Memorial and fell on my bad ankle. (And knee and wrist-all on the left side, but mainly it was the ankle that was feeling it.) Anyway, I am pretty tough, but it hurt A LOT and I even heard it grind when I fell, so I instantly thought-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Anikin lol) I was mentally begging not to have sprained it again, and I grabbed my ankle. I rolled onto my back-bag, purse, phone, left shoe, on the ground around me-and held my ankle in the air and I could just feel the tears coming on, daring to screw up my mascara. And they sure did. And I was feeling it man-it hurt (ankle, not mascara or tears). I finally sat up about 5 minutes later, and continued to hold my ankle for a few minutes, when in walks this dude. He was probably around my age. I looked up at him. He looked down at me...or rather just at the floor that I was on, and stepped neatly around my books and walked through the door without so much as a word or even a look of concern to me. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHO DOES THAT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? Ok, so I was so shocked by his response that I got mad and quit crying and put my shoe on...delicately, and then wiped my eyes with a tissue...decided that I needed to put my sunglasses back on, and limped out of the building, down the stairs, across the street, and to the bus. Obviously the sprain was not NEARLY what my first one on that ankle was, but it still hurts. It's swollen still right now! But I am sure it's nothing that bad. It's just that anyone could ever actually see someone sprawled on the floor, holding their ankle, crying, and just act like they are in the way is SO WRONG. UGH. I'm used to guys I know and guys on UGA's campus being such Southern gentlemen that this was totally unexpected. Whatever. (see the previous post for meaning of whatever).
ps-there is a pic of my "lovely" ankle on my moblog, but warning-haven't shaved in 4 days! I get lazy when it's pants season!! lol
What Did I Learn from my Crappy Weekend?
This weekend I had to lose a total of $53 dollars between parking and two tickets to not see a football game. But I had $53 to spend in the first place. And I attend a university that provides things that I consider worth spending $53 dollars to attend. And I still got to spend it with my friends and boyfriend.
On Sunday I was absolutely miserable because I was sick as a dog, and Tom had to spend the whole day taking care of me. But I am blessed enough to have a boyfriend who is willing to spend an entire day of his down time from school taking care of me when I am lying in bed crying and miserable. He even gave me a back/neck/calf/knee massage because I ached all over. He helped me do the laundry. He got me medicine. He got me water and ice and SunnyD. And he wasn't even excited to get in the car and leave the virus-infected room he was cooped up in all day when he had to head back to Atl. And my parents have called me every day to see how I am doing since being sick. And the virus only lasted Sunday and Monday. And I was still able to read my Bible even though I missed church. And even though I don't want to eat or even think about salsa or cheese for a long time (I can feel a gag coming on as I type), that is definately a good move on the health scale.
This weekend still wasn't as I planned. It's not like I'm asking for a repeat. But I guess that while I was driving, God decided I should crash into a wall of gratitude. And I'm glad for that executive decision.
And now I'm sunny with a High
of 75
Since You took my heavy heart
And made it light
And its funny how you find
You enjoy your life
When you're happy to be alive
~Relient K, High of 75
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me;
O Lord, be Thou my helper.
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing;
Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness;
That my soul may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever.
~Psalm 30:10-12
Also, this is something I thought was cute that I saw a long time ago and then just saw again on Dana's wall....
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine".
This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!
This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".
This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.
It's a woman's way of saying SCREW YOU!
HAHAHAHA....obviously a dude had to date a woman for a while, be married, have sisters, or be gay to write all this out so correctly. Unless, of course, it was written by a woman.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Homecoming Weekend

I feel much better now, so I will give a quick rundown of the past weekend...Basically, it wasn't what I expected...
Friday, Tom came up, and we were supposed to go to the Homecoming Parade downtown and then to see Elizabethtown. Jessica and Tom's cousin, Seth and Seth's roommate were going to be coming also. Seth actually ended up having plans to go home on Friday, but he was going to come back Saturday to tailgate with us at the Campus Outreach Krispy Kreme tailgate and then eat with us after the game. Jessica decided to be in the parade on the Gamma Phi Beta/AGR float, so Tom and were still going to the parade, but just the two of us. Well, all the roads were blocked off by police cars, so by the time that we were finally able to pay four bucks to park in a parking deck and walk to the parade area, the parade had ended. Tom and I got some milkshakes at Coldstone and walked around on North Campus for a while then took off to Borders then Elizabethtown. I'm hesitant to say what I think of the movie because I don't really know how I feel about it. I liked it for the most part.
Saturday came bright and early since it was a 12:30 game. I LOVE homecoming-call me a dork, but I think it's so cute to see all the old cheerleaders, football players, and band members come back and participate as much as they can. Plus there is a huge turn out with generations of bulldogs coming to cheer on the team with their families and friends. I love it. Well, Henry and Dana met me and Tom at my apartment, then we all got in my car and parked across from the Gamma Phi house. We walked to the tailgate, where I personally downed three krispy kreme glazed doughnuts-yum! And then, when Tom and I tried to get into the gate to see the game....Well, for the first time ever, the ppl at the gate decided to make us pull out our ids so they could examine them front and back. I got in without a problem, of course, but Tom's ticket was taken away. So, we ended up watching the game inside of Tate on tv with lil kids running around in front of the tv (which had an annoying teleprompter thing running). We hadn't been able to get in touch with Seth that morning or that afternoon, and as it turned out, he was MIA that night too. We never did hear back, so I hope he's ok. But that night we went to eat at Buffalo's with Jessica, Kelsey, Henry, and Dana. That was a lot of fun, and then we went to Borders to get a book Tom had seen the night before, and dropped the girls off before heading back to my apartment to spend time goofing around with Henry and Dana (see the pics!).
Sunday, I woke up around 4:30AM sick as a dog. I was nauseated and went from freezing to overheated constantly. I was up till about 5 trying not to throw up, then slept fitfully till about 8. At 8:30, I crawled into the bathroom and lay on the floor. I definately couldn't make it to church like that, so I grabbed the trash can and lay down on my bed again. I got up around 10:30 and got a shower...where I had to sit in the shower because I couldn't stand up. I eventually had to lie down again. Tom ended up having to take care of me all day. All I could swallow was tylenol and water and some SunnyD. My fever hit 101.9...I don't know if it went higher, but that is the highest I saw it on a thermometer. It was pretty miserable. The next day I felt better than that, but not 100%. Just thinking about the food I ate the night before made me feel like I would throw up, so now I don't want to think about Buffalos' or salsa at all. UGHHHHH. I still can't think about it. Dad told me I had a "Flu-like Virus." I don't enjoy them. Yuck.
So now, I have a test tomorrow and classes, but then it's fall break for me! yay!! And I plan to volunteer on Thursday at Noah's Ark, then Friday I'm headed to Atl for the GT Homecoming. Here's to hoping that this weekend goes smoother than the last!
Monday, October 24, 2005
I will post about this weekend later; as for now, I have a fever, and I feel like throwing up. I haven't eaten all day (all's now 12:25 am Monday morning), and I'm not hungry. Tom was up here for homecoming weekend at UGA, and he pretty much took care of me all day till 4:00 when he had to head back to Atl. I feel like death. Otherwise...Fall break is Thursday and Friday, and I can't wait.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Fun Stuff!
Today I turned in my application to be a Rho Chi (recruitment counselor) for Fall Rush 2006. I just enjoyed that side of rush so much more than any other side, and I would love to do it again. A lot of the girls that were Rho Chis when I was are signed up to do it again also. A TON of Gamma Phis are trying for it, so I don't know if I will get to do it again, but we will see. I hope that I get to! Please pray that God puts me where I can do His will most effectively during rush.
And Now...for something fun (I stole this from a friend's blog and filled it out myself!):
7 things I plan to do before I die:
~Become SCUBA certified
~Marry Tom and have no less than three children (hopefully four) and maybe adopt as well.
~Go Bungee-Jumping
~Learn to Surf
~Travel All Over the World
~Learn to Dance (I mean like Salsa and Swing and the such)
~Get my Eyesite Corrected
7 things I can do:
~Bake great cookies
~Dance to hip-hop (choreographed, like in cheerleading..and I guess freestyle, but that is too graphic to actually feel comfortable doing)
~Hold my own against a room full of Bulldog haters (haters are jealous)
~Be a Great Babysitter
~Sing in my room/car/wherever to all music
~Keep a secret
~Eat a whole bag of cheetos(the poofy kind) by myself
7 things I currently cannot do:
~Make a long road trip without having to use the bathroom at least once
~Sing in front of people without freaking out because of nerves
~Play guitar...or any other musical instrument
~Drive a stick-shift
~Watch scary movies by myself
~Go to the mall without a specific thing to buy bc I will buy way too much stuff otherwise
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
~Dark hair/Blue eyed combo + being cut, but not overly big or overly skinny. (Basically...Tom)
~Good (and sorta goofy) sense of humor- can be funny w/o putting others down
~Loves God
~Smart but not full of himself for it
~Not afraid of commitment
~Plays guitar-so sexy! haha
~Fun to hang out with (you wanna spend time with him and look forward to it)
7 things I say most often:
~Hey Hoe!/You are SUCH a Hoe!
~I love you!
~Fo Sho
~Gaaaaaaaahhhhhh...(Nappie D)
~Oh. My. Gosh. This is AMAZING! It's like an orgasm in my mouth! (this sounds a bit much, but it wasn't something I made up-it's courtesy of Stewie from Family Guy-gotta give credit where credit is due)
7 people I want to do this:
~Anyone who has a blog or who can respond to mine with a message on here!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I Heard That Sound!!
Yesterday I drove up to Atlanta for the MXPX/Relient K/Rufio Concert, and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!! When I first arrived, I helped Ben with some Psych homework, and that was great because it made me feel smart to help someone do Intro psych homework because I finally am in classes that are for my major! I need to feel smart every now and then. Ben is smart, so I didn't really help him much, only on like...3 questions then he did the rest. But it was good for my self esteem. lol. Plus it was fun to see Benjamin bc I miss him lots while he is at Valdosta! Tom was working on some code for CS.
We all got in Tom's car and drove to Theta Xi to pick up Sarah, a friend of a lot of the brothers there, and we all headed to the concert. Hetty ended up showing up with some of her GCSU friends, which just rocked my face off! And Tyler and Kyle, some of the Theta Xi guys made it over after an ultimate frisbee game, so it was fun to get to know them too. Of course, the music was AWESOME! And Hetty even started a mosh pit, but then had to bail from it when all the guys in it got too rough. It was so funny! Tom from MXPX threw a guitar pick out, and it hit me in the forehead (I was pulling up my hair, so I couldn't catch it) and then got shoved under a mat, so I couldnt' get it. SO SAD! But if you wanna see pics of the concert, you can go to Tom's MoBlog here:
Today, Dad called me when I was in class, and I met him afterwards downtown to go to eat, and we met up at The Grill. It was delicious! And I was surprised he was in town, but he had come through on his way home for a state medical board meeting. It was really nice to get to see him though, and I was hungry too! =)
Alright, I'm out!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Weekend Extrordinare
It's Monday, and I'm actually in a good mood! Who knew it could happen! haha
Well, Basically this past weekend was GREAT! On Friday, I went to Atlanta to see Tom. We went to Theta Xi for a minute, and I got to know some of the guys better which was fun. I had to put up with them making fun of my choice of Higher Education a lil bit, but that's nothing I'm not used to handling...and responding to! It was funny. After we left, Tom and I went to the City Cafe with Robert Lee, Daniel, and Jessica. That was so yummy! I had a turkey melt with fries, then Jessica and I split a HUGE piece of turtle cheesecake. Words can't describe the ecstasy of that one. whew...
Ok so Saturday was Mom's birthday, and I went home for it. She and Dad went with Jordan to help him move in to his apartment while I did my laundry and some of Jordan's. UGA beat Vandy, Tom came over, and everyone ate food from PF Chang's (they brought it back from Atl when they were done moving Jordan in). That was great, and the Great Wall of Chocolate cake was AWESOME! We gave mom her presents and cards and hung out and watched some of the Braves Game. Tom left, and Jordan and I stayed up talking about Harry Potter stuff until about 2:30 am. I can't WAIT for the next movie to come out and also to get the free time I want to read the books! (which I am asking for for Christmas)
Sunday, after church, Mom, Jordan, and I went to Pacho's for lunch and brought back food for Dad, who was on call. Tom came over, and we both fell asleep watching tv, and that was great because I was so tired! We just chilled out with dad and watched the Falcons and read the comics and ate some of the chocolate silk pie I had made and refrigerated the day before-YUM! Then mom and Jordan got home (they had been shopping for Jordan's apartment). We all visited then, Tom left, and I packed up my car and headed back to Athens to get my picture taken for the Gamma Phi composite. After my picture was done, I decided to go dress out in black and do the Sig Ep haunted house with Jessica and Laura. We worked the house (scaring people is fun! yay!) from 8-9:30, then headed back to the house. Jessica and I made smores and popped popcorn and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with Kelsey. That was done around 12:30 (Kels and Jess left early to go do homecoming street painting), and I headed back to the apartment. I talked to Tom and headed to bed. Basically, that was the most relaxed weekend I've had this semester. I LOVED IT! It's so much less stressful because I am test free this week FOR ONCE!! yayayayayayayay! I think this week will be fun-tonight after chapter and singing practice, I want to go to Sig Ep's haunted house as a customer. I know I will be a fun person for them because I scream at ANYTHING that startles, jumps, or scares. I think Kelsey and Jessica are coming with me, so if you are reading this and want to come along, just lemme know! Also on Tuesday, I am going to Atl to meet up with Tom and Ben to see MXPX and Relient K and Rufio in concert! YAY!!!!!!! Also, there are events going on all week for homecoming, and then this weekend, Tom is going to come up and see me. We are planning to go to the homecoming parade and maybe go see Elizabeth Town too, which I can't wait to see! Then the game is Saturday, and Henry, Dana, Dessie, and Dessie's boyfriend are coming up, so I think we are going to meet up with them-YAY! More fun times! I love this week!
Alrighty, well it's almost 5:00pm, and I have only had a pack of crackers today, so I am going to go eat some of my left over spaghetti-I'm starved!!!!
Before I go, I wanna give a huge shout out to Henry-HAPPY 23RD!!!
Much love yall,
Friday, October 07, 2005
UH OH...It's a Quiz
What would you do if:
1. I died?
2. I yelled at you?
3. I lived next door to you?
4. I started smoking?
5. I stole something?
6. I was hospitalized?
7. I ran away from home?
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?
What do you think about my:
9. Personality?
10. Eyes?
11. Hair?
12. Family?
Would you:
13. Be my friend?
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?
15. Hold my hand?
16. Take a bullet for me?
17. Keep in touch?
18. Try and solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Hate me?
Have you ever:
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to be my best friend?
23. Wanted to kill me?
24. Broken my heart?
25. Kept something important from me?
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying?
27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends?
30. Describe me in one word:
31. What was your first impression?
32. Do you still think that way about me now?
33. What reminds you of me?
34. If you could give me anything what would it be?
35. How well do you know me?
36. When's the last time you saw me?
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
38. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Farewell to Stinky Pete
Ok, Pete is well on his way to being released again to the wild. Probably at nasty Lake Harrick. Yuck.
The animal-lover who always has a bleeding heart for animals in need.

This is my temporary pet, Pete. I actually named him Michaelangelo (My fave Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle), but Tom told me to give him a short name too, and he didn't like Mike, so I went with Pete. Anyway, Someone actually stuck a piece of metal through his shell. I am going to give him to the vet school at UGA or to the Biology department. I found him taking a walk on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. He's a big boy. Check out my moblog for more pics.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Sisterhood is sweet

This weekend was pretty good...
Friday...Tom came up, which (of course) made my night! We just hung out at the apartment, went to Mexacali and Marble Slab, and watched Conan, and stuff like that. It was a good time.
Saturday... Sadly, Tom had to leave with Davey for Theta Xi's big brother/lil brother retreat at Jackson Lake. I spent the entire day like a hermit-in my apartment and alone. I don't know why I did this. But I did. That night I had plans to go out with Jessica, and to make it even more fun, Kelsey and Erin joined us to go to see Just Like Heaven. That sounded sarcastic, but I wasn't being that way; I was excited they came too! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It rocked my face off. I think guys will like it too, and the guys that were in the theater seemed to find it pretty funny, but I don't know those ppl (undoubtedly there with their girlfriends and wives), so maybe they were faking their laughter. I doubt it. It sort of made me think of How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days in that is just had a lot of really good humor and a cute story line. Plus, I love Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon, so it just made it that much better.
Sunday...Today was our Gamma Phi Beta sisterhood retreat, and we road trip'd it to Lake Hartwell in South Carolina. It was pretty fun- the ride there and back was fun because I was with Jessica, Kelsey, Laura and Sophe. (Laura is Kelsey's little, and Sophe is my grand-lil (Jessica's lil)!) I had a blast riding around with them today. There was lots of yummy food provided at the retreat, and we also had a ton of fun swimming around in the lake. Now I know why Ben, Tom, and Will like to freak me out by talking about "freshwater sharks" and "catfish the size of VW Bugs" and whatever else when we go to Jackson Lake. Basically, I was swimming around and two sorority sisters, Natalie and Lauren, were with me. I turned to them and said..."So have yall seen Lake Placid?" Them: "No, why?" Me: "I haven't either, but it looks scary. It's about this HUGE aligator who is in a lake. It keeps eating people and their pets and stuff. It's gigantic!" Them: " DON'T SAY THAT!! You are scarying me! shut up!" Me : (evil laugh) "HAHAHAHA!!!" But I still hate it when the guys do it to me. At least Jackson Lake's a lot less likely to have a huge aligator than a huge catfish that can swallow you! *shudder* ugh.
When I got back from the lake, I came here and put up groceries and stuff. My hair was super curly from the lake making it wet and having it up on the ride home. I wish I could get it to do this whenever I wanted it to. It looks more natural than with a curling iron or some other way. But oh well. I am gonna go do some Spanish work now! Boo to returning to reality.
ps- the pics are from the trip today-the dam we passed on the way, the girls who were in the car with me, the pavilion there and the view!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
DON'T CHA...which this song was never sung?
Don't Cha
Oh, baby dolls
I know you like me (I know you like me)
I know you do (I know you do)
Thats why whenever I come around shes all over you
And I know you want it (I know you want it)
It's easy to see (it's easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be home with me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
Leave it alone (leave it alone)
Cause if it aint love
It just aint enough to leave a happy home
Let's keep it friendly (let's keep it friendly)
You have to play fair (you have to play fair)
See, I dont care
But I know she aint gon' wanna share
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha , baby
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
I know I'm on your mind
I know we'll have a good time
I'm your friend
I'm fun
And I'm fine
I aint lying
Look at me, you aint blind [2x]
See, I know she loves you (I know she loves you)
I understand (I understand)
I'd probably be just as crazy about you
If you were my own man
Maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)
Possibly (possibly)
Until then, Oh friend your'e secret is safe with me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
This song is officially driving me crazy.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sick and Tired
Basically, I had a Spanish test Friday, a practice in-class composition in Spanish Monday, a Psych 2980 (Research Design) test Monday, babysitting tonight, and a test at 11 am for Marine Science tomorrow. I have to make up sleeping through my Marine Science lab(!!) today (due to heavy medication before bed) by going to a make up for it on Thursday. That means that I will have to go to my biology lab Thursday morning, miss some of biology lecture in order to make it to the MarS. make-up lab (it's really just a different lab section, but my TA is in charge of it, so she let me make it up then), and I don't get out of class till about 3:00. Also on Wednesday I have my small group then Campus Outreach. SO...yeah, I am going to CRASH Thursday night. I mean, WHEW I am tired, and I can't wait to be done with classes Friday. Tom will come down to see me which will be fun. Saturday he has his big brother/lil brother retreat on the lake (Jackson). Sunday, I am going to my sisterhood retreat and riding up with my lil and grand-lil and maybe some more girls too. (Fun times! woohoo!) we are going to Sandler's Creek State Park (Lake Hartwell) to hang out and get some sun and eat and just have a good time. I am excited to have a relaxing day, but honestly I know that I am going to end up bringing my Spanish book because I will have an in-class essay the next day and no, it's not open book. AAAUGH. I need Christmas break. And it's only September. .....I need to chill out.
I'm off to study more Marine Science. Please pray for me and my psycho schedule.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Country Gal

I am still wearing my cowboy hat and boots as I type this up! hehe. Tonight was Gamma Phi Beta's Field Party Date Night- basically like the equivalent of Christmas in date night terms for me because I LOVE dressing out in my cowgirl clothes. Tom is actually in Panama City with his fraternity brothers, but since I couldn't just miss this event, I tagged along with a group of people that included Jessica (my lil sis), Kelsey (her roommate, whom I adore) and Angela (Kelsey's big sis that is in my pledge class, used to room with my big sis-Alicia, and whom I think is super fun to hang out with) and their dates Ben, Patrick, and Jeff. It was great to meet those guys- they are into music and serious about their Christianity. Hopefully I will be able to get Tom into Athens sometime when they can meet him-they were nice guys. There were some more people we sat with, but they drove separately. But everyone was fun to hang out with. We put down blankets in the field and ate KFC, because everyone knows that you eat fried chicken and mashed 'taters when ya live in the country. hehe! Also there was a big ole bonfire for the entire field of people to use, so we made smores- though I felt like the fire would melt my clothes bc it was so hot! The band was great again this year, and in one part they let this younger group play that could definately use some young I mean about 15 years old, and they were rhyming words with the same word. For example (this is from the chorus of a song they wrote): "Let's head back to Athens where we started out, We always had our friends there who helped us out." or something like that. It was cute, and obviously better than the music I have written, which at last count was none- but still, they need to do more work on their lyrics and singing too. Basically though, the field party was a smashing success (hehe who says that?) and it was a lot of fun.
Earlier today I had my first Spanish exam of the semester, and it was TOUGH. I feel like the more I go to class, the more stupid I become. Does that make sense at all? It does to me. Try to go to that class and you will understand how I feel. But anyway- I am SO glad it's the weekend because I can sleep late tomorrow and I get to see Alejandra and Tom (Saturday and Sunday respectively), but honestly I am just dying for next Friday to be here (after the classes, naturally). It's just that I have a Psych 2980 test on Monday and a Marine Science test on Wednesday. I also have the usually 17 hour schedule and that includes marine science lab on Tuesday at 9 (meaning wake up around 7:30) and babysitting Tuesday night- then heading back to study more for Marine Science test at 11AM the next day. UGH. I know this is morbid, but I know I am not the only one who has thought this (ahem-Jessica), but sometimes I think it would be easier to just "accidentally" step in front of a bus- not the whole way, but enough to go to the hospital for a few days- just to get a break from all this work and CRAZY schedule. But then I am like...I am losing my mind. Honestly, it wouldn't solve a thing- I would just be broken physically and still have to make up all that crap in the summer or some other time I don't want to do it. bus accidents for me. Besides, that would really hurt and those busses...they are kinda huge and scary if they are screeching towards you- I don't want one coming at me.
I am super congested and my throat is killing me, so hopefully that will stop in the next few days. That would be great.
I am a grand-big sis now. Can you believe that? A GRAND big sis?? where has the time gone? Her name is Sophe Cook, and she is just awesome. I am so glad she is in our family. Basically, you get a family tree when you are adopted into a family as a lil sis. There are cute little names for a lot of the : The Angel Family, The Princess Family, The Belle Family, The Pink Flamingo Family....and my family is nameless! We are like the...anonymous family or something because we were never named. But Jessica, Sophe, and I want to change all that. Any suggestions?
The posted pics are from tonight. They are of the group we were with, of Jessica and Sophe, and stuff like that. Enjoy.
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Here, There and Everywhere
Yesterday was quite a day for me! I had a marine science lab at 9 AM, biology at 12:20, and an advising appointment at 3:00, but I actually got to start that early-allowing me out early which was great because I had to be at the house and ready to leave for Emory by 4:30. Whew. Basically, yesterday I had to go to Emory with some sisters because we are colonizing there (we sound like ants or something), and we needed to go up to meet the girls and help the people in charge of the Emory chapter answer any questions,just meet the girls, and give them a feel for what our sorority is like. That meant that I couldn't just get up and go to Marine Science lab looking cruddy. Boo.
Alright, so my advising appointment with Prof. Dowd was AWESOME. Basically, she is the best advisor in the world. We have the same birthday, so in the fall we always listen to each other's bday stories (she was at the beach, I hung out with friends at home). Then we get down to business, but somewhere in there we get to talking too, and she was asking about me and Tom and my promise ring. I promised her to come by or email her when we get engaged one day but told her it isn't happening any time soon! haha. Ok, so this is the best part- I have been wanting to study abroad in Costa Rica for a Maymester since I started thinking about it last semester. And I am definately going to pursue that. I also thought that would be a good tool to get me on track to graduate more closely to May of 2007. (Long story short, my first semester in my freshman year I was in a dif major, and I dropped a class- making my GPA and hours suffer. But she told me yesterday that I "recovered VERY nicely and no one would know if (I) didn't tell them." That made me feel better.) I asked her if I was on track to graduate in May '07. She said she didn't think so but we looked it over and found out that I am highly likely to graduate on time. Technically I am 2 hours short of being a junior, but since I am taking 17 hrs, I will be exactly in the middle of my jr year after this semester, and if I take 15 hrs next semester, I will be a senior at the end of the Spring Semester. By taking 2 classes in Costa Rica, I will actually put myself 6 hours ahead in my senior year, and that is fantastic! I am so excited about that. Even more exciting is that Alejandra is going to see if she can find a way to go on the CR Maymester with me and UGA. Sometimes schools will allow grades to transfer if you take classes on a study abroad trip with another school, so pray for that to work out- it would ROCK MY FACE OFF if she could come too! Next semester I am FINALLY going to be in upper level Spanish -Span 3010 (it is in conversation and composition..but harder than what I have been doing this semester and the last two semesters). In CR, I would be trying to get 2 more upper level Spanish classes out of the way. The downside of study abroad is that I can't take friends, Tom, and Family with me. That makes me so sad- I would be missing Jonathan's Med School graduation, Tyler's Third bday, and Me and Tom's 6-year anniversary. BOO on that. Dang it May-you are too popular of a month! No one better decide to get married this May, or I will hurt them!
Ok....So, Jessica rode to Atl with me, and that was SO MUCH FUN. We are so dorky, and I love hanging out with her. We just can talk about anything, and have a lot in common- like that we love Phantom of the Opera and Gamma Phi songs for example. She saw Phantom last Friday, and we had the soundtrack cds blaring and we were singing along. Now the notes in some of those songs are hard to hit anyway, but add to it that she is an alto and that I blew my voice out yelling at the game during parents weekend- I can't sing high notes right now. Did that stop us? NO. We were screeching out what would have been torturous sounds for anyone to have to listen to the whole way there and back, and then we would just die laughing; it really sounded that bad. At least I did- she actually wasn't so bad. Before we put in the Phantom music though, we were blaring my "Walkin' on Broken Glass" cd-basically it's a burned cd of songs that we sing in the a cappella group in Gamma Phi. The songs are for rush, for singing competitions, the national anthem for UGA athletic events (yes, we sing everywhere on campus but football games), etc. Basically, we are the only girls besides the song chair (I heart Jen Griffith!) that listen to that cd because we want to in our free time, not because we have to or need to. We also love that she is an alto and I am a soprano, because we harmonize on pretty much every song, and that is fun too. But yeah, just riding around with her and goofing off and talking meant I had a great evening.
Another thing that was fun was going to eat at Chili's with Megan, Megan, and Jess. (there are a ton of Meg(h)ans in my sorority). I didn't know Megan (Barclay,our President) or Megan (McDonald) very well, so it was fun to get to hang out with them. We went to the Kappa house at Emory because Megan B's older sister used to be one there and now works there as a chapter advisor. They have a condo where the 4 exec members live and where the chapter meets to have their chapter meetings. In August they are going to have "Sorority Village" at Emory available to all the sororities on campus- including Gamma Phi, which is awesome. Those houses will be spilt in two for housing two sororities per house, and they can hold 24 rather than 4 girls. Ok, after that we went to Chili's, and there was a guy (super overweight in his late 30s I would guess) there for a dude's bday as a singing telegraph. He was dressed in a full body leotard of light pink with fairy wings and a rainbow wig on his head. To complete the ensemble, he had a fairy wand that resembled one the kids I babysit have. Of course Jessica and I couldn't let him leave without getting a picture with him, so we caught him on the way out the door. We used her camera, so when she emails me the pics, I will try to remember to add them.
Ok that is all for now- I have a test on Friday in Spanish, in Psych 2980 on Monday, and in Marine Science on Wednesday, so I am going to be studying a lot for a bit. Pray for me!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Back to the Drawing Board

Ok I don't have much time to post bc I have to leave soon! (as minute!) I am gonna go eat with my pledge class at the house before chapter and am supposed to arrive at 5:15. It's 5:00 now.
Ok- This weekend was good, but Tyler, Lisa, Maddie, and Mom were all sick which was a bit sad. Tyler had croupe, so Jonathan and he missed the game. It was HOT there, and Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Jordan left early. Kristen and Tom stayed with me till third quarter, but then we decided to miss some of the traffic and head home. I had a good time over all though, and I think they did too. UGA could stand to do a lil better on the offensive line for blocking, but that is all I have to say about that. Tech is going to be tough to beat if we keep acting this way.
Alrighty, So funny thing happened in Spanish today. (Today was the best Spanish class I have had of the semester.) Basically this chapter in our book is over the sexes, and we discussed women's rights (derechos de los mujeres) in different countries. Then we split up (boys versus girls) to make a list of traits, jobs, sports, whatever to do with either guys or girls. Our teacher is a woman and she kept listening to the boys then coming over and telling us what they said, then she would give us ideas of what to put- it was so funny. One of the words she said was "caverniculos" or something like that, but it means cavemen. hehe. She had us put them on the board, and the we went over them all and the reactions were quite funny. She couldn't quit laughing when she got to cavemen! hehe. Well, I looked up and saw that they guys put (under women) "dependientes"- it means "dependent." So I ran up right before we went over it and wrote under our list for guys "dependientes de sus madres" (dependent on your mamas). When she got to the end of our list and read that out all the girls died laughing, and the guys were all saying "HEY!" Then we she read their list I asked "dependientes? de que?" (asking on what were we dependent) and then one guy said "de sus PADRES" (on your daddy!), and I replied "No-del dinero de mi padre!" (no- on the money of my daddy!") which sounds bratty, but I just meant it to be funny. Anyway, the whole exchange got the class laughing, and it was the first time this semester I REALLY enjoyed my spanish class, so I thought it was worth posting. YAY!
Ok, well time to go to the house. Tonight I have supper, chapter, then singing practice, then it's back here for more homework. Tomorrow I am headed to Emory to help out with a Q&A rush for Gamma Phi's first chapter there. WOO HOO for spreading out. If I see girls there that I met at Oxford, it's gonna be pretty funny.
YIKES- It's 5:14!!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Parent's Weekend and Stuff...
I also had my first CO (Camous Outreach) small group this semester. We are going to be studying First Corinthians this semester. It's really special because my lil sis in Gamma Phi, Jessica, is our small group leader. I'm really proud of her. I can see a difference in maturity and also her faith since last year. Not to say she wasn't mature, but I just respect her even more now, and I love her to death.
Before I run off...I just gotta say...I just watched a "Super Sweet 16" by MTV....umm... The girl-Jazmin (she spelled it that way)- she is one of those people that could stand to be beaten up. I just wanted to...I don't know ...hurt her. What a brat. She actually had a stage and a VIP room, and if you weren't one of her VIP girls, you weren't allowed in there or on the stage or in her limo. She got mad at her best friend and kicked her off the VIP list the day before the party. She got a brand new BMW convertable for her bday present, and she had 360 ppl at her "Cali Beach" style party. She had guys hired to sit in lifeguard stands and take their shirts off at her command. She also flew to NYC on her parent's jet to shop for her dress. At the very end she actually said, "My party cost more than my parent's wedding...but I don't care- I deserve it....Princess Jazmin-duh!" If that isn't ridiculous, I don't know what is.