I feel much better now, so I will give a quick rundown of the past weekend...Basically, it wasn't what I expected...
Friday, Tom came up, and we were supposed to go to the Homecoming Parade downtown and then to see Elizabethtown. Jessica and Tom's cousin, Seth and Seth's roommate were going to be coming also. Seth actually ended up having plans to go home on Friday, but he was going to come back Saturday to tailgate with us at the Campus Outreach Krispy Kreme tailgate and then eat with us after the game. Jessica decided to be in the parade on the Gamma Phi Beta/AGR float, so Tom and were still going to the parade, but just the two of us. Well, all the roads were blocked off by police cars, so by the time that we were finally able to pay four bucks to park in a parking deck and walk to the parade area, the parade had ended. Tom and I got some milkshakes at Coldstone and walked around on North Campus for a while then took off to Borders then Elizabethtown. I'm hesitant to say what I think of the movie because I don't really know how I feel about it. I liked it for the most part.
Saturday came bright and early since it was a 12:30 game. I LOVE homecoming-call me a dork, but I think it's so cute to see all the old cheerleaders, football players, and band members come back and participate as much as they can. Plus there is a huge turn out with generations of bulldogs coming to cheer on the team with their families and friends. I love it. Well, Henry and Dana met me and Tom at my apartment, then we all got in my car and parked across from the Gamma Phi house. We walked to the tailgate, where I personally downed three krispy kreme glazed doughnuts-yum! And then, when Tom and I tried to get into the gate to see the game....Well, for the first time ever, the ppl at the gate decided to make us pull out our ids so they could examine them front and back. I got in without a problem, of course, but Tom's ticket was taken away. So, we ended up watching the game inside of Tate on tv with lil kids running around in front of the tv (which had an annoying teleprompter thing running). We hadn't been able to get in touch with Seth that morning or that afternoon, and as it turned out, he was MIA that night too. We never did hear back, so I hope he's ok. But that night we went to eat at Buffalo's with Jessica, Kelsey, Henry, and Dana. That was a lot of fun, and then we went to Borders to get a book Tom had seen the night before, and dropped the girls off before heading back to my apartment to spend time goofing around with Henry and Dana (see the pics!).
Sunday, I woke up around 4:30AM sick as a dog. I was nauseated and went from freezing to overheated constantly. I was up till about 5 trying not to throw up, then slept fitfully till about 8. At 8:30, I crawled into the bathroom and lay on the floor. I definately couldn't make it to church like that, so I grabbed the trash can and lay down on my bed again. I got up around 10:30 and got a shower...where I had to sit in the shower because I couldn't stand up. I eventually had to lie down again. Tom ended up having to take care of me all day. All I could swallow was tylenol and water and some SunnyD. My fever hit 101.9...I don't know if it went higher, but that is the highest I saw it on a thermometer. It was pretty miserable. The next day I felt better than that, but not 100%. Just thinking about the food I ate the night before made me feel like I would throw up, so now I don't want to think about Buffalos' or salsa at all. UGHHHHH. I still can't think about it. Dad told me I had a "Flu-like Virus." I don't enjoy them. Yuck.
So now, I have a test tomorrow and classes, but then it's fall break for me! yay!! And I plan to volunteer on Thursday at Noah's Ark, then Friday I'm headed to Atl for the GT Homecoming. Here's to hoping that this weekend goes smoother than the last!
Yuck...sorry you felt so bad! That's the virus that I had a few weeks ago. We definitely gotta get the flu shot this year...
Elizabeth town was beautiful!
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