Ok I don't have much time to post bc I have to leave soon! (as in..one minute!) I am gonna go eat with my pledge class at the house before chapter and am supposed to arrive at 5:15. It's 5:00 now.
Ok- This weekend was good, but Tyler, Lisa, Maddie, and Mom were all sick which was a bit sad. Tyler had croupe, so Jonathan and he missed the game. It was HOT there, and Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Jordan left early. Kristen and Tom stayed with me till third quarter, but then we decided to miss some of the traffic and head home. I had a good time over all though, and I think they did too. UGA could stand to do a lil better on the offensive line for blocking, but that is all I have to say about that. Tech is going to be tough to beat if we keep acting this way.
Alrighty, So funny thing happened in Spanish today. (Today was the best Spanish class I have had of the semester.) Basically this chapter in our book is over the sexes, and we discussed women's rights (derechos de los mujeres) in different countries. Then we split up (boys versus girls) to make a list of traits, jobs, sports, whatever to do with either guys or girls. Our teacher is a woman and she kept listening to the boys then coming over and telling us what they said, then she would give us ideas of what to put- it was so funny. One of the words she said was "caverniculos" or something like that, but it means cavemen. hehe. She had us put them on the board, and the we went over them all and the reactions were quite funny. She couldn't quit laughing when she got to cavemen! hehe. Well, I looked up and saw that they guys put (under women) "dependientes"- it means "dependent." So I ran up right before we went over it and wrote under our list for guys "dependientes de sus madres" (dependent on your mamas). When she got to the end of our list and read that out all the girls died laughing, and the guys were all saying "HEY!" Then we she read their list I asked "dependientes? de que?" (asking on what were we dependent) and then one guy said "de sus PADRES" (on your daddy!), and I replied "No-del dinero de mi padre!" (no- on the money of my daddy!") which sounds bratty, but I just meant it to be funny. Anyway, the whole exchange got the class laughing, and it was the first time this semester I REALLY enjoyed my spanish class, so I thought it was worth posting. YAY!
Ok, well time to go to the house. Tonight I have supper, chapter, then singing practice, then it's back here for more homework. Tomorrow I am headed to Emory to help out with a Q&A rush for Gamma Phi's first chapter there. WOO HOO for spreading out. If I see girls there that I met at Oxford, it's gonna be pretty funny.
YIKES- It's 5:14!!
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