I am still wearing my cowboy hat and boots as I type this up! hehe. Tonight was Gamma Phi Beta's Field Party Date Night- basically like the equivalent of Christmas in date night terms for me because I LOVE dressing out in my cowgirl clothes. Tom is actually in Panama City with his fraternity brothers, but since I couldn't just miss this event, I tagged along with a group of people that included Jessica (my lil sis), Kelsey (her roommate, whom I adore) and Angela (Kelsey's big sis that is in my pledge class, used to room with my big sis-Alicia, and whom I think is super fun to hang out with) and their dates Ben, Patrick, and Jeff. It was great to meet those guys- they are into music and serious about their Christianity. Hopefully I will be able to get Tom into Athens sometime when they can meet him-they were nice guys. There were some more people we sat with, but they drove separately. But everyone was fun to hang out with. We put down blankets in the field and ate KFC, because everyone knows that you eat fried chicken and mashed 'taters when ya live in the country. hehe! Also there was a big ole bonfire for the entire field of people to use, so we made smores- though I felt like the fire would melt my clothes bc it was so hot! The band was great again this year, and in one part they let this younger group play that could definately use some work.....by young I mean about 15 years old, and they were rhyming words with the same word. For example (this is from the chorus of a song they wrote): "Let's head back to Athens where we started out, We always had our friends there who helped us out." or something like that. It was cute, and obviously better than the music I have written, which at last count was none- but still, they need to do more work on their lyrics and singing too. Basically though, the field party was a smashing success (hehe who says that?) and it was a lot of fun.
Earlier today I had my first Spanish exam of the semester, and it was TOUGH. I feel like the more I go to class, the more stupid I become. Does that make sense at all? It does to me. Try to go to that class and you will understand how I feel. But anyway- I am SO glad it's the weekend because I can sleep late tomorrow and I get to see Alejandra and Tom (Saturday and Sunday respectively), but honestly I am just dying for next Friday to be here (after the classes, naturally). It's just that I have a Psych 2980 test on Monday and a Marine Science test on Wednesday. I also have the usually 17 hour schedule and that includes marine science lab on Tuesday at 9 (meaning wake up around 7:30) and babysitting Tuesday night- then heading back to study more for Marine Science test at 11AM the next day. UGH. I know this is morbid, but I know I am not the only one who has thought this (ahem-Jessica), but sometimes I think it would be easier to just "accidentally" step in front of a bus- not the whole way, but enough to go to the hospital for a few days- just to get a break from all this work and CRAZY schedule. But then I am like...I am losing my mind. Honestly, it wouldn't solve a thing- I would just be broken physically and still have to make up all that crap in the summer or some other time I don't want to do it. So...no bus accidents for me. Besides, that would really hurt and those busses...they are kinda huge and scary if they are screeching towards you- I don't want one coming at me.
I am super congested and my throat is killing me, so hopefully that will stop in the next few days. That would be great.
I am a grand-big sis now. Can you believe that? A GRAND big sis?? where has the time gone? Her name is Sophe Cook, and she is just awesome. I am so glad she is in our family. Basically, you get a family tree when you are adopted into a family as a lil sis. There are cute little names for a lot of the families...like : The Angel Family, The Princess Family, The Belle Family, The Pink Flamingo Family....and my family is nameless! We are like the...anonymous family or something because we were never named. But Jessica, Sophe, and I want to change all that. Any suggestions?
The posted pics are from tonight. They are of the group we were with, of Jessica and Sophe, and stuff like that. Enjoy.
Have a good weekend!
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