No, I didn't die, though it does seem I fell off the face of the earth for a while! ha. It has been a CRAZY couple of weeks here-tons of tests, papers, in-class foreign language compositions, quizzes, and the like. SO-it's nice to have time to post on here! =) I guess it's not fair to say I haven't had time at all, because technically I have spent some free time with Tom, but that is time better spent on him than on typing. haha.
Let's see.... I didn't post pictures of the Armstrong girls when I babysat last did I? They were so funny! They wanted to do facepainting, but I wouldn't let them use the acrylic paints they had, so I let them use my makeup instead. (Jack was already in bed, no facepainting for him.) Mary Caroline was a cat, and Anne Marie was a bunny rabbit, and they both dressed up beforehand in princess and fairy outfits! lol So, I'll post them now! =)
Alright, the last couple of weeks were torturous, and I still have a lot ahead of me-making me count down the days until Thanksgiving Break, but at least I have those first two weeks of November down! Only nine or so days to go before my break! And two more tests and two or three more papers and a prelab and two or three quizzes and two babysitting jobs........
My semiformal was this past Friday night, and Tom's was the week before. Both were SO much fun! =) I also gave in and watched "Saw" with Tom, Robert Lee, Daniel, and Jessica after the Theta Xi semiformal...WOW-SCARY!!! It's so twisted, and in some parts I almost cried. I DO NOT want to watch Saw II-Tom can watch that with his other friends. lol. For my semiformal, Tom and I went out to eat with Claire and Phillip at Last Resort-YUMMY!- and then we went over to the dance. My family looked so gorgeous! Alicia and Jessica and Sophe looked like professionals had picked out their outfits and done their makeup and hair-they were just stunning!!
I'm so excited because Henry and Dana are getting married at the end of the week. Tom will also be done with his associateship and be an official brother of Theta Xi by Saturday! YAY!! Wonderful things are happening! =) Alright, I am tired, so I want to get to bed now! Have a good week!
ps-I don't know how I forgot to mention this....Saturday night, Tom, Phillip, Claire and I went to the Auburn game together then out to eat at IHOP. And UGA lost...My opinion on the game is this: our defensive coaching needs to step it up a lot if they even want to think about winning the SEC title against LSU-a team known for putting a victory on the scoreboard when they play us. I couldn't believe a few things that happened right before my eyes- the refs were almost always reviewing plays in defense of Auburn bc our coaches didn't fight hard enough to have them review other plays that should have helped us out, Refs called pass interference on us when our guy did nothing wrong and the guys from Auburn should have had the penalty (then they didn't review it!), we didn't go for the two point conversion bc of screwing up and had to do a kick-poor coaching on Mark Richt's part (although I still like the guy a lot), not rushing the quarterback for Auburn even though he is a young'n, and no coverage over Auburn's offense-Case in point: Fourth quarter, AU's fourth down, and there is a guy WIDE OPEN in the MIDDLE OF THE FIELD who catches the ball and runs for a td, accidentally fumbles, but they got close enough to run down the time then kick a field goal and win by ONE POINT. If you need more evidence, consider that almost every time that AU was on 3rd down, they ended up getting to 1st down again. RGH.
Still, it was a very exciting and for the most part, fun, game to attend in person. Claire and I had the hardest time standing up in the stands the whole time because everyone kept jumping and the stands felt like a trampoline-it was so hard to keep your balance! lol. It was really fun though to go, and when I get pics from semiformal and the game, I will try to remember to post them!
1 comment:
Where's the flower friend? (I've been hearing reports that he's working for UPS these days...) Ha, Ha, Ha!!!
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