I had a wonderful weekend! Here's a quick rundown with some pics!...(more are on my moblog)!
Friday, I went to Atl to see Tom after classes, and I got my wallet back- YAY! Tom and I went to Theta Xi, and I got to meet his big bro, Jason, as well as some of Tom's other brothers! Jason is Theta Xi's President, and he is really nice and easy to talk to.
Then we headed back to his apartment. George and Alejandra came over, and we all walked to Moe's to eat with Robert Lee and Daniel. Afterwards, we walked back...Atl looks pretty cool at night with all the lights going on! We all hung out at the apartment for a while before George left, then Tom and I took Alejandra back to Emory a little while later.
Saturday I went to the Tech-UNC game...umm...UNC...not ranked. And Tech beat them by 6 points or so. Unfortunately. But that's ok- we were able to get back to the apartment in time to watch the end of the UGA game and see the Dawgs beat the Gamecocks. Whew- that was a close game (17-15)!! That night, Tom made hamburgers and we ate with Robert Lee, Daniel, Jordan and Sarah. It was pretty fun- Jordan and Sarah ended up hanging out with us till about 1am. I felt bad for Jessica (Daniel's gf) bc she kept commuting to work in Conyers and back to Atl. She is a waitress at Cafe Milano, and I can imagine how tired she was making that drive continuously all weekend.
Today, Mr. Tommy and Mrs. Patti took me and Tom to see The Phantom of the Opera at The Fox. It was great!!! I love theatre, and it was just so awesome because the seats were in Row B----yeah, that's right- SECOND ROW BABY! How generous of them, right? I am soooo happy that we were able to go with them! (Thanks again!)
After the play, I had to go back to Athens ASAP so that I could be at the house by 6:00pm. We were having The Annual Gamma Phi Beta Chili Cook-Off. It's our Fall philanthropy, and the money goes to about 3 or 4 different charities- usually it's the same ones year after year, but in light of the date (September 11th) we decided to give some of it to an organization for families of men and/or women in the armed forces, as well as families who lost someone in the Armed Forces.
Ok- I have a Biology test on Tuesday and have a lot of reading to do. Pray for me please!!
MEGHAN you are so dumb. Ok Tech and UNC played, UNC was not ranked as you mentioned, and Tech beat them by 6. Now lets look at the uga game. uga played USC, USC was not ranked, and uga only beat them by 2. Now hmmmmmm, why did you not mention all of that information, huh? huh? Yeah thats what i thought, it's cause you are a dumb ole bulldog. uga should have lost, but leave it to the kicker of the other team to mess it up. Plus the Tech game was a much better game to watch because both team are actually good. There was only one good team in the USC, uga game, and that was USC. And Shockley, way overrated he sucks so much. Well please please be sure to inform your readers of ALL the information next time, Thanks.
Tom and I discussed the fact that USC was not ranked either. Lemme tell ya something- they are a reallllly good team, and, while Shockley didn't play as well as he did against Boise, UGA had to be pretty good to beat USC. UNC on the other hand....they had one play that really impressed me during the whole game-that's it. And let's not forget that I was there. GT was by far the better team, and if UGA had been playing UNC, the Tarheels would have been beaten by a much bigger difference than 6 points. Tech...well, I mean they've done better so far. But we'll see what happens when UGA is hosted at GT. The Jackets will be crying when they lose at home. hahaha. By the way, How does GT rank compared to UGA? That's what I thought.
4:36 PM
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