I have been passing out on my bed totally wiped out often lately, and when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I don't have any energy. I don't go out and party at night...so I've come to this conclusion: I keep putting off studying every weekend until I am back at school, then I am up to hours that are just not decent in an attempt to catch up. This goes on all week, I am committed to too many other things throughout the week meaning I do my homework when I should be sleeping and do group things when normal people do homework, and by the weekend, I am so sick of school I just want a few days to not think about it. And the vicious cycle continues. So I need to get over the not wanting to think about it on the weekends thing so I can have a normal sleeping pattern.
I just finished a lab practical for Cognitive Psych, and I have a paper due tomorrow for that class and I also have to do part of a paper for my Social Psych group, and I have a test in Social Psych on Thursday. Before doing the lab practical, I was at Mary Caroline and Anne Marie Armstrong's school, Prince Avenue Christian School, because Mary Caroline is the Star Student this week, and Jennie has a "surprise guest" coming to eat with her every day for lunch. Today was my day, but I was (surprise, surprise) late to get out there, so I grabbed my food and went outside to the playground to eat while she and her classmates had recess. I talked to her teachers and classmates and got to know some of the people that she sees every day, so that was interesting. She showed me the classroom and wanted me to stay through class, but I had work to do, so I had to leave. You should have seen their faces when I told them I would be in class until 6:15 pm today. It was hilarious. They are in 2nd grade, so for most of them that is me being in class until about 2 hours before they go to bed. haha I was definately feeling like a grown up since they all called me a "guest," got me a chair to sit in with the teachers, let me walk ahead of them, and whatever else. It was kind of weird, but kind of like being "the cool kid" so I found it amusing. =)
I feel as if this semester is FLYING by. It's crazy...I mean, I just got back from Costa Rica, and all of a sudden, it's almost Halloween. It's halfway through my second to last semester of college, and I can't believe I'm at this point in life. I feel again such an uncertain feeling in my life...like I KNOW I don't have any control...about my future after graduation. Even when I was a senior in High School, I knew that logically I had options, but I only wanted one. Thankfully, that is what God wanted for me too, so I went to UGA. But now, I feel like I only want one type of job, and what if I don't get it? I don't know what else I would really enjoy doing. I am praying for God to be over it, but it still weighs on me. A lot of people (believe it or not) want to work with exotic animals, and only a few jobs are open to them. I don't have a 4.0...I mean, my GPA is ok, but it's not amazing, so I feel like God is going to have to just really open the doors for me if I am going to get a job at Zoo Atlanta. I know I have the determination, desire, and attitude that would do well there, but I have to get past the interviews to prove it. And I have to get an interview first. One step at a time, I guess. I just guess it's strange to feel like my world is changing again, into something I've never done before, into something that will change my life. That's huge. But God is bigger, so I guess I have nothing to worry about. What a relief. =)
I have to go to Spanish Lit,....then Social Psych, then Cog Psych Lab. Then Pref Singers. Then spend hours doing papers and studying. This work entails: Acting Journal due with 24 entries, Paper due for Cognitive Psych, Intro part of paper due for Social Psych, Quiz for Acting, Quiz for Spanish, meeting with two teachers to talk about different paper topics, Social Psych Exam. And that's just the academic part. I am so tired.
Please, pray for me!
ps- I got a new picture from a friend who went to Costa Rica with me. It was taken on a mountain when we were on a taxi ride from town to our homestays and had him pull over for picture. It's at the top of the page.=)
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