I reallllly needed that fall break, and I wish it wasn't over....back to reality. *sigh* That means for this week that I have meetings and psych research and a cog psych test, a drama quiz, and a Spanish presentation-and it's only Monday. I should be on a bus right now, but instead, I'm in my apartment because I have what might be a stomach virus from playing with my niece Madeline yesterday, who had the same oh-so-lovely symptoms.
Over the break, Mom and I looked at reception sites online, and we visited the Vines Botanical Gardens in Logansville. It was beautiful, but expensive, so we'll have to see. I have a lot more places I want to look before I'll pick a place. It would be awesome to know already, though. I plan to wait on picking a dress for myself until next semester...I don't know what new styles will be coming out with the spring, and I don't want to pick something out now only to regret it later. But I need to get it early enough to have it altered since nothing is ever the perfect length on my short body. I also signed up with the wedding channel (.com) and made a website for Tom and myself: http://pattonandmcfarlin.weddings.com so feel free to check it out! As we know more, we will add info-where things will be held, hotel info for out-of-towners, registry info, wedding party info and pictures, and more. For now, it mostly has a welcome page, a how we met/how we got engaged page, and a page with pictures of our matron of honor and best man (Kristen and Ben). Anyway, it's all underway, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how many decisions I have to make. There are a ton of details!
I went to the PAC homecoming game with Tom, Ben, Henry, and Dana on Friday night, and it was fun to see some of our old teachers and to finally talk about being engaged as excited instead of correcting people to tell them that we aren't. Now we don't have to worry about the rumor mill stirring up engagement stories for the two of us!
On Saturday I had the "joy" of watching GT pull a win out of their behinds over Miami and of hearing Tech fans talk about UGA being beaten in Jacksonville. yay. I also got to see Jim and Mandy and Elizabeth-she is such a cute little girl! She's teething, so she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth to chew on it-not least of her favorites to eat when I held her was my hair. haha At least she didn't spit up on me.
Sunday, we had sherry chicken, rice, green bean casserole, corn off the cob, crescent rolls, jello, and brownies with ice cream for dessert. YUM! One of my VERY favorite meals! You can bet I brought those leftovers back to Athens with me. Tom came over for lunch, and we had fun playing with Tyler and Madeline. Anna Kate didn't get up until after Tom left, but she is SO cute, and she was actually smiling every now and then at Lisa. It was so sweet. I got a half grin out of her when I was talking to her. =) She is a beautiful baby, and she seems to favor the Jackson looks more than Patton looks, which is different than Tyler and Madeline.
And now it's Monday; I'm back at school, sitting at my computer in bathrobe and looking awful. lol I don't think I'm going to make it past my apartment doors today since I don't want to deal with this virus or bug or whatever in public. Oh the joys of going back to school. hah
how bout them dogs
Yeah, i got the message. lol
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