Hey there,
I am in the midst of exams and counting the days until I am OUTTA HERE!!! I turned in a project yesterday, had two finals today, and am worn slap out. Ends up that the Span 3030 class I needed for the Maymester isn't being offered, so I am going to be at home and stuff for the month. But I'll be busy-as usual! Plans as of now?
Thursday-Study for Film final and meet my friend Ashley for lunch. Take dresses to UPS to ship them out to my aunt. Babysit that night.
Friday- Film Final at 8:00AM. Pack up and head to Atl. Study for Psych final (that final is gonna hurt me) at Tom's apartment and then go TO LOOK AT RINGS with him. sorry. did I mention that? hehehehehehehe I have never been able to do that with Tom before, and I am soooo excited. We aren't picking out ANYTHING, and I don't want to even know when he does. I just want to go look at stuff, get my ring size, make sure that what I've always said I wanted is what I definately like, and to show Tom what kind of stuff I am into. Poor guy isn't gonna know what hit 'im. LOL ok...back to Friday. After studying and "shopping" I am going to Mission Impossible III with Tom and friends, and then to Taco Mac for a friend (Nate, one of Tom's fraternity brothers) 21st birthday.
Saturday- STUDY SOME MORE. Then go to Conyers at 4 for Jennifer's appointment at David's Bridal for all the bridesmaids to get fitted. Everyone is going to meet there then eat afterwards, but I am going to have to head back around 6:30 or so to go to Tom's apartment for a party for everyone from home and some from school (meaning...Tech and State since it's in Altanta) at Apartment 1 (it really earned it's name with those guys living there! =)
Sunday-Go to church in Covington, then STUDY AGAIN. Then head back to school.
Monday-Psych Final and then meeting at 5 for Spanish study abroad in Costa Rica. Then packing and BACK to Covington.
Tuesday-Go to Fla with Tom and his family!
Thursday-Come back from Fla then pick up Alejandra from Emory
Friday- Go to Jonathan's graduation from MCG (yayuh!!)
Saturday-Take Alejandra to the Airport
After that my plans before leaving for Costa Rica are to go on vacation with my family-I'll turn 21 at Disney World haha, redecorate my bedroom at mom and dad's house, go on a trip with Mom and Kristen, visit Tom during his summer semester in ATL, hang out with friends from home, keep up with my Spanish, and babysit. Then leave for Costa Rica on June 16th. July 23rd I return. Then it's visit with friends, move my stuff to my new apartment in Athens, Rho Chi stuff during rush, and then MY SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!! Sooooooo yeah. Always busy.
Ok. I'm out.
ps-After this summer, I can add Costa Rica to the map at the top!! Fun times!! =)
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