Hey there folks,
It's been an interesting weekend. First of all, Tom and I both forgot that Friday was our six-year anniversary, which was pretty amusing to both of us. It would have been less amusing if one of us had remembered, I'm sure, but since I remembered at about 2AM Thursday morning, I reminded Tom, and we had a good laugh. He was still sweet enough to go out and buy me a dozen beautiful red roses on Friday, and that made me happy. We had already made plans for the entire day, so there was no lovey-dovey dinner or anything, which is fine. We went out to eat lunch with my mom, then worked in my bedroom, throwing junk out and looking at old notes that I had saved from 8th grade up. Some were so funny-notes that Tom and I had written as friends about ex's and about wanting to know "who 'the one'" is (!!!lol!!!), notes between me and other girls, notes from when Tom and I were dating but in high school still, even some from when I was going out with other boys, but I would only allow us to read about...2...of those before insisting on throwing that stuff out. lol No ex-boyfriend memory lane for me, thank you very much. Especially not with Tom. Now that stuff is residing in the dump, and I feel no loss. I kept all of the notes that were between me and Tom, because those are hilarious (and kinda cute) considering that we are still together. We also found some stuff that I drew and wrote when I was really young...from 6 years to about 3rd grade...and it's reallllllly funny. Tom had fun reading my handwriting...which hasn't changed much...and trying to sound out what I was trying to spell. Let's just say that yu shld be gld tat I cn spl betr now. It mks rding ezer. (that was from when I was 5 or 6. I promise I could spell fairly well once I was actually learning that stuff in school!) hahaha!! =)
Anyway, after cleaning out most of the stuff in my room, I went to Tom's house to hang out with people there, and there was a pretty good turn-out. We ate and hung out...intentions were to swim, but it was chilly (that didn't stop Henry or Tom...and it wouldn't have stopped Ben, but he hurt his hand at work that day), then we were going to watch a movie, but we all talked for so long that it would have been too late to start one. Most of us ended up hanging out in Ben's room listening and singing along to music and talking...and Dana was sleeping half the time. lol.
That night, April spent the night with me, which was AWESOME because I don't get to see her nearly enough. Darn other states. Taking almost all of my hometown girlfriends away. Anyway, she and I hung out, and as is the trend, I had a lot of work in my room to do, so I did that while she kept me company. And it is for that reason that I found out at 2AM that my entire high school...which isn't that big, but still....thinks that I am engaged. And I'm not. Jordan is, to Sarah Cormack. And I'm not. And they shouldn't think that. GRRRR. This is the SECOND TIME that a rumor has gone around that Tom and I are engaged, the first time being our FRESHMAN year of college. People in small towns, and especially in small schools, LOVE to talk about other people. And while engagement rumors aren't exactly hurtful gossip, it's annoying because by the time Tom and I are actually engaged, it will be old news. It will be the third time that they have heard we are engaged to each other, so no one will be excited. They might not even believe it. I haven't even been to Piedmont in a year (and that was only one time that year for Ben's graduation), and I haven't spoken to any teachers since that time either.
So how did it happen? Apparently when Anne St. Clair (family friend) was talking to Judy (my old cheerleading coach and lady in charge of admissions at PAC) about Jordan, it wasn't clear that it was him that was engaged and NOT me. Judy told April that I was engaged when they talked on the phone, which led to a back and forth of "no, she's not," "Yes, she is".... And she said, "I haven't put an announcement in the paper yet because I haven't heard from her or her mom yet." That would be because I am not engaged.That was on Thursday. Then the next day, Vicki Mills (works at PAC) was helping April and her mom decorate for a party when April brought me up. And Vicki said, "So you heard, right?" And she said that Judy had made an announcement to the teachers in the teachers' lounge that Tom and I are engaged. And again, she and April's mom tried to convince April I was engaged. So by the time that April tells me this on Friday night, I am freaking out.
Why? Because one of our (AWESOME-one of the best ever, no lie) teachers from Piedmont, Mrs. Crawley, is having a retirement party on Sunday...today, actually....and I am planning to go. So is Tom. And now we are going to have half the people coming up and not believing us when we say we aren't engaged. And it's supposed to be Mrs. Crawley's thing, so this is really annoying. Saturday, April left, and Tom came over to help me get some stuff set up on Ebay. Mom and Dad and I all painted my room blue (Yesssss!), and tomorrow, I plan to work on repainting the trim white after Mrs. Crawley's party. But before the painting began, Tom and I decided it would be best if I set the record straight about our so-called engagement. I called the Nelson house, Ivey answered and told me that she had heard about me getting a ring, I asked for her mom....who was at PAC getting it ready for the party. So I called her cell phone and let her know I am in fact, NOT engaged. And I told her I had heard she had announced it to the teachers, so I didn't want them thinking that anymore. And she told me that she had not said anything to anyone but April...which is curious since Vicki Mills said something to April and Ivey said something to me, but nevermind. The point is....in case you missed it....I AM NOT ENGAGED YET. And when I am engaged, I would like for people from home to pretend that they care and that they are hearing it for the first time. Thank goodness I can surprise my sorority sisters with it, or I might not have anyone to be surprised for me. lol
Ok, it's 3AM and I have to be at church at 10:50. After that it's off to face the hand-grabbing, "where is your ring??" asking people who still think whatever about me and Tom, but mostly, it's off to celebrate years of wonderful teaching and giving from Mrs. Crawley. She is really going to leave huge shoes to fill.
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