Dead Birds (2004)
| Directed by Alex Turner Writing credits Simon Barrett |
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Tagline: There are worse things than dying
Plot Outline: A group of Confederate soldiers who hole up in an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank, and find themselves at the mercy of supernatural forces.
Ok, other things....Today I got a new phone and I FINALLY caught up with everyone else. "Finally" because everytime I have a phone, it is behind everyone else, and every time I get a new phone, they update theirs. People I hang out with change their cell phones with their moods. I change mine every two years when the contract runs out. Anyway, so I bit the bullet and paid the extra cost to get a samsung camera phone with unlimited text and picture messaging, yay for me. *wink* It was only about $35 after mail-in rebate and the deduction for the upgrade from the renewed contract (it had been two years). Now that I have typed this, it is inevitable that everyone I know will go out and get newer, better phones in the next couple of months. Whatever.
Also, today I went to the pool with Lisa and her kids. Actually we were at her sister, Amy's, pool with several of their cousins and 13 kids in all. WHEW. I got to be good buddies with one of the girls there- 2 and a half year old Jillian. She is a cutie, and she cracked me up because she kept asking people "who's that?" everytime she looked at me. Around the 5th time she was introduced to me, she decided she should spend the rest of the afternoon with me, and when she would sometimes forget my name, she would call me "that girl." She, along with Tyler and Maddie, kept me pretty entertained. Most of the other kids just did their own thing, but it was a good time.
Wednesday, at Noah's Ark, Hugh (my supervisor) offered to pay me to work each Saturday. He said they really needed someone like me in front office because I could work with people which I responded that I didn't mind working wherever he needed me so long as if Zoo Atl calls them someday for a resume check-up, they learn I can do more than answer the phone, page people, radio people, sell merchandise, clean-up, and take notes on animals that people are wanting to bring in. In other words, I do not want to look like all I learned was to be a receptionist. I think that there is nothing wrong with it, but it's just something I would not like to do the rest of my life, and I think the best I am going to get at Noah's Ark is a chance to learn enough information about all their animals to give tours to groups around Noah's Ark's habitat and to help with feeding the animals and transporting them, cleaning them, and anything else hands on (besides chasing ducklings and bunnies). But still, I want to be helpful, so I am a front-desk-girl for now.
Which brings me to now. I have to go make my lunch for tomorrow so that I am ready to go right away in the morning, because I am volunteering tomorrow. So I am off.
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