Hey yall!
I am only going to be at home for about another hour or so, so I thought I would blog while I could. I went to Fun in the Son at Jekyll Island last Saturday to be a member of the volunteer work crew with Tom, Ben, Will, Henry, Travis, Robert Lee, and Kristen Boswell. It was fun to spend time with them (when we were together- we were spread out between two hotels- Oceanside and Holiday Inn- to work, but we all slept at Oceanside). However, that was the most work I have EVER done at the beach. A routine day would be wake up at 8am, meet at 9:30 with all of work crew and Seth- in charge of work crew and with Brian- in charge of rec. Then we would go to the beach and unload everything necessary to have a functioning volleyball court- and we always had 3- 6 at a time. We would then untangle the lines for the court and stake them in the ground, hold up the pipes that held the net, stake that to the ground on both sides, tighten it all until it was secure and the net was not sagging, and then do it all again until all the courts for the day were set up. Then we would set up ultimate frisbee by putting pails on the beach upside down and digging sand over the bottom of them so they are secure. one day we had 11 courts of that at once. We also had to set up music by hauling these huge amps and a big box to control them, hook up all the wires, set a tent over it, pull a table under the tent, check to make sure the mic was working, etc. Brian sat under the tent all day and was in charge of making sure that the scores/brackets for all the tournaments were in line as well as directing people on which court they should be playing. Behind the hotel, we set up basketball courts and soccer fields and another tent with amps and such. We also had a thing called "Club Jekyll" which was a HUGE tent that had chairs, table, sofas, fans, foozball (sp?), etc under it. Club Jekyll was the only thing that didn't get broken down every day.
So, after setting up, we would eat lunch, then come back outside and referee the games- ALL OF THEM- for hours. In the sun. It was hot. And people would argue with you and get mad at you and stuff. Sometimes you would get a truly awesome team that would not argue with you and was always polite. One of these teams was the grace goonies- and they always happened to win when they played for me. I honestly was not partial when I called scores- they had some REALLY close games, two that had to be played to 16 because both teams were at gamepoint on 14, but maybe God was rewarding them for their attitudes. They made it to the semifinals, but then they lost to the number one team. I am still happy they did so well bc they really deserved it! =) They are the team at the top of the blog- I am the one wearing the cowboy hat.
Anyway, so after ref-ing all day, we would break down everything we had set up that day, and then store it in a big truck (like a Uhaul). That would go on EVERY DAY. The last day (thurs) we had to break down and store even more stuff- like Club Jekyll, because we have to keep it in a storage unit until the next year.
After breaking down everything, we would shower and eat supper, then head to the Jekyll Convention Center to listen to a speaker- her name was Laurie, and she was awesome- talk to the camp about different topics of Christianity and walking with God. It was really awesome. Also, there was a band there that rocked my face off- the David Crowder Band. Truly amazing, these guys. They are pictured on top too, and there were about 1200-1500 ppl there for this camp. It was a busy week.
When the worship service was over, we would do anything we wanted in what free time was left (maybe two hours) before 12am, when the guys had to be back to work the security- that meant they were out till 3am walking around the two hotels to make sure kids were in their rooms after midnight. Now, that was tiring for them, but it had it's perks. Ben and Tom got pizza from one group of kids, and Will, Travis, and Robert Lee were asked by some girls if they would pose with them for a picture, then later the same group of girls had theirs curtains drawns to their room so the guys could see in then started dancing around. Geez...
On Thursday night after the service we had to help out with getting pizza to all the people and getting them water, and bouncing the doors so that they could only come through a certain way. That was incredibly irritating, but at least it was only one night. On Friday, Kristen and I were up and ready to go before the guys- woohoo for beating their doubt that we would make them late- and we all headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch with the McKees before heading back home.
The other work crew members from places other than Bethany were so awesome too, and it was great getting to meet them all. Shout outs to Claire, Allison, Rebecca, Christy, DJ, JC, Nate, Nathan, Natalie, and Seth- even though he was technically our boss, he worked the hardest of all.
So that is it for now. I have to get finished packing because I am heading to Tom's house soon. We are leaving for Fla today, and I am really looking forward to a trip that includes relaxing! =)
I am excited for when I return too, because I have great things lined up like saturating my time with April because she is FINALLY home and I haven't seen her at ALL in months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I am really stoked because Tom and I are gonna spend a day together shopping for things he needs for school and stuff, and we always do that at Christmas for family presents, and I look forward to it SO MUCH. Warped Tour is on the horizon, and I have a ticket- thanks to Tom and his bday present to me! =) And I also am going to have lunch with Lauren Fortner soon, one of my sorority sisters that I simply ADORE and miss a lot. God is good to me- I have a lot to be thankful for. Gotta run!
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