Saturday, July 30, 2005
Almost Done
I've been cleaning my room and closet for three days now and doing little else. I should be done tonight. I would have finished earlier but spent a lot of time with April watching my nephew and niece for my brother one day and helped with them some more today, and that has slowed me down a lot. It's ok though- I love them.
I've had a lot of fun with April when she visited. She and I were on our way home from the mall a few days ago when we got behind this van that had a rim around the license tag that said "I (heart)" at the top and "Clogging" at the bottom. I don't know why this struck us as so funny, but we couldn't quit laughing. We ended up driving to wal-mart and purchasing iron on letters and t-shirts, and we made some I heart clogging shirts. My sister-in-law and brother thought we just bought them somewhere, which made it even funnier. I am modeling one (and looking awful in the picture) on my moblog, so check it out.
Tomorrow, Tom and I are heading to Athens to put some of my stuff back up there, and I am excited to get to spend time with him. He came for lunch today, but I haven't seen him much since I have been under house arrest until my closet and room are clean. Davey is home from France, so he went to spend time with him today, and I was glad he got to do that, but I wish I could have gone too. Tomorrow will be a welcome retreat. After Athens, we might drive to Atl just so I can learn how to get to Tech from UGA and not be freaked out and alone the first time I make the commute.
Monday, just Tom and I are going to go shopping for some stuff he needs for the upcoming school year, which might possibly be what I am most excited about this week. Every Christmas we set aside a day to shop together for our family gifts and to wrap them together, and it's one of my favorite things about December. I feel like it's Christmas in July!! =)*smile* Monday is also Lacey's birthday.
On Tuesday, Tom and I have plans to go to Tech to help Davey paint his bedroom, and that should be a lot of fun. I am just glad I don't have to clean the house again! hehe
I have to get back to cleaning, but I have three things to say before I go:
1. Happy Birthday to Jessica Prater, my amazing, cool, hot lil sis who is one of my best friends. I know your bday was yesterday, but I didn't blog then. Your card is in the mail (I wrote it early and mailed it late- how typical of me, right?lol)
2. CONGRATS to Henry and Dana!!! I am so happy for yall.
3. I heart Relient K and want all their cds. For now, I think you should read the lyrics to this song if you have ever been to or are in or will be in college. It cracks me up.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The Run-Around

Hey yall!
I am only going to be at home for about another hour or so, so I thought I would blog while I could. I went to Fun in the Son at Jekyll Island last Saturday to be a member of the volunteer work crew with Tom, Ben, Will, Henry, Travis, Robert Lee, and Kristen Boswell. It was fun to spend time with them (when we were together- we were spread out between two hotels- Oceanside and Holiday Inn- to work, but we all slept at Oceanside). However, that was the most work I have EVER done at the beach. A routine day would be wake up at 8am, meet at 9:30 with all of work crew and Seth- in charge of work crew and with Brian- in charge of rec. Then we would go to the beach and unload everything necessary to have a functioning volleyball court- and we always had 3- 6 at a time. We would then untangle the lines for the court and stake them in the ground, hold up the pipes that held the net, stake that to the ground on both sides, tighten it all until it was secure and the net was not sagging, and then do it all again until all the courts for the day were set up. Then we would set up ultimate frisbee by putting pails on the beach upside down and digging sand over the bottom of them so they are secure. one day we had 11 courts of that at once. We also had to set up music by hauling these huge amps and a big box to control them, hook up all the wires, set a tent over it, pull a table under the tent, check to make sure the mic was working, etc. Brian sat under the tent all day and was in charge of making sure that the scores/brackets for all the tournaments were in line as well as directing people on which court they should be playing. Behind the hotel, we set up basketball courts and soccer fields and another tent with amps and such. We also had a thing called "Club Jekyll" which was a HUGE tent that had chairs, table, sofas, fans, foozball (sp?), etc under it. Club Jekyll was the only thing that didn't get broken down every day.
So, after setting up, we would eat lunch, then come back outside and referee the games- ALL OF THEM- for hours. In the sun. It was hot. And people would argue with you and get mad at you and stuff. Sometimes you would get a truly awesome team that would not argue with you and was always polite. One of these teams was the grace goonies- and they always happened to win when they played for me. I honestly was not partial when I called scores- they had some REALLY close games, two that had to be played to 16 because both teams were at gamepoint on 14, but maybe God was rewarding them for their attitudes. They made it to the semifinals, but then they lost to the number one team. I am still happy they did so well bc they really deserved it! =) They are the team at the top of the blog- I am the one wearing the cowboy hat.
Anyway, so after ref-ing all day, we would break down everything we had set up that day, and then store it in a big truck (like a Uhaul). That would go on EVERY DAY. The last day (thurs) we had to break down and store even more stuff- like Club Jekyll, because we have to keep it in a storage unit until the next year.
After breaking down everything, we would shower and eat supper, then head to the Jekyll Convention Center to listen to a speaker- her name was Laurie, and she was awesome- talk to the camp about different topics of Christianity and walking with God. It was really awesome. Also, there was a band there that rocked my face off- the David Crowder Band. Truly amazing, these guys. They are pictured on top too, and there were about 1200-1500 ppl there for this camp. It was a busy week.
When the worship service was over, we would do anything we wanted in what free time was left (maybe two hours) before 12am, when the guys had to be back to work the security- that meant they were out till 3am walking around the two hotels to make sure kids were in their rooms after midnight. Now, that was tiring for them, but it had it's perks. Ben and Tom got pizza from one group of kids, and Will, Travis, and Robert Lee were asked by some girls if they would pose with them for a picture, then later the same group of girls had theirs curtains drawns to their room so the guys could see in then started dancing around. Geez...
On Thursday night after the service we had to help out with getting pizza to all the people and getting them water, and bouncing the doors so that they could only come through a certain way. That was incredibly irritating, but at least it was only one night. On Friday, Kristen and I were up and ready to go before the guys- woohoo for beating their doubt that we would make them late- and we all headed to Cracker Barrel for lunch with the McKees before heading back home.
The other work crew members from places other than Bethany were so awesome too, and it was great getting to meet them all. Shout outs to Claire, Allison, Rebecca, Christy, DJ, JC, Nate, Nathan, Natalie, and Seth- even though he was technically our boss, he worked the hardest of all.
So that is it for now. I have to get finished packing because I am heading to Tom's house soon. We are leaving for Fla today, and I am really looking forward to a trip that includes relaxing! =)
I am excited for when I return too, because I have great things lined up like saturating my time with April because she is FINALLY home and I haven't seen her at ALL in months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I am really stoked because Tom and I are gonna spend a day together shopping for things he needs for school and stuff, and we always do that at Christmas for family presents, and I look forward to it SO MUCH. Warped Tour is on the horizon, and I have a ticket- thanks to Tom and his bday present to me! =) And I also am going to have lunch with Lauren Fortner soon, one of my sorority sisters that I simply ADORE and miss a lot. God is good to me- I have a lot to be thankful for. Gotta run!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
What a night.
About 45 min after Mike and Kara leave, Jonathan flung wide open the back door to the deck...setting off the alarm. I had to turn that off and then field calls from the security people and Mike wanting to know what was going on. Then as I give the kids baths, I had to listen out for the police to make sure they didn't come by to check on things, but they never did. After the kids were in bed, things were pretty peaceful, until Justin woke up, but it wasn't much of a big deal- play, bottle, sleep.
It was an eventful night. Jordan ended up being the one to go with Tom to Atl to drop his stuff off in his apartment and hang out for a while. I was sad I didn't get to go, but I was also happy that they got a chance to hang out some because they don't see each other as much now as they used to.
Ok, well I am trying to update my moblog. For a while it's going to be messed up on the dates because I am just now figuring it out and getting the pictures onto the blog, but once they are all up to date, I will start putting them up as I get them and that will give a better sense of time with the time I took the pictures. Most of the ones I am adding now are from the last two weeks that have been sitting on my phone. Not as many will go up tonight because my phone has decided to add to my annoying night by freezing up. rrgh.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Hey there!
I am so tired, but I won't say this will be short because it won't be. Today we got up early and went to Tech to Tom's apartment and painted and cleaned, ate lunch, and painted and cleaned some more. Fair warning to any of his roommates next year: you leave things lying about the general rooms of that apartment and you will not live to say you're sorry. You would not believe the difference it made to clean everything there. We vaccummed the entire house- everyones rooms, cleaned their windows off, painted Tom's room, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned Tom and Davey's bathroom, cleaned the carpet in Tom's room and the living room and kitchen and laundry area, cleaned out/swept/vaccummed the nasty pantry, organized the supply closet, etc. DO NOT MAKE A MESS in that apartment when I am around. I would possibly cry, and I don't wanna do that. Everyone worked way too hard for that.
Ok, moving on. It would appear that I have a problem. When I am dead tired at night, I am barely able to drag myself home and get ready for bed. However, when I am ready for bed, I get online (like right now) or something-last night it was scrapbooking till 4:30 am and getting to sleep by 5- and I am tired all day. I still get up in the morning, but something always distracts me from wanting to get in bed though I am so tired. Oh well
I have a survey to fill out because I saw it on Kristen's xanga site and thought it was fun, so I thought I would just do it and then go to bed. Read on if you feel like it...
First crush: Carl...I don't even remember his last name-my kindergarten best friend.
First kiss: Tad Brownlee (8th)......first one that mattered-Tom McFarlin (9th)
First screen name: Meghan Connolly
First funeral: not sure......i think it might have been for coach kramer when I was in 6th grade
First pet: Chili- a dog that we had when I was one or two years old.
First piercing/tattoo: ears when i was about to enter third grade
First thing you remember hearing in your house: in the house I am in now- all of us moving things in and around to the correct rooms
Last cigarette: never
Last car ride: tonight driving home.
Last hug: Tom- hug goodnight
Last good cry: umm....I don't remember...
Last movie seen: “The Return of the King" Extended edition...though I don't know if that counts since I slept through more of it tonight due to sheer exhaustion
Last food consumed: an oatmeal cream sandwich (aka oc pie or o cookie*wink*Lacey, Ben, Will)
Last crush: My "rush crush" on my lil sis- Jessica
Last phone call: Mom calling me to see if Tom wanted to eat lunch with us for Dad's birthday
Last time showered: this morning
Last cd played: "Finals Mix"...just this cd I made during finals of different songs I like
Last annoyance: being photographed like I was famous all afternoon (lol- Daddy T)
Last shirt worn: a Gamma Phi Beta Semiformal (Harvest Ball) t-shirt
Last website visited: the person’s xanga who I stole this survey from....Kristen!! =)
Last thing you said: "ok, goodnight" to my sister, Kristen...not to be confused with the Kristen I got the survey from though
Last song you sang: "Touching Down"-Billionaire
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What color underwear are you wearing? you don't need to know that. *wink*
What's under your bed?some stuff from my dorm freshman year
What time did you wake up today?: 8am then I went back to sleep till 9am
Where do you want to go? To the bahamas
How many kids do you want?: 4 (boy-girl-boy-girl)
Current mood?: sleepy and thinking I will regret staying up tomorrow morning
Current music: none
Current hair: messy because it was in a ponytail/bun/thing all day
Current clothes: t-shirt and pj pants that Tom let me borrow at his house.
Current desktop picture: a picture of my nephew and niece in a stroller
Current book: I am waiting to get the fourth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide series
Current color of toenails: pinky purple
Current time: 1:16 AM
Current hate: not being able to be paid to do the work I do and also needing to clean my closet and desk
[kiss someone that you arent related to] yes- on the cheek (...girls, Tom *wink*)
[wear make-up] yes
[dye your hair] no
[go shopping] yes
[go on a vacation to another country]nope
[listen to music] are you kidding?
[stay up till 12 a.m. or later] hahaha. yes.
[sleepover] yes
[go to movies] yes
[get an autograph from a celebrity] no
[go to a school dance] Gamma Phi Beta Spring formal (Crescent Ball)
[give somebody a present] yes
[talk on phone] yes
[download something on the computer] yes
[watch a music video] yes
[go over a friend's house] yes
[x] coke or pepsi? Coke (pibb? haha if you get it=)
[x] watching tv or listening to music? depends on the music and tv show and what I am doing at the time
[x] cell phones or AIM? depends on the person and conversation
[x] kisses or hugs? I love both...but from whom I get the hug or kiss is what makes them good.
[x] bubble gum or sugar free gum? bubble gum- loads of fun. Unless I need it for a mint or something.
[x] coffee or tea? sweet sweet cold tea (I couldn't improve on that answer Kristen =)
[x] McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds -- though I don't generally frequent either one if there are other options.
[x] night or day? day -- you can do stuff with ppl and not worry about missing sleep or waking others up or anything with curfews
[x] summer or winter? SUMMER. I am a hot weather chick.
[x] Pink or Purple? Pink
[x] shopping or partying? shopping
[x] Pac Sun or American Eagle? Both? I guess it depends what I am shopping for. I love that PS has jeans in a size 5. That is so hard to find.
Done Drugs : No way.
Run Away From Home: only in my dreams sometimes. lol.
Hit A Boy: Yes sir....and he deserved it too. Left a welp on his face for two days.
Broken A Bone: yes-wrist
Lied: who hasn't EVER lied? not that that makes it any better.
Cheated On A Lover: NO WAY. No way at all. that is WRONG.
Gotten Drunk: No, I don't drink. (not 21, and don't wanna get drunk even when I am 21)
Been In The Hospital: yes
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: of course!
Gone to Church: all my life
Never slept during a night: very rarely.
Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: No and it scares me to think about it- so dangerous.
Been to a camp: yes
Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: yes
Seen someone die: no; thanks be to God.
Gone a week w/out shaving: no. even if my legs aren't shaved in a week, my underarms ARE.
Didn't wash your hair for a week: NO. If I did that, I could wring the oil out of my hair. Painting a picture for ya?
Broken something valuable: yes, and it couldn't be fixed...I miss that Honda
Thought you were in love: Know it baby.
Screamed at someone for no reason: unfortunately.
Said I love you and meant it: Yes Sirree.
Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: mmhmm, but not so often. I don't like being on the phone more than an hour at a time, and that is only if it's Tom or a friend I don't see much like April or Esther, ya know?
Pulled a prank?: lol. I am the youngest of four kids. I picked up on a few things.
Made fun of someone? yeah...=(
cried: duh.
bought something: what are these questions? Yes.
Gotten Sick: yes
Said I love you: yes
Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: yes
Met someone new: yes
talked to someone: yes...WHAT?! yes I have, in my life, talked to SOMEONE. who made this section up??
had a serious talk: yes
hugged someone: yes
kissed someone: yes. =)
fought with your parents: yes that is it, I guess. Also, July 10th is my dad's bday. SO happy birthday Dad!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wiped Out
I am sitting in Kristen's bed with her totally zonked out beside me. We were hanging out and all while the boys are downstairs doing whatever they are doing (boys= Jordan and James), but she fell asleep while I was looking something up on my computer, so that is that. Today I volunteered at Noah's Ark. It takes an hour to get there and an hour to get home, so today was a long day. When I got there at 12, I was put to work doing the most tedious thing they have asked me to do as of yet, but I didn't really mind it. Basically I had to correct this mistake that was made with the placement of the addresses on all 1,400 newsletters that Noah's Ark sends out. I didn't finish, obviously, so if they got more white-out, I will be going in again tomorrow, and if not, I will probably go in on Friday. It wasn't so bad to do, but it did make my fingers sore after a while. It was fun to have little cats and dogs running around all day while I was working- they all have so much personality.
Tonight, Kristen and James arrived, then we all ate chinese food which was great. I drove out to Will's grandma's to watch the second half of The Two Towers with everyone and then drove home right after it was done because I didn't want to get caught in a bad part of "tropical storm Cindy" while on the road. Ben had to leave to take Lacey, our friend and his gf, back to Monticello also because of the storm. I just love Lacey, and Ben....well, he was pretty much the man until the other day. At lunch yesterday, Henry, Tom, and Ben decided that because I have spent so much time with guys the last five years and I deal with all their jokes, farting, burping, and other boy-ish things, that I am now "the man." I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or as a strange way of them calling Tom gay. ....just kidding. I already established when I first ever blogged that I am just one of the guys after hanging out with them so much. lol anyway....
Tomorrow, after volunteering, I am going to go as a guest of Lisa to the Covington Fitness Club to attend her step class for free. I hope I can make it without cracking up at her silly encouraging remarks that she is going to have to make to the class. I also am so out of shape that if I laugh I will probably lose too much oxygen and pass out. haha! that would be so embarassing, but man, would that be the joke of the year. Lisa and the guys, as well as the rest of my family, would never let me live that down.
I am going to babysit at 5:30 for the Suggs tomorrow, so no hanging out with everyone tomorrow night, but that is ok because I get money, which I desperately need, especially since I had to cancel two babysitting jobs in Athens because I am going to be in Fla with Tom's family from the 23-27 of July. I can hardly wait. I am really excited because Lacey is going to be coming with us this year, and it's so fun to hang out with her!! =)
Ok, I am out for the night.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Happy Fourth Ya'll....
Ok- first off, Friday I was not needed at Noah's Ark, so I ended up not volunteering, but rather staying home and making lunch for me and Tom and Ben. I also worked around home, took out the trash, and took a nap that was about two years over-due. I am really bad about taking naps when I need them, and I end up just worn out. I am always on the go, and it's hard for me to make time to stop in the middle of the day because I need to rest.
On Saturday, I got to Tom's around 10:15am to ride with the McFarlins to Atlanta to check out Tom's abode for next year. It needs a little work as far as painting and cleaning some of the things the previous dwellers left around, but overall, it is a great place for the guys to live. They each have their own bedrooms, closet space....or a place to hang things anyway, and there is a nice size kitchen, a large dining area, and a comfortable living room, with a free couch included. In fact the girls that lived there before left a LOT of random things...including some mold in the freezer. We are going up early on Saturday to start working on painting it and cleaning it, but lemme tell you- I AM NOT TOUCHING that freezer. UGH- it made me gag. lol. Ben and I kept opening it, and it really does produce the most entertaining faces- complete disgust is really interesting to look at. But the main thing they need to do before we get there is start up the power, and they are already on that, so it's all gravy. =) *wink*
Saturday afternoon, when we got back, Tom, Mr. Tommy, and I all washed our cars, and since I only wash mine about 3 or 4 times a year, it took me about 2 and a half hours, and that was with them doing the tires for me. It was worth it though, even if it did rain that night. (which didn't make me smile on the way home.) Everyone came over and we swam and watched the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring. We are going to try to watch all of the extended movies for The Lord of the Rings trilogy soon. They are some of the best movies to watch, but...whew- they are LONG.
Sunday, after church, Tom and my family (minus Kristen and James) went to the Crawfordville area to see my family at Aunt Mimi and Uncle Bert's house. That was a lot of fun- I love my family. Mema was down from Savannah, and I got to see so many cousins, their kids, my nephew and niece, and some aunts and uncles. Then of course, there were the dogs, horses, roosters, chickens, trampoline, and pool to keep us entertained outside. Tyler was so cute when he would say "cock-a-doodle-dooooooo!" for me when I imitated the rooster and told him to try it!! =) *smile* He and Maddie are both little fish in the water, so it was fun to play with them and Lindsey, my cousin Jennifer's six year old, in the pool. Tom, Jordan, and I left around 5:30 to head home, and then out to Tom's church. Everyone played volleyball, with a brief interruption from the rain that was just long enough for the ladies at the church to put us to work setting up chairs and tables for everyone at the Fourth of July BBQ the next day. We played some more after that, then we all headed to Tom's house to swim in the pool and hang out. That was followed by a trip to Waffle House- EWW. I hate Waffle House, and I am not a huge IHOP fan either, though it is much better than WH. Almost everyone I know likes one of those two places SOO much, and I just can't make myself like it. I wasn't hungry anyway, so I didn't pay for heartburn there and saved some money. Lacey needed a place to spend the night, so she came home with me, and we got there around 2:30AM or so- pretty late for me to arriving home, especially at my parent's house. But that was nothing compared to how late...or early rather....we were up. We ended up talking until about 7 in the morning. Poor Ben- we woke him up at 6:30am by sending him pictures of us that we were still not asleep. I didn't dare do that to Tom- I have no disire to wake up someone who goes to sleep human and wakes up as a grizzly bear if woken before his desired timing. But I had a great time hanging out with Lacey and catching up, and she is so fun to be friends with. We kept having to shush ourselves because we woke up my dad laughing about something around 3am and he was none too happy about it, and we didn't want to repeat that mistake.
Anyway, we decided we better try to sleep or we would be too tired all day, so we ended up oversleeping. Instead of arriving at 11:30 AM, we woke up at 11AM and got to the BBQ at about 1:17pm. Oh well....we weren't that hungry anyway. Tom, Ben, Lacey, Will, Robert Lee, Suzanne, and I all went to Tom and Ben's pool to swim/lay out and Tom and Will got pretty pink. I barely felt like I got any sun at all. After a while, we went down to the barn to listen to the boys jam on their instruments- super talented, so it was fun to listen to. We hung out at the house some then ate spaghetti (thanks Mrs. Patti!) and then went out for Bruster's ice cream after Travis, Beth, and Josh arrived. We came back to eat that and watch Ben set off some fireworks, which was fun, and then we all left pretty early for our group- about 10:15pm, but I was tired anyway, so I didn't complain. It definately was catching up to me that I had not slept but about four hours. So...that was my Fourth of July weekend. I know that the soldiers have a lot better things to do than get online and read my blog, but if one ever happens to stumble across it, I want it to be known that I am SO VERY VERY grateful for all that they are willing to do and give in order to let me enjoy the simple pleasures I had this weekend, and that Independence Day only survives because they give us so much, and I am aware of that and thanks so much. If you ever have served time in the military, in training, in any part of the government that makes America strong- thank you. I know that that includes several of my own relatives, and I do thank the Lord for them and for the fact that He has kept them safe.
I am going to finally get in bed, since this wasn't as short as I thought it would be...
ps- I am starting up a moblog, and once I figure it out, I will post some pictures from swimming at Amy and Ryan's pool to the fireworks that Ben did for us tonight. =)
Friday, July 01, 2005
Thank You and Goodnight
Dead Birds (2004)
| Directed by Alex Turner Writing credits Simon Barrett |
Add to MyMovies | Photos | IMDbPro Professional Details |
Tagline: There are worse things than dying
Plot Outline: A group of Confederate soldiers who hole up in an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank, and find themselves at the mercy of supernatural forces.
Ok, other things....Today I got a new phone and I FINALLY caught up with everyone else. "Finally" because everytime I have a phone, it is behind everyone else, and every time I get a new phone, they update theirs. People I hang out with change their cell phones with their moods. I change mine every two years when the contract runs out. Anyway, so I bit the bullet and paid the extra cost to get a samsung camera phone with unlimited text and picture messaging, yay for me. *wink* It was only about $35 after mail-in rebate and the deduction for the upgrade from the renewed contract (it had been two years). Now that I have typed this, it is inevitable that everyone I know will go out and get newer, better phones in the next couple of months. Whatever.
Also, today I went to the pool with Lisa and her kids. Actually we were at her sister, Amy's, pool with several of their cousins and 13 kids in all. WHEW. I got to be good buddies with one of the girls there- 2 and a half year old Jillian. She is a cutie, and she cracked me up because she kept asking people "who's that?" everytime she looked at me. Around the 5th time she was introduced to me, she decided she should spend the rest of the afternoon with me, and when she would sometimes forget my name, she would call me "that girl." She, along with Tyler and Maddie, kept me pretty entertained. Most of the other kids just did their own thing, but it was a good time.
Wednesday, at Noah's Ark, Hugh (my supervisor) offered to pay me to work each Saturday. He said they really needed someone like me in front office because I could work with people which I responded that I didn't mind working wherever he needed me so long as if Zoo Atl calls them someday for a resume check-up, they learn I can do more than answer the phone, page people, radio people, sell merchandise, clean-up, and take notes on animals that people are wanting to bring in. In other words, I do not want to look like all I learned was to be a receptionist. I think that there is nothing wrong with it, but it's just something I would not like to do the rest of my life, and I think the best I am going to get at Noah's Ark is a chance to learn enough information about all their animals to give tours to groups around Noah's Ark's habitat and to help with feeding the animals and transporting them, cleaning them, and anything else hands on (besides chasing ducklings and bunnies). But still, I want to be helpful, so I am a front-desk-girl for now.
Which brings me to now. I have to go make my lunch for tomorrow so that I am ready to go right away in the morning, because I am volunteering tomorrow. So I am off.