- Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.
- Capable of causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of the host. Used of a pathogen.
- Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful: virulent criticism. See Synonyms at poisonous.
- Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.
OK. So last year, I wrote a blog basically saying that I think people overreact to valentines day and that they should chill out and do something fun with the people in their lives they love/have fun with/appreciate rather than whine about not having a girlfriend or boyfriend. That's what I do since I can't ever see Tom on Valentines Day. And I was thoroughly chewed out for posting my opinion on my blog, since I have a significant other. SO, this year, I decided to go the opposite direction...even though I kind of still feel the same way, I can see how a day dedicated to cupid can make someone a little queasy...I mean it is probably the cheesiest holiday of the year.
Anyway, you will be pleased (you people know who you are) to know that my roommates and I are holding a party tomorrow and have named it "Bitter Ball." We are having a bunch of girls over tomorrow to watch Grey's Anatomy...we do that every week...of course I can't do that usually because I am babysitting most Thursdays, but when I'm not, I join in and watch with all these girls. Well, we've invited a few extra people, and we are having a heart shaped red velvet cake, decorated with an icing crack down the middle, we are having pink martinis, lots of yummy food, and are decorating with black streamers and dead roses. We are also giving away twisty straws with hearts on them as favors, and we are using valentines themed candles, chocolates, tins to hold the chocolates, and valentine day themed plates and napkins. All of this as a joke to make fun of the holiday. Just thought yall would find that amusing. for the people that don't gag upon hearing the "v" word, on Friday, Tom and Justin are taking Jennifer and me to the circus in Atlanta for valentines day! I'm really excited. And since that is a double date, Tom and I are also going to go out to eat, just the two of us, the next night. I don't know where, and he won't tell me, but I am pretty excited about it....because it involves to of my favorite things-Tom and Food. Love it. I love to hang out with him, and I love to eat. I'm set.
Yeah....well, I'll try to take some Bitter Ball '07 Pictures and post them online to give yall a feel of what it's like to have 20 college girls hanging out to watch Grey's Anatomy and make fun of Valentine's Day.
Happy Virulence Day!
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