...an Update!
Alrighty, the week before spring break was such a stressful week that going to Savannah was just what the doctor ordered. Claire and I took off on Monday to the oldest city in Georgia...and also probably Georgia's most beautiful city, and we had the most chilled out week. Every night we went out to eat with Nana, my mom's mom, and then Claire and I watched a movie at Nana's house and read magazines and hung out. No going out for crazy nights....We're not crazy….welll….not THAT kind of crazy-we are goofy-crazy, and I'm not old enough to even set foot in any bar anyway. I couldn't even go into Wet Willie's downtown in the middle of the afternoon because of a new city ordinance, so Claire had to get me a Weak Willie (the only virgin drink in the place). It was right before St. Patrick’s Day, and the water was dyed green in all the fountains around Savannah. We went all over the city, went to River St., went to Forsyth Park, went to eat at Sweet Potatoes, Carey Hilliard's, and JalapeƱos. We went to Tybee Island but only stayed for about an hour on the beach, and we went to Wilmington Island to see Mema and to visit with Payton and Jessica. Well, we went to see everyone, but those were the three we saw, and it was a lot of fun. =) Payton kept saying he was going to 'fire' everyone. At any moment he might say, "SCRAM! You're fired! Pack your bags! I'm calling a cab!" And later when I told him that I was around first so I was higher on Mema's list, he said "No you aren't! I'm erasing you off the list!" I told him he couldn't and he said, "Yeah I can! I work with God!" It cracked us all up-I couldn't even respond to him because I was laughing so hard. He is about 5 yrs old, and he is so funny.
When I returned home, I was busy non-stop, right down to the time I left. I babysat, went to Mandy's baby shower, visited with Tom's family, hung out with friends, and visited with April. It was good to do all of those things, but I was worn out when I returned to school, and felt like I needed a week long nap. lol Then my car broke down this week, and people have been so phenomenal taking me around, but I hate bumming rides all the time. The dealer couldn't get it to screw-up for them the way it did for me, so they couldn't fix it, and I got it back today free of charge, but not fixed. I'm really happy that tomorrow is Friday! I am going to go home so that I can take care of the animals while mom and dad are in Savannah for Dad's medical conference. While there, I am going to have some Covington ppl over to hang out. Saturday evening I am headed back to Athens because I have to go to a Rho Chi meeting at 9AM on Sunday, and I have to babysit at 5:30 on Sunday....I really don't ever leave a lot of time unscheduled, do I?
Alrighty...Spanish Homework!
Ps-there are pics from all of Spring Break below, from babysitting (Yes, I did wear a crown with Abby-I was the “queen”) to the park with Tyler and Madeline to Tom and Tyler at the lake to Savannah with Claire! We have some goofy pictures in there. =) And, no, it’s not an engagement ring on my finger-it’s a promise ring Tom gave me!

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