Tuesday, March 28, 2006
For those of yall who grew up loving Zelda, as most of us did, you should see this trailer.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB89-9X6YS0.
Tom sent the link to me in a gmail, and I was so excited at first...but he didn't sound super excited about it, which should have told me something. I haven't talked to him about it yet, but basically it looked to me like the original Chronicles of Narnia movies....just low budget and stuff. But still, I know I will see it because...well because I love the Zelda games, even if I am just watching ppl play them instead of playing them myself. Plus, Link has always been the cutest fictional character in my opinion. WOW that sounded wrong because: A) he is fictional, and B) I have a boyfriend, yet am talking about a character in a game. Ok. Go check out the link to see....Link. OMG I am cheesy.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
As Promised
...an Update!
Alrighty, the week before spring break was such a stressful week that going to
When I returned home, I was busy non-stop, right down to the time I left. I babysat, went to Mandy's baby shower, visited with Tom's family, hung out with friends, and visited with April. It was good to do all of those things, but I was worn out when I returned to school, and felt like I needed a week long nap. lol Then my car broke down this week, and people have been so phenomenal taking me around, but I hate bumming rides all the time. The dealer couldn't get it to screw-up for them the way it did for me, so they couldn't fix it, and I got it back today free of charge, but not fixed. I'm really happy that tomorrow is Friday! I am going to go home so that I can take care of the animals while mom and dad are in
Alrighty...Spanish Homework!
Ps-there are pics from all of Spring Break below, from babysitting (Yes, I did wear a crown with Abby-I was the “queen”) to the park with Tyler and Madeline to

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I will update...
Alright, gotta go to class.
ps-thanks to Melissa, Jessica, Lee, Claire, and whoever else ends up giving me a ride while my car is in the shop. And to all the ppl who have tried to chill me out on the stress level lately. Yall are life-savers!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Once Upon a Time...
This is based on a true story. (unfortunately)
Monday, March 06, 2006
Savannah, Spring Break, Savannah again?

Howdy yall!
Formal with Theta Xi was SUPER fun!! I don't have long to type about it because I have to go to a Spanish Oral Exam, but I had to let yall know that I loved it. Any weekend that Theta Xi wants to sweep me off to some gorgeous location, pay for everything, and have a dance is fine with me! =) After the formal on Saturday night, a group of us went downtown to River Street to hang out. We decided to get a picture and as a joke from our posed position on the fake toyboat(intended for little kids), we all yelled "Real World-Savannah!" when the picture was taken. So, Tom photoshopped it as a joke, and I wanted yall to see it. =) In that picture are Kami, Me, Blake, Jennifer, Tom, Michael, Justin, Sophe. That comprised two rooms at the hotel-Jennifer, Sophe, and I were all UGA Gamma Phi's rooming with Kami, and Alpha Z Delta at GT. She was super fun; we called her "Kamilicious." And all the guys were our dates and roomed together.
On Friday I will be done with classes for a while because Spring Break will FINALLY be here. I cannot wait! Claire Peters and I are thinking of heading to Savannah for that week because Tom will be in class for me, and she has no other plans. =) Hopefully it will be a great week! I think it is bound to be great simply because we aren't in class, but we will see.
Ok, off to take my Spanish Oral Exam. PLEASE pray for me!
ps. Max, Jordan's cat that we got when I was two, had to be put down over the weekend because he has been barely hanging on for the last few months. It's super hard to think about him dying, but he was a member of the family, so I thought he deserved some recognition. I had been taking care of him for a long time, and it's really tough to think about never seeing him again.