Get this-today I was leaving Greek Life around 3:30 pm, and I missed the last two steps inside Memorial and fell on my bad ankle. (And knee and wrist-all on the left side, but mainly it was the ankle that was feeling it.) Anyway, I am pretty tough, but it hurt A LOT and I even heard it grind when I fell, so I instantly thought-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Anikin lol) I was mentally begging not to have sprained it again, and I grabbed my ankle. I rolled onto my back-bag, purse, phone, left shoe, on the ground around me-and held my ankle in the air and I could just feel the tears coming on, daring to screw up my mascara. And they sure did. And I was feeling it man-it hurt (ankle, not mascara or tears). I finally sat up about 5 minutes later, and continued to hold my ankle for a few minutes, when in walks this dude. He was probably around my age. I looked up at him. He looked down at me...or rather just at the floor that I was on, and stepped neatly around my books and walked through the door without so much as a word or even a look of concern to me. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHO DOES THAT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? Ok, so I was so shocked by his response that I got mad and quit crying and put my shoe on...delicately, and then wiped my eyes with a tissue...decided that I needed to put my sunglasses back on, and limped out of the building, down the stairs, across the street, and to the bus. Obviously the sprain was not NEARLY what my first one on that ankle was, but it still hurts. It's swollen still right now! But I am sure it's nothing that bad. It's just that anyone could ever actually see someone sprawled on the floor, holding their ankle, crying, and just act like they are in the way is SO WRONG. UGH. I'm used to guys I know and guys on UGA's campus being such Southern gentlemen that this was totally unexpected. Whatever. (see the previous post for meaning of whatever).
ps-there is a pic of my "lovely" ankle on my moblog, but warning-haven't shaved in 4 days! I get lazy when it's pants season!! lol
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
What Did I Learn from my Crappy Weekend?
Hmmm....I thought as I drove to my cousin's dorm. I spent at least ten minutes typing up reasons that I had a bad weekend today on my blog. But here is something to think about. My cousin, Theresa, whom I was driving to give medicine to, had surgery in Savannah last weekend while I was watching a football game inside the student center in Athens. I've never had surgery for anything but wisdom teeth removal. The medicine I was bringing to her is for our grandmother who had to have it because she needs repair on her eyes so that she can continue to see without cataract issues, and the medicine is imperitive for the surgery. She needs me to get it from my dad to my cousin to her because medicine is really expensive. And I've never had to pay for prescription medicine. Or have cataract surgery.
This weekend I had to lose a total of $53 dollars between parking and two tickets to not see a football game. But I had $53 to spend in the first place. And I attend a university that provides things that I consider worth spending $53 dollars to attend. And I still got to spend it with my friends and boyfriend.
On Sunday I was absolutely miserable because I was sick as a dog, and Tom had to spend the whole day taking care of me. But I am blessed enough to have a boyfriend who is willing to spend an entire day of his down time from school taking care of me when I am lying in bed crying and miserable. He even gave me a back/neck/calf/knee massage because I ached all over. He helped me do the laundry. He got me medicine. He got me water and ice and SunnyD. And he wasn't even excited to get in the car and leave the virus-infected room he was cooped up in all day when he had to head back to Atl. And my parents have called me every day to see how I am doing since being sick. And the virus only lasted Sunday and Monday. And I was still able to read my Bible even though I missed church. And even though I don't want to eat or even think about salsa or cheese for a long time (I can feel a gag coming on as I type), that is definately a good move on the health scale.
This weekend still wasn't as I planned. It's not like I'm asking for a repeat. But I guess that while I was driving, God decided I should crash into a wall of gratitude. And I'm glad for that executive decision.
And now I'm sunny with a High
of 75
Since You took my heavy heart
And made it light
And its funny how you find
You enjoy your life
When you're happy to be alive
~Relient K, High of 75
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me;
O Lord, be Thou my helper.
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing;
Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness;
That my soul may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever.
~Psalm 30:10-12
Also, this is something I thought was cute that I saw a long time ago and then just saw again on Dana's wall....
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine".
This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!
This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".
This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.
It's a woman's way of saying SCREW YOU!
HAHAHAHA....obviously a dude had to date a woman for a while, be married, have sisters, or be gay to write all this out so correctly. Unless, of course, it was written by a woman.
This weekend I had to lose a total of $53 dollars between parking and two tickets to not see a football game. But I had $53 to spend in the first place. And I attend a university that provides things that I consider worth spending $53 dollars to attend. And I still got to spend it with my friends and boyfriend.
On Sunday I was absolutely miserable because I was sick as a dog, and Tom had to spend the whole day taking care of me. But I am blessed enough to have a boyfriend who is willing to spend an entire day of his down time from school taking care of me when I am lying in bed crying and miserable. He even gave me a back/neck/calf/knee massage because I ached all over. He helped me do the laundry. He got me medicine. He got me water and ice and SunnyD. And he wasn't even excited to get in the car and leave the virus-infected room he was cooped up in all day when he had to head back to Atl. And my parents have called me every day to see how I am doing since being sick. And the virus only lasted Sunday and Monday. And I was still able to read my Bible even though I missed church. And even though I don't want to eat or even think about salsa or cheese for a long time (I can feel a gag coming on as I type), that is definately a good move on the health scale.
This weekend still wasn't as I planned. It's not like I'm asking for a repeat. But I guess that while I was driving, God decided I should crash into a wall of gratitude. And I'm glad for that executive decision.
And now I'm sunny with a High
of 75
Since You took my heavy heart
And made it light
And its funny how you find
You enjoy your life
When you're happy to be alive
~Relient K, High of 75
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me;
O Lord, be Thou my helper.
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing;
Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness;
That my soul may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever.
~Psalm 30:10-12
Also, this is something I thought was cute that I saw a long time ago and then just saw again on Dana's wall....
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine".
This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!
This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".
This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome.
It's a woman's way of saying SCREW YOU!
HAHAHAHA....obviously a dude had to date a woman for a while, be married, have sisters, or be gay to write all this out so correctly. Unless, of course, it was written by a woman.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Homecoming Weekend

I feel much better now, so I will give a quick rundown of the past weekend...Basically, it wasn't what I expected...
Friday, Tom came up, and we were supposed to go to the Homecoming Parade downtown and then to see Elizabethtown. Jessica and Tom's cousin, Seth and Seth's roommate were going to be coming also. Seth actually ended up having plans to go home on Friday, but he was going to come back Saturday to tailgate with us at the Campus Outreach Krispy Kreme tailgate and then eat with us after the game. Jessica decided to be in the parade on the Gamma Phi Beta/AGR float, so Tom and were still going to the parade, but just the two of us. Well, all the roads were blocked off by police cars, so by the time that we were finally able to pay four bucks to park in a parking deck and walk to the parade area, the parade had ended. Tom and I got some milkshakes at Coldstone and walked around on North Campus for a while then took off to Borders then Elizabethtown. I'm hesitant to say what I think of the movie because I don't really know how I feel about it. I liked it for the most part.
Saturday came bright and early since it was a 12:30 game. I LOVE homecoming-call me a dork, but I think it's so cute to see all the old cheerleaders, football players, and band members come back and participate as much as they can. Plus there is a huge turn out with generations of bulldogs coming to cheer on the team with their families and friends. I love it. Well, Henry and Dana met me and Tom at my apartment, then we all got in my car and parked across from the Gamma Phi house. We walked to the tailgate, where I personally downed three krispy kreme glazed doughnuts-yum! And then, when Tom and I tried to get into the gate to see the game....Well, for the first time ever, the ppl at the gate decided to make us pull out our ids so they could examine them front and back. I got in without a problem, of course, but Tom's ticket was taken away. So, we ended up watching the game inside of Tate on tv with lil kids running around in front of the tv (which had an annoying teleprompter thing running). We hadn't been able to get in touch with Seth that morning or that afternoon, and as it turned out, he was MIA that night too. We never did hear back, so I hope he's ok. But that night we went to eat at Buffalo's with Jessica, Kelsey, Henry, and Dana. That was a lot of fun, and then we went to Borders to get a book Tom had seen the night before, and dropped the girls off before heading back to my apartment to spend time goofing around with Henry and Dana (see the pics!).
Sunday, I woke up around 4:30AM sick as a dog. I was nauseated and went from freezing to overheated constantly. I was up till about 5 trying not to throw up, then slept fitfully till about 8. At 8:30, I crawled into the bathroom and lay on the floor. I definately couldn't make it to church like that, so I grabbed the trash can and lay down on my bed again. I got up around 10:30 and got a shower...where I had to sit in the shower because I couldn't stand up. I eventually had to lie down again. Tom ended up having to take care of me all day. All I could swallow was tylenol and water and some SunnyD. My fever hit 101.9...I don't know if it went higher, but that is the highest I saw it on a thermometer. It was pretty miserable. The next day I felt better than that, but not 100%. Just thinking about the food I ate the night before made me feel like I would throw up, so now I don't want to think about Buffalos' or salsa at all. UGHHHHH. I still can't think about it. Dad told me I had a "Flu-like Virus." I don't enjoy them. Yuck.
So now, I have a test tomorrow and classes, but then it's fall break for me! yay!! And I plan to volunteer on Thursday at Noah's Ark, then Friday I'm headed to Atl for the GT Homecoming. Here's to hoping that this weekend goes smoother than the last!
Monday, October 24, 2005
I will post about this weekend later; as for now, I have a fever, and I feel like throwing up. I haven't eaten all day (all Sunday...it's now 12:25 am Monday morning), and I'm not hungry. Tom was up here for homecoming weekend at UGA, and he pretty much took care of me all day till 4:00 when he had to head back to Atl. I feel like death. Otherwise...Fall break is Thursday and Friday, and I can't wait.
I will post about this weekend later; as for now, I have a fever, and I feel like throwing up. I haven't eaten all day (all Sunday...it's now 12:25 am Monday morning), and I'm not hungry. Tom was up here for homecoming weekend at UGA, and he pretty much took care of me all day till 4:00 when he had to head back to Atl. I feel like death. Otherwise...Fall break is Thursday and Friday, and I can't wait.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Fun Stuff!
Today I turned in my application to be a Rho Chi (recruitment counselor) for Fall Rush 2006. I just enjoyed that side of rush so much more than any other side, and I would love to do it again. A lot of the girls that were Rho Chis when I was are signed up to do it again also. A TON of Gamma Phis are trying for it, so I don't know if I will get to do it again, but we will see. I hope that I get to! Please pray that God puts me where I can do His will most effectively during rush.
And Now...for something fun (I stole this from a friend's blog and filled it out myself!):
7 things I plan to do before I die:
~Become SCUBA certified
~Marry Tom and have no less than three children (hopefully four) and maybe adopt as well.
~Go Bungee-Jumping
~Learn to Surf
~Travel All Over the World
~Learn to Dance (I mean like Salsa and Swing and the such)
~Get my Eyesite Corrected
7 things I can do:
~Bake great cookies
~Dance to hip-hop (choreographed, like in cheerleading..and I guess freestyle, but that is too graphic to actually feel comfortable doing)
~Hold my own against a room full of Bulldog haters (haters are jealous)
~Be a Great Babysitter
~Sing in my room/car/wherever to all music
~Keep a secret
~Eat a whole bag of cheetos(the poofy kind) by myself
7 things I currently cannot do:
~Make a long road trip without having to use the bathroom at least once
~Sing in front of people without freaking out because of nerves
~Play guitar...or any other musical instrument
~Drive a stick-shift
~Watch scary movies by myself
~Go to the mall without a specific thing to buy bc I will buy way too much stuff otherwise
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
~Dark hair/Blue eyed combo + being cut, but not overly big or overly skinny. (Basically...Tom)
~Good (and sorta goofy) sense of humor- can be funny w/o putting others down
~Loves God
~Smart but not full of himself for it
~Not afraid of commitment
~Plays guitar-so sexy! haha
~Fun to hang out with (you wanna spend time with him and look forward to it)
7 things I say most often:
~Hey Hoe!/You are SUCH a Hoe!
~I love you!
~Fo Sho
~Gaaaaaaaahhhhhh...(Nappie D)
~Oh. My. Gosh. This is AMAZING! It's like an orgasm in my mouth! (this sounds a bit much, but it wasn't something I made up-it's courtesy of Stewie from Family Guy-gotta give credit where credit is due)
7 people I want to do this:
~Anyone who has a blog or who can respond to mine with a message on here!!
Today I turned in my application to be a Rho Chi (recruitment counselor) for Fall Rush 2006. I just enjoyed that side of rush so much more than any other side, and I would love to do it again. A lot of the girls that were Rho Chis when I was are signed up to do it again also. A TON of Gamma Phis are trying for it, so I don't know if I will get to do it again, but we will see. I hope that I get to! Please pray that God puts me where I can do His will most effectively during rush.
And Now...for something fun (I stole this from a friend's blog and filled it out myself!):
7 things I plan to do before I die:
~Become SCUBA certified
~Marry Tom and have no less than three children (hopefully four) and maybe adopt as well.
~Go Bungee-Jumping
~Learn to Surf
~Travel All Over the World
~Learn to Dance (I mean like Salsa and Swing and the such)
~Get my Eyesite Corrected
7 things I can do:
~Bake great cookies
~Dance to hip-hop (choreographed, like in cheerleading..and I guess freestyle, but that is too graphic to actually feel comfortable doing)
~Hold my own against a room full of Bulldog haters (haters are jealous)
~Be a Great Babysitter
~Sing in my room/car/wherever to all music
~Keep a secret
~Eat a whole bag of cheetos(the poofy kind) by myself
7 things I currently cannot do:
~Make a long road trip without having to use the bathroom at least once
~Sing in front of people without freaking out because of nerves
~Play guitar...or any other musical instrument
~Drive a stick-shift
~Watch scary movies by myself
~Go to the mall without a specific thing to buy bc I will buy way too much stuff otherwise
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
~Dark hair/Blue eyed combo + being cut, but not overly big or overly skinny. (Basically...Tom)
~Good (and sorta goofy) sense of humor- can be funny w/o putting others down
~Loves God
~Smart but not full of himself for it
~Not afraid of commitment
~Plays guitar-so sexy! haha
~Fun to hang out with (you wanna spend time with him and look forward to it)
7 things I say most often:
~Hey Hoe!/You are SUCH a Hoe!
~I love you!
~Fo Sho
~Gaaaaaaaahhhhhh...(Nappie D)
~Oh. My. Gosh. This is AMAZING! It's like an orgasm in my mouth! (this sounds a bit much, but it wasn't something I made up-it's courtesy of Stewie from Family Guy-gotta give credit where credit is due)
7 people I want to do this:
~Anyone who has a blog or who can respond to mine with a message on here!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I Heard That Sound!!
Yesterday I drove up to Atlanta for the MXPX/Relient K/Rufio Concert, and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!! When I first arrived, I helped Ben with some Psych homework, and that was great because it made me feel smart to help someone do Intro psych homework because I finally am in classes that are for my major! I need to feel smart every now and then. Ben is smart, so I didn't really help him much, only on like...3 questions then he did the rest. But it was good for my self esteem. lol. Plus it was fun to see Benjamin bc I miss him lots while he is at Valdosta! Tom was working on some code for CS.
We all got in Tom's car and drove to Theta Xi to pick up Sarah, a friend of a lot of the brothers there, and we all headed to the concert. Hetty ended up showing up with some of her GCSU friends, which just rocked my face off! And Tyler and Kyle, some of the Theta Xi guys made it over after an ultimate frisbee game, so it was fun to get to know them too. Of course, the music was AWESOME! And Hetty even started a mosh pit, but then had to bail from it when all the guys in it got too rough. It was so funny! Tom from MXPX threw a guitar pick out, and it hit me in the forehead (I was pulling up my hair, so I couldn't catch it) and then got shoved under a mat, so I couldnt' get it. SO SAD! But if you wanna see pics of the concert, you can go to Tom's MoBlog here: http://www.tommcfarlin4.com/moblog/
Today, Dad called me when I was in class, and I met him afterwards downtown to go to eat, and we met up at The Grill. It was delicious! And I was surprised he was in town, but he had come through on his way home for a state medical board meeting. It was really nice to get to see him though, and I was hungry too! =)
Alright, I'm out!
Yesterday I drove up to Atlanta for the MXPX/Relient K/Rufio Concert, and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!! When I first arrived, I helped Ben with some Psych homework, and that was great because it made me feel smart to help someone do Intro psych homework because I finally am in classes that are for my major! I need to feel smart every now and then. Ben is smart, so I didn't really help him much, only on like...3 questions then he did the rest. But it was good for my self esteem. lol. Plus it was fun to see Benjamin bc I miss him lots while he is at Valdosta! Tom was working on some code for CS.
We all got in Tom's car and drove to Theta Xi to pick up Sarah, a friend of a lot of the brothers there, and we all headed to the concert. Hetty ended up showing up with some of her GCSU friends, which just rocked my face off! And Tyler and Kyle, some of the Theta Xi guys made it over after an ultimate frisbee game, so it was fun to get to know them too. Of course, the music was AWESOME! And Hetty even started a mosh pit, but then had to bail from it when all the guys in it got too rough. It was so funny! Tom from MXPX threw a guitar pick out, and it hit me in the forehead (I was pulling up my hair, so I couldn't catch it) and then got shoved under a mat, so I couldnt' get it. SO SAD! But if you wanna see pics of the concert, you can go to Tom's MoBlog here: http://www.tommcfarlin4.com/moblog/
Today, Dad called me when I was in class, and I met him afterwards downtown to go to eat, and we met up at The Grill. It was delicious! And I was surprised he was in town, but he had come through on his way home for a state medical board meeting. It was really nice to get to see him though, and I was hungry too! =)
Alright, I'm out!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Weekend Extrordinare
Hola a la gente de la red!
It's Monday, and I'm actually in a good mood! Who knew it could happen! haha
Well, Basically this past weekend was GREAT! On Friday, I went to Atlanta to see Tom. We went to Theta Xi for a minute, and I got to know some of the guys better which was fun. I had to put up with them making fun of my choice of Higher Education a lil bit, but that's nothing I'm not used to handling...and responding to! It was funny. After we left, Tom and I went to the City Cafe with Robert Lee, Daniel, and Jessica. That was so yummy! I had a turkey melt with fries, then Jessica and I split a HUGE piece of turtle cheesecake. Words can't describe the ecstasy of that one. whew...
Ok so Saturday was Mom's birthday, and I went home for it. She and Dad went with Jordan to help him move in to his apartment while I did my laundry and some of Jordan's. UGA beat Vandy, Tom came over, and everyone ate food from PF Chang's (they brought it back from Atl when they were done moving Jordan in). That was great, and the Great Wall of Chocolate cake was AWESOME! We gave mom her presents and cards and hung out and watched some of the Braves Game. Tom left, and Jordan and I stayed up talking about Harry Potter stuff until about 2:30 am. I can't WAIT for the next movie to come out and also to get the free time I want to read the books! (which I am asking for for Christmas)
Sunday, after church, Mom, Jordan, and I went to Pacho's for lunch and brought back food for Dad, who was on call. Tom came over, and we both fell asleep watching tv, and that was great because I was so tired! We just chilled out with dad and watched the Falcons and read the comics and ate some of the chocolate silk pie I had made and refrigerated the day before-YUM! Then mom and Jordan got home (they had been shopping for Jordan's apartment). We all visited then, Tom left, and I packed up my car and headed back to Athens to get my picture taken for the Gamma Phi composite. After my picture was done, I decided to go dress out in black and do the Sig Ep haunted house with Jessica and Laura. We worked the house (scaring people is fun! yay!) from 8-9:30, then headed back to the house. Jessica and I made smores and popped popcorn and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with Kelsey. That was done around 12:30 (Kels and Jess left early to go do homecoming street painting), and I headed back to the apartment. I talked to Tom and headed to bed. Basically, that was the most relaxed weekend I've had this semester. I LOVED IT! It's so much less stressful because I am test free this week FOR ONCE!! yayayayayayayay! I think this week will be fun-tonight after chapter and singing practice, I want to go to Sig Ep's haunted house as a customer. I know I will be a fun person for them because I scream at ANYTHING that startles, jumps, or scares. I think Kelsey and Jessica are coming with me, so if you are reading this and want to come along, just lemme know! Also on Tuesday, I am going to Atl to meet up with Tom and Ben to see MXPX and Relient K and Rufio in concert! YAY!!!!!!! Also, there are events going on all week for homecoming, and then this weekend, Tom is going to come up and see me. We are planning to go to the homecoming parade and maybe go see Elizabeth Town too, which I can't wait to see! Then the game is Saturday, and Henry, Dana, Dessie, and Dessie's boyfriend are coming up, so I think we are going to meet up with them-YAY! More fun times! I love this week!
Alrighty, well it's almost 5:00pm, and I have only had a pack of crackers today, so I am going to go eat some of my left over spaghetti-I'm starved!!!!
Before I go, I wanna give a huge shout out to Henry-HAPPY 23RD!!!
Much love yall,
It's Monday, and I'm actually in a good mood! Who knew it could happen! haha
Well, Basically this past weekend was GREAT! On Friday, I went to Atlanta to see Tom. We went to Theta Xi for a minute, and I got to know some of the guys better which was fun. I had to put up with them making fun of my choice of Higher Education a lil bit, but that's nothing I'm not used to handling...and responding to! It was funny. After we left, Tom and I went to the City Cafe with Robert Lee, Daniel, and Jessica. That was so yummy! I had a turkey melt with fries, then Jessica and I split a HUGE piece of turtle cheesecake. Words can't describe the ecstasy of that one. whew...
Ok so Saturday was Mom's birthday, and I went home for it. She and Dad went with Jordan to help him move in to his apartment while I did my laundry and some of Jordan's. UGA beat Vandy, Tom came over, and everyone ate food from PF Chang's (they brought it back from Atl when they were done moving Jordan in). That was great, and the Great Wall of Chocolate cake was AWESOME! We gave mom her presents and cards and hung out and watched some of the Braves Game. Tom left, and Jordan and I stayed up talking about Harry Potter stuff until about 2:30 am. I can't WAIT for the next movie to come out and also to get the free time I want to read the books! (which I am asking for for Christmas)
Sunday, after church, Mom, Jordan, and I went to Pacho's for lunch and brought back food for Dad, who was on call. Tom came over, and we both fell asleep watching tv, and that was great because I was so tired! We just chilled out with dad and watched the Falcons and read the comics and ate some of the chocolate silk pie I had made and refrigerated the day before-YUM! Then mom and Jordan got home (they had been shopping for Jordan's apartment). We all visited then, Tom left, and I packed up my car and headed back to Athens to get my picture taken for the Gamma Phi composite. After my picture was done, I decided to go dress out in black and do the Sig Ep haunted house with Jessica and Laura. We worked the house (scaring people is fun! yay!) from 8-9:30, then headed back to the house. Jessica and I made smores and popped popcorn and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with Kelsey. That was done around 12:30 (Kels and Jess left early to go do homecoming street painting), and I headed back to the apartment. I talked to Tom and headed to bed. Basically, that was the most relaxed weekend I've had this semester. I LOVED IT! It's so much less stressful because I am test free this week FOR ONCE!! yayayayayayayay! I think this week will be fun-tonight after chapter and singing practice, I want to go to Sig Ep's haunted house as a customer. I know I will be a fun person for them because I scream at ANYTHING that startles, jumps, or scares. I think Kelsey and Jessica are coming with me, so if you are reading this and want to come along, just lemme know! Also on Tuesday, I am going to Atl to meet up with Tom and Ben to see MXPX and Relient K and Rufio in concert! YAY!!!!!!! Also, there are events going on all week for homecoming, and then this weekend, Tom is going to come up and see me. We are planning to go to the homecoming parade and maybe go see Elizabeth Town too, which I can't wait to see! Then the game is Saturday, and Henry, Dana, Dessie, and Dessie's boyfriend are coming up, so I think we are going to meet up with them-YAY! More fun times! I love this week!
Alrighty, well it's almost 5:00pm, and I have only had a pack of crackers today, so I am going to go eat some of my left over spaghetti-I'm starved!!!!
Before I go, I wanna give a huge shout out to Henry-HAPPY 23RD!!!
Much love yall,
Friday, October 07, 2005
UH OH...It's a Quiz
Yeah, yeah, I know ppl never want to do these, but my lil sis had it in her blog and I stole it! I like this one! PLEASE do this if you have the time...you can respond in email (mcp@uga.edu) or you can just leave me a message on here by copying and pasting the quiz and typing in your answers! It will make me SOOOO HAPPY. Please. Please make me happy. And you do have time. You can make time to make me smile! You can do the quiz in the bathroom if you have a laptop. You can do it during commercial breaks for that show you love and always make time to watch during the week. Tom, even you have time to take my quiz. And for all the rest of you guys..."Come ooooon....Come ooooonnnn!"(family guy! haha)
What would you do if:
1. I died?
2. I yelled at you?
3. I lived next door to you?
4. I started smoking?
5. I stole something?
6. I was hospitalized?
7. I ran away from home?
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?
What do you think about my:
9. Personality?
10. Eyes?
11. Hair?
12. Family?
Would you:
13. Be my friend?
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?
15. Hold my hand?
16. Take a bullet for me?
17. Keep in touch?
18. Try and solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Hate me?
Have you ever:
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to be my best friend?
23. Wanted to kill me?
24. Broken my heart?
25. Kept something important from me?
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying?
27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends?
30. Describe me in one word:
31. What was your first impression?
32. Do you still think that way about me now?
33. What reminds you of me?
34. If you could give me anything what would it be?
35. How well do you know me?
36. When's the last time you saw me?
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
38. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?
What would you do if:
1. I died?
2. I yelled at you?
3. I lived next door to you?
4. I started smoking?
5. I stole something?
6. I was hospitalized?
7. I ran away from home?
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?
What do you think about my:
9. Personality?
10. Eyes?
11. Hair?
12. Family?
Would you:
13. Be my friend?
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?
15. Hold my hand?
16. Take a bullet for me?
17. Keep in touch?
18. Try and solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Hate me?
Have you ever:
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to be my best friend?
23. Wanted to kill me?
24. Broken my heart?
25. Kept something important from me?
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying?
27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends?
30. Describe me in one word:
31. What was your first impression?
32. Do you still think that way about me now?
33. What reminds you of me?
34. If you could give me anything what would it be?
35. How well do you know me?
36. When's the last time you saw me?
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
38. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Farewell to Stinky Pete
Turtles smell funny. Pete ended up being just the right name...Stinky Pete. haha. Well, I called the UGA Vet school and they said they would take him since having a piece of metal stuck through your shell technically qualifies as "injured." Poor thing. He HATED the car ride over, but I had to do it. Anyway, he is safely in the hands of the wildlife specialists at UGA's Small Animal Clinic- one of the best in the country. And they said that the way the metal was in his shell was NOT a form of tagging. They said the way they do it allows for the tag to eventually come off. This was more like marking him so that if the person saw him again one day he would recognize the turtle. But you should never mark a turtle by driving a piece of metal through it's shell and twisting it up. How awful! He could have gotten snagged on something underwater and drowned or he could have gotten caught above water and never gotten to food or water and died. So mean! By the way, I looked up turtles online and from what I could tell in pictures and reading, I guessed him to be a "slider." They said I was right at the vet school! yay! lol.
Ok, Pete is well on his way to being released again to the wild. Probably at nasty Lake Harrick. Yuck.
The animal-lover who always has a bleeding heart for animals in need.
Ok, Pete is well on his way to being released again to the wild. Probably at nasty Lake Harrick. Yuck.
The animal-lover who always has a bleeding heart for animals in need.

This is my temporary pet, Pete. I actually named him Michaelangelo (My fave Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle), but Tom told me to give him a short name too, and he didn't like Mike, so I went with Pete. Anyway, Someone actually stuck a piece of metal through his shell. I am going to give him to the vet school at UGA or to the Biology department. I found him taking a walk on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. He's a big boy. Check out my moblog for more pics.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Sisterhood is sweet

This weekend was pretty good...
Friday...Tom came up, which (of course) made my night! We just hung out at the apartment, went to Mexacali and Marble Slab, and watched Conan, and stuff like that. It was a good time.
Saturday... Sadly, Tom had to leave with Davey for Theta Xi's big brother/lil brother retreat at Jackson Lake. I spent the entire day like a hermit-in my apartment and alone. I don't know why I did this. But I did. That night I had plans to go out with Jessica, and to make it even more fun, Kelsey and Erin joined us to go to see Just Like Heaven. That sounded sarcastic, but I wasn't being that way; I was excited they came too! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It rocked my face off. I think guys will like it too, and the guys that were in the theater seemed to find it pretty funny, but I don't know those ppl (undoubtedly there with their girlfriends and wives), so maybe they were faking their laughter. I doubt it. It sort of made me think of How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days in that is just had a lot of really good humor and a cute story line. Plus, I love Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon, so it just made it that much better.
Sunday...Today was our Gamma Phi Beta sisterhood retreat, and we road trip'd it to Lake Hartwell in South Carolina. It was pretty fun- the ride there and back was fun because I was with Jessica, Kelsey, Laura and Sophe. (Laura is Kelsey's little, and Sophe is my grand-lil (Jessica's lil)!) I had a blast riding around with them today. There was lots of yummy food provided at the retreat, and we also had a ton of fun swimming around in the lake. Now I know why Ben, Tom, and Will like to freak me out by talking about "freshwater sharks" and "catfish the size of VW Bugs" and whatever else when we go to Jackson Lake. Basically, I was swimming around and two sorority sisters, Natalie and Lauren, were with me. I turned to them and said..."So have yall seen Lake Placid?" Them: "No, why?" Me: "I haven't either, but it looks scary. It's about this HUGE aligator who is in a lake. It keeps eating people and their pets and stuff. It's gigantic!" Them: " DON'T SAY THAT!! You are scarying me! shut up!" Me : (evil laugh) "HAHAHAHA!!!" But I still hate it when the guys do it to me. At least Jackson Lake's a lot less likely to have a huge aligator than a huge catfish that can swallow you! *shudder* ugh.
When I got back from the lake, I came here and put up groceries and stuff. My hair was super curly from the lake making it wet and having it up on the ride home. I wish I could get it to do this whenever I wanted it to. It looks more natural than with a curling iron or some other way. But oh well. I am gonna go do some Spanish work now! Boo to returning to reality.
ps- the pics are from the trip today-the dam we passed on the way, the girls who were in the car with me, the pavilion there and the view!
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