OH MY GOSH. I have goosebumps from head to toe, and I just talked myself out of hyperventilating. I finished looking around on the internet...and I already blogged tonight, but seeing as it is 2:12, no one is awake to call, and I figured I would be blogging about this incident anyway, and I am so jittery now that I will be up paranoid for at least another hour...
Ok so I decided to get into bed, and I needed to wash my face, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, and use the bathroom. I really had to go, since I had been drinking water and just holding it while at my computer. So I go to the bathroom and see something in my toilet that I NEVER wanted to see there. A LIZARD. Yes. IN MY TOILET. Ok, yeah lizard's aren't the scariest of creatures- it could have been a snake or something, but trust me, anything that has found it's way into your toilet bowl without you putting it there is INCREDIBLY UNWELCOME. It looks like the friggin Geiko Gecko. well..he might be dead in the morning. After shrieking and jumping back into my bathroom counter, I ran downstairs, and tried not to cry. I do NOT like creepy crawly critters. Especially because I have this fear that a snake or something will come up and bite my rear end some day thanks to this true story I watched on tv of a rattle snake that came up through the pipes into someone's toilet. Just ask my lil sis, Jessica- she saw it too, and that was before we even knew each other. So yay- my fears were confirmed that things do indeed crawl up our pipes. And here is what really gets to me. Snakes eat things like frogs and lizards, so what if they go in out pipes after it!? AAAAUGH. So I went downstairs to use the bathroom (tentatively and after checking out the toilet bowl thoroughly).
Ok, so what's a girl to do? I decided to make use of a trick that my next door neighbors, and friends, at school failed miserably trying to pull on me- the plastic wrap over the toilet bowl trick. I grabbed what was left of our clear plastic wrap and put it over the bowl. Ok, first I had to lift the seat, and I did that with my foot, and I did it too hard, so it came crashing back down and the lizard ran to the other side of the bowl- the one nearest me. I freaked out and started to hyperventilate, almost cry, and quote "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" over and over. Then I thought about this blog and how I was going to write about it and how every one of my friends that reads this is going to make fun of me. (This is a big lizard. I mean he looks at least 7 inches long.) So I pulled it together, lifted the seat slowly, and captured his butt in the bowl. Every time he moved I shuddered. UGH. I wanted to call Tom, but realized he wasn't about to drive over here to do it for me and would just not find this funny at 2 am after he was trying to sleep. So I tried to be brave. But then I thought...what if the gecko-thingy gets to where he can't breathe and he tries to crawl OUT of the bowl anyway under the plastic? So then I grabbed tape and tried to secure it at various points throughout the whole thing and across it. Then I took pictures of this dude. Wanna see? I will do my best to post them. Just try to remember that when I walk Lucy I see lizards all the time and have no reaction, but when you are a girl, and every time you have to use the bathroom, you sit down, you DO NOT wanna see something gazing back at you from the toilet. Tomorrow morning, first thing, I am getting my mom up here to find someone to take care of the intruder.
Oh gosh..I still have goosebumps and I discovered him around 2:00am. UUUUUGGGGGH! Gross. it's awful.
I hope he doesn't have friends in my room somewhere. AAAUUUGH. I can't think that way. anything that moves at all has me freaked out now.
Goodnight for real this time.
ps- Beth........you can't read this and not think of that one time....Our lil secret. lol G^2 forever, girl! lol
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