That's the kind of weekend I had-FUN. It was so nice to be tired because I was having so much fun that I was up late instead of because I was doing SO much work that I couldn't go to bed until late and had to get up early.
Friday I went to Atlanta. I FINALLY got to meet Alejandra's boyfriend, James, and he is so nice. He and Tom are very much alike, and we all got along really well. After eating and hanging out at Alejandra's place, we all four went to meet Justin and Jennifer and Justin's roommie Lance at the theater to watch
Silent Hill. That was a waste of 2 hours of my life. WHAT A STUPID MOVIE. By the end we were all making fun of it. After that, Tom and I returned Alejandra and James to her place then went to Theta Xi, where we picked up some guys and went out to Malibu Grand Prix-a racetrack, arcade, and putt-putt place. It was SOOO fun. I raced against 6 guys and got SOAKED because it was raining and there were puddles all over the track. But I held my own....I was going too fast on some turns and spun around a lil and I also nailed the edges of the track a few times, but it was fun. We got back around 5 AM, and we were all SO tired.
After waking up around 2:00pm on Saturday, I did laundry at Tom's, and watched
Y Tu Mama Tambien for Spanish so I could write a review on it. That movie....way to sexual for my liking. That's all I have to say about that on here. Tom took me to Marble Slab bc I was CRAVING like CRAZY some ice cream, and then we were stuck in our parking place for a while because the ppl who came in behind us were too close. Then that night Zach Harris and Liz and Chris-Jessica's roommate and her boyfriend, came over to hang out. Daniel's brother Zach also came over, and so did Justin and Jennifer. We all had pizza and hung out till about 3AM. It was SO fun, and the guys were cracking us up all night. Get them all together, and they are hilarious! =)
I had to come back to Athens earlier than usual today because we had Gamma Phi Beta's Senior Celebration at 6:30. It was at East West and only cost $7 (free for seniors). When it was finished, Claire and I went down to Cold Stone because we were both craving something sweet. I think I have had in this weekend all the ice cream I am ever allowed to have again-Marble Slab AND Cold Stone. What a fattie!! haha.
Oh yeah! I got my hair cut Thursday, and I am so happy with it! It was so long and heavy, very unattractive in my opinion. I was just tired of it. So I got it cut and now it is SO much lighter! =) I took a before and after picture that I will post on here, but I think it is funny because I happened to look AWFUL in the before picture-not just my hair, but also my face. And then in the after picture, I am so much happier that I just look better, so it's like I had a makeover though all I did is change my hair. lol =) Pics at the top....
Also at the top is a pic of some of the girls that performed in Beta Choral Cup and me at Chilis the other night after Beta Choral Cup. We didn't place, but we did a good job, and I am SO HAPPY that it is OVER!!!!!!!!!! Oh happy day! It totally consumed my life, and I am so happy that it is done! I was SO sick and tired of those practices and ALLLL of the other stuff that it entailed that I had to do. Thank goodness it is over! =)
In other news, Mandy is supposed to have a baby by tomorrow, and no later than by Tuesday! I CAN'T WAIT to see pictures and finally find out what they are going to name her! =) I won't have to call her "baby Fill" or "Gwyndolen" as Ben refers to her, anymore! =) I wanted to go with Tom this coming Saturday to see her, but it turns out that I had already said I would babysit that night and couldn't find a replacement. Stinks for me, but what can I do-Can't break a promised babysitting job.
It's supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow!! YAYUH!!!